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Kiki's Pov

Sighing heavily as my best friend reminded me again, the cheery tone of her voice filled the room, "Kiki, I swear if you don't find a new secretary soon, the cause of your death is gonna be overload of stress and work."

She was right, life has been hell for me but I have endured enough to know that it would be a bad mistake to let another stranger enter my life. I was 6 years old when my parents died in a car accident and 20 years later I became the CEO of one of the world's famous company. Still a single pringle and still a workaholic until a year ago I fell in love with my secretary.

It was all roses and hearts. However, it had always been a game for her and I was just a side chick. Crying and spending money on at least 16 shots of vodka in a nightclub was when I met Esther. That was the first time I've ever felt friendship. 26 years old but my only trust is with Esther. Heck, I don't even trust myself!

Rolling my eyes as she speaks, I swatted her away, "Girl if you don't shut up I'm calling the guards." Esther whined and nudged me with a pout on her face, "Please consider it...I don't want you to suffer. This is your chance to have your so-called revenge too."

I laughed menacingly as the bitter memories arise, anger surging through my veins. She had the audacity to show up in my life, make it a mess and leave me hanging. However, waking up at 7am and working till 3am is a pathetic life. The amount of pressure that mounts on me is astronomical. Perhaps Esther is right, it is time for a change.

"Fine...you win."

"Finally after a fucking year of being a moron!" The smile on her face beamed with relief and excitement as she engulfed me in a tight koala hug.

"Alright then, imma just prepare an interview that will be held tomorrow afternoon so ya better get your ass ready! Also, maximum candidates?" She whipped out a notebook and started jotting down details.

"Tomorrow? Are you crazy? There won't be enough time-"

"How. Many?" She shot me a glare.

"Same as last year." I sighed while massaging my temples. There's no way to change her mind.

"Ok so 20. Alright then. My job here is done, have a good rest today!" The door then slammed with a wild Esther squealing and yelling out the piece of news while running down the halls.

I chuckled as a flood of cheers was heard. Guess Esther was not the only excited one. As my eyes darted to the piles of files in front of me again, I sighed once more. I swore my hair was growing white with everything cramping up in my head.

Work is one thing but is this decision, right?

Carrying this thought till 2am, I stopped by a convenience store near my mansion street. Hunger was getting the best of me. Grabbing a bunch of instant noodles, I made my way to the cashier with my credit card ready for payment.

Thinking I could finally go back home, enjoy my dinner and get some fucking sleep, I heaved a sigh of relief and content. Yet, of course, god just hates me.

"Stop disobeying my words bitch." A rough and narcissistic voice mumbled behind me, followed by a helpless whimper of a girl's voice. I shrugged it off thinking it was just hallucination from exhaustion.

However, I was definitely wrong.

"We'll go to my place so give your parents a fucking call." It went silent until the sound of struggling was heard.

Who the hell was that idiotic to even abuse their girlfriend in the open? Well whatever their business was, I am not gonna be a part of it. Ignore Kiki, just walk away and don't get involved.

That was going to be my mindset until I heard a sharp sound. That motherfucker did not just slap the girl. Turning around swiftly, I harshly grabbed his hand before he could land another hit on her.

"Mister, I advice you to piss off now while you still have your dick attached." The tone of my voice laced with venom as I glared straight into his eyes.

That ugly rat laughs like it is a joke, "Don't be jealous, whoever you are you can join us for a threeso-"

I rolled my eyes and kicked him right at his crotch, hard, leaving him on the car park floor groaning in pain.

Pulling the still traumatised girl away from that disgusting creature and stared into her eyes, "Are you alright?"

She was wearing a mask so I couldn't see her face except for her huge eyes which were extremely stunning. Under the light of a street lamppost, they illuminate like diamonds under sunlight, emphasising the hazel brown rings in her pupil.

She nodded slowly and answered, "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it...How can I repay you?" Her voice is like honey-coated in even more honey! Does that even make sense?

"You don't have to. Just forget about that rat and live your life." Funny how I'm the one here giving the advice.

Her eyes smiled as she bowed twice in gratitude. "I will never forget about your kindness Ms. Thanks once again..." I waved her goodbye as she got into her car.

I then get into mine and drove home. It's a pity that she couldn't get to see who her beautiful saviour was because of my mask. Didn't want the stupid paparazzi following me home like last time when I thought 2am was too late for people to even care about me. Apparently I was wrong.

I didn't know why but somehow, I wished I could see her once more. Probably just the curiosity.

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now