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Hello guys am back !!!

Word count: 1152

Linda's POV

When my eyes opened I only saw darkness. I sighed and closed it again thinking that by the time I open it I would see something.
I opened it again and I saw the same darkness.
What the fuck.
Immedaitly the events that occurred before I passed out came rushing in my memory.
I was kidnapped.
I was caught by Taylor.
God why did he get me so easily.
Why didn't he just let me stay for at least a day.
I started feeling so uncomfortable in my position and then as I shifted I felt a sharp pain on my wrist.
Wolf bane ??
I was chained with silver and with any move I make it have a sharp pain on my wrist making me to stay on my uncomfortable position
I sighed as I decided to just stare at my surroundings.
One part of me told me that this wasn't Taylor's pack but the other didn't just want to believe.
I was solely in my thoughts till I heard a sound.
I turned my eyes to the direction of the sound although the place was dark I could see a firgure coming into the room.
It's Taylor.
The more my mind told me that the more scared I became.
Because I knew fully well what my actions would bring up on me.
I heard a switch and then the lights came on.
I was in an empty room with me chained with silver and sitting in the middle of the room.
The room was painted Yellow but it was now faded.
And also it was covered in dry blood.
I was going to be killed, I told myself before I then noticed the man in front of me.
He had brown eyes, actually melted chocolate color. He was tall and a bit huge and then stood about 6'2 above me.
He leaned in and then narrowed his eyes at me.
I picked up the courage to talk actually covering the fear in me.
If I wanted to know where I am I had to speak.
' excuse me ?' I said and the man stood back as if surprised that I could talk.
' so you are awake ' he said.
' why won't I when you guys put me in an uncomfortable position, and chained me with wolf bane ' I snapped.
The guy narrowed his eyes at me again and leaned in.
Ouch maybe that sentence was way too harsh.
' miss, you would like to keep your insults to your self if you want to leave here alive ' he said almost in a whisper.
I flinched as he mentioned me being dead and I looked around my sorroundings.
This place must likely be a slaughter room.
Taylor had something like this but his own is more disgusting than this.
I breathed in imagining how I could be killed in this place.
' am sorry ' I replied.
' good for you. So who sent you ?' he asked and I got so annoyed.
You kidnapped me and you are asking who sent me ?
I actually said that in my head so no one heard it apart from me.
' if I could remember, I was kidnapped ' I said
' I know rogue ' he said looking annoyed.
' hey am not a rogue ' I snapped.
How could he call me that.
' actually you are, you were caught up in my territory without permission '
' so that's what rogue are ?' I asked seeming foolish.
' not really but close '
' I am not a rogue, I was running from someone ' I said remembering Taylor.
' ooh mum and dad are giving you a hard time right ?' he said smirking.
' can you stop making fun of me ?'
' okay so continue '
' I am parentless ' I said looking down and he suddenly turned to me.
' what !!'
' you heard me, I was running from my tormentor '
' and who would that be ?' he asked
' you don't need to know but please I have to go at least to sleep somewhere for the night ' I sighed knowing that I had no where to go.
' hmmmm you could stay with my family ' he said and I rose my head up almost immediately.
' you say what ' I asked again to be sure if I heard correctly.
' you heard me miss, so get ready to move ' he said as he turned to leave.
' eem sorry but am chained ' I said
' ooh ' he said and came over, wore a hand glove and then removed the chain.

We walked out of that disgusting place and we kept walking untill we started seeing houses.
We stopped by a red car and then he opened the door for me and then shut it after me.
He walked to the other side and then entered the car.
In no time we were off.
I can't believe it, one moment am running another am going to a nice house. I just pray they accept me.
We pulled up in front of a large gate which atuomatically opened and I was shocked at the beautiful compound I was staring at.
The puoch was awesome the flowers around it were beautiful too.
I didn't even notice I was deeply in thought untill I felt someone tapping me.
' hey get out of your imagination and get down !!' the guy said.
I jumped down immedaitly and apologized.
We walked to the pouch and then he rang the bell. He rang it about two times and then decided to knock this Time when a beautiful woman in her late forties opened the door.
She grinned as she looked at me.
' Stefan why didn't you call to tell me you found your mate ?' she asked 
' mum she isn't my mate, she was lost and .....' the woman interrupted.
' ooh so you are becoming the nice warrior right ?' she said again.
She smiled alot which made me to like her but I didn't know if the feeling was mutual.
' come on mum ' the guy which I assumed his name was stafan sighed and walked inside the house.
' ooh my dear sorry for my lack of manners come in ' she ushered me in to the house and then I gasped.
The inside was magnificent.
' come on darling what's your name ?' she asked.
' sorry my name is Linda ' I replied looking downward.
' don't be shy, you are welcome, you can call me Olivia ' she said and then I raised my face up to see a smiling woman.
Wow am accepted.
It made me so happy about what she said and then I smiled back.
' come on let me show you your room ' with that she walked upstairs and I followed suit.

Maybe am free after all.

Sorry guys for the late update.
I had issues with Wattpad but now it's resolved.
Enjoy the chapter??
Please comment and tell me what you think about it.

From your lovely author.

Valery 😘😘😘

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