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Hello guys am back.

Word count: one thousand eight hundred and thirty four.

Linda's POV.

As we walked up stairs i started looking around.
The whole jouse so far was magnificent and awesomely beautiful, maybe iys because i havent stepped out of my pack that why i never thoight something like this existed.
As we kept on walking we got to the 4th floor and then past series of doors before getting to one.
There was a sticky note on the door and something was written on it which says,
Olivia tore the sticky note out the then threw it into the waste been beside the door.
She opened it and then walked in and motioned for me to get in. I followed suit and saw a magnificent room.
Why is everything in here just so perfect ??
' this will be your room ' olivia said as she sat in the bed.
I was speechless and I just stared blankly at her until I could say something.
' thank you Olivia I ....I.. ' I went blank again.
This situation was too surprising for me to hear, I was actually doubting whether am dreaming of not and if I was I wanted never to wake up.
' come on Linda what do you expect ' she asked.
Is that meant to be a question ?
Just some hours ago I was running away not thinking someone will ever help me but now not only that, I have been given a very satisfying room and have been accepted.
' am sure you would want to take a shower so I will leave you now to freshen up and I will be back with clothes okay ?' She said as she got up and I just nodded which made her to leave closing the door behind her.
I looked around once more digging the beautiful image in front of me.
I decided to go freshen up and ask I entered the bathroom I was once again speechless.
Did they prepare a place like this just for a stranger ??
I just wished this where I was sent to instead of my pack but I was happy now at least I could have a good night sleep without haveing being whipped or beaten.
Having to remember those incidents made tears to form in my eyes.
I wiped it out almost immediately and faced the mirror.
I wonder how Emilia is doing ?
Did they find out she helped me ?

' stop your negative thoughts Linda ' Nina said almost in a yell.
Nina is my wolf and she just leaves me at certain times and then jump in anytime am having a private yet calm thought.
' ooh sonyou are back ?' I asked.
' come on I told you that since you didn't agree with ne on killing Taylor I won't talk to you ' she said.
' Nina Taylor is Alpha, we can't possibly kill him and even if we do the pack members will come after us ' i snapped.
God one thing with Nina is that she sometimes don't think before going into actions and when I do she shuts me up.
' yeah yeah whatever we are out n9w so I am out too ' she said.
I sighed.
' so aren't yii happy ?' She asked.
' why not but I don't still believe ' I said.
' do you ever believe in anything Linda, you don't believe in yourself ' she snapped.
I was really getting tired of her talk and I locked her out.
I resumed staring at the mirror and then decided to shower.

