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Hello guys am back.

Word count: 1348

Linda's POV
I woke up that morning with a throbbing headache.
It was so painful that getting up was actually making me to think twice.
I turned to look at the window, it was a small window in which the glass that covered it had changed from colourless to that of dirty brown, I used my little energy to get up and then I walked to the window.
It was then I realized that it was beyond my reach.
I groaned and then tried to see if at least I could open it but it was locked.
Did they think I would escape ??
I walked into the bathroom to freshen up but I didn't see any body wash or shampoo.
All I saw was a small dirty soap which I guessed was left here when the last person that used this room left.
I sighed.
I washed my face and then I saw my toothbrush inside the sink with a little toothpaste.
At least I could brush my teeth.
I quickly brushed my teeth and set out to my room.
I scanned the room so that I could at least find a clue of the person who who stayed here but all I saw was torn clothes and a bracelet.
I sighed.
I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door, I flinched a little but instead the knock came harder and I felt the already weak door about to fall off it's hook.
I stood up and then opened the door but I was pushed abruptly by the person on the other side and I fell to the ground.
I looked up and saw Taylor.
Stupid kid.
He bent down to my level and smiled mischievously.
' mum's girl how are you doing?' he asked and I fought the urge to give him a slap knowing fully well the consequences.
' you wouldn't want to know ' I said fighting off my anger.
' I see you are not ready to talk, but I came to give you a quick update ' he said as he made that statement and I felt that what he was going to say won't do me any good.
' and what is that and how does it concern me ?' I snapped and within seconds I was taken off the floor and thrown to the edge of the room.
This only increased the throbbing headache that was affecting me more and more and the Taylor walked up to me and lifted me off the floor with my neck.
I struggled trying to kick him at least to let go but he tightened his grip and that made me to cough. I was fighting for breath now.
' why don't you just kill me huh ?' I asked in between breathing.
And as he heard what I said he laughed hard and then left me to fall on the floor.
As soon as he let go my hands went straight to my neck which was burning with pain.
He walked to the bed and sat down and then turned to me.
' I can't mum's girl, I can't kill you '  he said as he brought his head on his hands.
' you know why ?' he asked and I shacked my head Implying no.
' because I want you to suffer ' and I gasped at what he said.
What the fuck
I was still in my trance as a result of what he said and I didn't notice when he came close and I moved back ward till I couldn't move as a result of the wall stopping me.
' I want you to feel the way I felt when my mother stopped giving me the attention I needed ' his smile turned to a frown.
' do you remember when I wanted her to stay with me but she insisted that she wanted to go to the mall with you ' he asked.
I nodded.
God how could he remember that ?
That day I was sick and we were actually going to the hospital but she didn't even tell me because I didn't like going to hospitals.
She lied that she was taking me to the mall.
' She lied to you Taylor, your mum can never leave you for me ' she said as a whisper.
' my mum never lies, she prefer not telling your than to lie to you, do you remember when she said that? And am sure she did so concerning your real parents '
I gasped he read the letter.
' I was going to the hospital that day Taylor ' I yelled and I return was a slap.
I held my cheek and it burned with pain. I looked up to see a monster called Taylor standing in front of me.
' you should mind the way you talk to the next Alpha you know ' he said as he got up smiling and walking to the door.
He turned back to me.
' someone would come to tell you your duties '
' Taylor you won't make me do chores would you ?' I asked
' I bet you will ' with that he left banging the door behind him.
Ouch how could he not believe me
Then I felt what Lukas told me was so so so true
I tried to get up and the my hand felt a piece of paper and u turned to take a look.
I saw the picture of Maria.
What is Maria's picture doing here ?
I asked and I knew I would never get an answer.
Soon enough someone came In.
Emilia !!
I stood up to meet her but she pushed off balance and I fell again to the floor.
' Emilia whatever they told you about me isn't true ' i said but her expression didn't change all she did was to walk into the room.
' your duties would be to prepare breakfast before 8 morning and nights, clean the whole hallway in the pack house, wash the dishes, take Lukas clothes to ......' she trailed off.
Then I realized, Emilia was forced to behave this way towards me but I wasn't sure but her expression said it.
' Linda am so sorry for what am doing, it's Lukas ' she said looking behind her if someone was coming.
' I know Emilia am just so surprised at the way it was so fast, but don't worry it would soon be over ' I said reassuring myself all though I knew there was no plan of me getting out of here.
' Linda am going to help you to escape ' she said holding my hands.
' what!! ' I was shocked. ' how ?' I asked
' I don't know but I will, I can't stand you like this and I have made up my mind to help you ' she said. I just nodded.
' all you have to do is play along and within days you would me out I promise ' she said hugging me at I smiled knowing fully well that Emilia was still by my side she quickly stood up and her expression changed to the one that she used to enter the room.
' ready ?' she asked and I nodded.
' as I was saying dress Lukas room every morning by 9 ' she said.
Knowing the fact that I would always be dressing Lukas room every morning was like a headache on it's own.
She left and closed the door behind her.
I sighed and stood up planning on starting my duties.
If I wanted to leave this place I have to play along real good.
But the fact that Emilia mentioned days was making frown due to the fact that I was still going to spend some days in hell.
Anyway I was so glad that she wasn't against me unless I wouldn't even know if I was going to leave this place.
Maria was really watching over me like she said.

Sorry guys for the late update.
I had an online lesson with which I started late so I had to start writing late.
But at least I wrote something and kept up to my promise.
Thanks for reading.

From your lovely author.

Valery 😘 😘😘

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