When I was done creaming my hair I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel round me and as I stepped out I saw Olivia smiling.
' sorry for keeping you waiting ' I apologized knowing fully well how long inspent in the bathroom.
' no need to apologize, I actually just came in now and I went to the mall to get you clothes ' she said as she dropped them on the dressing table.
' the mall, you wouldn't have done that for me ' as i said that her smile faded and I frown mafe its way on her face.
' why shouldn't I ? You dont need to behave so distant okay, you are inr of our family now and I always wished to have a daughter but let me say the moon goddess blessed me with two hard boys, so you must not feel that am stressing myself for you okay, so uour can call me mum if you like. 'She said as a smile came back to her face. And I smiled too. And also nodded.
' okay so why were you running away from your pack ?' She asked as she sat on the bed.
I sighed.
' I ....I..' I didn't even know where to start from.
' ooh your mum and dad ?' She asked as she drew me closer to her.
' am perentless, i mean my parents dumped me when I was born, I didn't even have the chance to know them. ' i said trying to hold back the tears.
' what why would they do such a thing ?' She frowned.
I sighed.
' I was being tormented that's why I ran away '
' you were what !!' She stood up this time.
' who, I mean who tormented you? God thats against the law, who would do such thing ' she said and then she froze.
She just glared at me and I was confused.
I followed her gaze and it landed on me right arm.
There was a huge scar that was given to me when Taylor whipped me with a silver chain.
' who did that to you?' She asked looking so angry.
' Olivia calm down okay ' I tried to say and it only made matters worse.
' what !! Someone did that to you and you are covering the person up?' She yelled.
' Olivia i have syffered enough and bringing him into my life again will do me harm, he would be searching for me right now and him knowing where I am would put me in danger by not only him but his pack members ' I said as I started crying.
I felt her hands over me and I looked up to see her angry face now in a worry.
' Linda am sorry if i over reacted but that person needs to be put in a silver cell ' she said calmly but i could still feel the anger in her voice.
' yeah i know but if he knows am not going to be safe anylonger ' i said in a pleading tone and all she did was to nod.
' okay then if you say so, but have in mind that nothing will happen to you if you are here okay ?' She said.
I nodded.
' okay then, let's try these clothes ' she said as her jovial mood came back and I smiled too.
We started trying out clothes as we discussed about her pack and all sort of stuffs.
I discovered that her pack name was purity pack and they made up of about 3000 pack members and only about 300 of them stayed here which was the pack house.
It was fun knowing about this place and it looked pretty nice too calling Oliver mum.
When we were done she said that she was going to prepare dinner and then i coud join her as soon as I was done, I nodded and then she left the room, closing the door behind her.
I decided to dress up fast and then I wore a sweater and leggings and decided to put on a nike sneakers too.
I looked into the mirror and I was surprised how my real beauty was hidden all these years and I laughed at my thiught.
As I was about to open my door I could hear voices and people moving up and down the hallway.
Olivia told me the pack members went for training and would be back in minutes.
Would they accept me ?
I asked myself but I knew there was no one to answer that question.
Soon Nina's words rang through my head.
Believe in yourself Linda.
I sighed and then opened the door. As i did that I came in contact with a lady I assume was the same age as me.
She just glared at me and I felt she was going to mock me like in my pack but she just looked at the room number and then smiled and looked at what I was wearing.
To be frank I was melting under this girl's gaze and it was so uncomfortable too.
' hey you are wearing the same color as much own sweater !! ' she kinda yelled.
I looked at her sweater and she was right we wore exactly the same type and I just nodded.
' you are new right ?' She asked. And I nodded again.
' nice, am Stacy and you are ?'
' am Linda ' I said and she held my hands and dragged me out of the room.
' hey can we be friends ?' She asked again and I nodded once more.
' thanks, are you out Alpha's mate ?' That question shocked me.
' nope why do you ask ?'
' just asking '
With that we went to the dinning room and saw that the room was almost filled up with pack members.
The room fell silent as as I walked in and I bowed my head down.
Stacy dragged me to a two empty seat and I sat beside her.
I looked up and I saw everyone gaze still on me.
I decided to say something
' hello sorry but am new here eeem.....' I was interrupted.
' you are welcome ' the whole room said in unison and I was relieved. Their murmurings continued and stopped as two guys stepped in.
In which one of them was Stefan and I guessed the other eas his brother, the Alpha.
The Alpha guy looked round the room until his eyes fell on me.
He whispered something to Stefan and the Stefan whispered back.
They walked across the table on sat down opposite us. It was then u noticed that me and Stacy sat at the top part of the table and the remaining two seats left were for Olivia and her husband.
I became nervous a d then Stefan spoke up.
' Hey Linda how are you enjoying your day ?' He asked
' its fine and your family is welcoming, thanks ' I said smiling.
' no need ' he said and relaxed back on his seat.
The Alpha was just there staring at me like I was just dropped from earth and then his gaze flew from me as soon as Olivia and her mate stepped in.
Her mate eyes also dropped on mine and I was feeling like the earth should open and swallow me.
' is she Maddox's mate ?' He asked so loud that the room turned and looked at me.
' yes she is. ' The Alpha guy said as he looked at me.

What !!!!

Sorry for the late update guys but at least I didnt actually keep you guys waiting.
So vote and comment.

From your lovely author.

Valery 😘😘😘

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