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Warning: There will be smut in this chapter so pls skip this if you're sensitive with the topic.

Just like that three months have passed. They have gotten much closer and seldom argue. Though, of course Jiaqi would still flirt with Xueer and she would just swat her away like a regular routine. Jiaqi was still trying to win Xueer's heart while Xueer just merely sees her as a friend. She wasn't gonna quit like what she had said a month ago, in fact, she treats their relationship as a boss and secretary one and also a friendship one. Because of this, Jiaqi was on the verge of giving up on pursuing the dense lady in front of her. That is until an unexpected incident happened on a Saturday.

Kiki's POV

With all the stress and pursuing Xueer situation going on in my mind, it was extremely hard to concentrate during work. So, I headed to the one and only place where all my worries and thoughts would vanish. The loud and polluted music, the different flashing colours of lights, the bodies of everyone against each other as sweat dripped down our necks--- the nightclub. Like the old me, drinking down my sorrows and just enjoying myself, not giving a damn about the world. I couldn't even care less if paparrazi was right there taking photos of me.

Sitting down on my usual spot, my favourite bartender spotted me and yelled over the music, "The usual?" I nodded with a cheeky grin stretched across my face, "Ya know me too well Keyin." While waiting for my drinks, I scanned the crowd as my toungue clicked. As usual, the dudes were all over the girls who did nothing but go along. My eyes then landed on another icy pair. The gorgeous lady nodded with a tiny smile on her face while I returned it and as soon as my drinks came, I started downing down all 10 shots of vodka at once, wanting to immediately forget about everything.

Right then, I felt a presence next to me. It was the same girl. "Mind my company?" I smirked and raised a brow, "Of course not." My face heated up and my world started to spin euphorically. We shared a couple words and soon, her hands started travelling up my thighs. I grinned lazily and leaned in, "No need to rush babe, let's take it slow. We have allll the time." Right then, I gently pulled her towards me and started kissing her. Though from the corner of my eye, I could see flashes from cameras, I continued on with our pda. Keyin saw us and laughed, "Not in front of my salad you horny people." I teased her before pulling the girl with me onto the dance floor.

Slamming the girl onto a wall, I hungrily kissed her neck and had my knees between her legs while pinning her wrists down. She was a moaning mess which turned me on even more. We then started making out again and as I was about to carry her up stairs into a vip room, someone yanked me off the girl and pulled me away while screaming strings of profanities which I couldn't even comprehend because of the music. I didn't even have a good look at the nosey girl who interrupted what could be a good fuck.

"What are you doing! Stop dragging me! You just interrupted my possible fuck! Arghhh! Do you know how much I need to distract myself right now! That was my only chance! That girl was also so gorgeous! Who do you think you are?" I forced my hands out of her vice like grip while ranting and glared at the back of the girl. Her back looked incredibly familiar though...too familiar..wait a minute. What the hell? My eyes widened as the girl faced me, that was when I knew I'm fucked up.

"What did you just say?" Her voice stern and laced with anger. I gulped and mentally face palmed, "X..xueer? I didn't mean my words. Forget what I just said." I burried my face into my palms as I cussed at myself. Why was she even here in the first place? Xueer's dark fury eyes bored into mine as her face turned redder and redder. "You should be thankful I drove all the way here from my house to this stupid place just for you!" A loose grin immediately replaced my frown as I heard her words. Was she concerned about me?

"Sounds like you're concerned for me." I teased while giggling, of course the alcohol is still in my system. She furiously replied, "Of course I am! I'm your friend!" My mind was just full of the word 'friend' as I tried to keep calm. The reason why I'm in the nightclub at the first place obviously did not work out. I growled frustratedly and slammed her against the wall while venting all my emotions, "Stop fucking calling me your friend. Are you that dense to not notice the love and affection i feel for you! Is that not obvious enough! What more do you want!" Warm tears rolled down from my bloodshot eyes to my cheeks as I stared right into her frightened ones. "When i want to fuck another girl you just had to interrupt. Can't you see I'm trying to move on since you obviously do not care at all!" I cried out, not caring if people around us started spotting us.

"Stop being so selfish. Let me move on from all this pain if you're truly my so called friend. Let me fuck others. Let me move on from you and lose all my romantic affections for you. That's the least you can do." With my head hung low, my voice softened down as it started breaking. I sniffed and glared at her one last time and turned my back, wanting to return to that girl. However, Xueer's soft small hands grabbed mine and pulled me towards her. Without hesitating, her lips were already moving against mine. She leaned back and said loud enough for me to hear over the music, "Then stop flirting with other girls."

I leaned back in and we started making out. Our toungues fighting for dominance as our lips moved, of course I won. Moving down to her neck, I started sucking hard on her skin and bit it between my teeth. She started moaning as I moved to her collarbone. After leaving countless hickeys all over her neck and collarbones, I carried her up stairs to the vip room, gently placed her on the bed amd locked the door.

"You sure you want to do this? If you're still straight after what just happened downstairs, tell me now before I advance." She shook her head and nodded with lust clouding her eyes, "You just confirmed my sexuality. Though for me to accept your love, I will still need time." I got on top of her and slowly removed her clothes piece by piece while replying, "I know you'll need time. Take you're time. As long as you know my feelings for you, I'm satisfied." As my eyes scanned her beautiful body, she covered herself, a red tint appearing on her face. I smiled and pried her hands off, "Don't be shy, be confident with your body because damn ma, you should."

Just like that, I closed the space between us and begin leaving pecks down her neck to her breast and gently teased her nipple with my toungue. She moaned and gripped the sheets while I advanced down onto her core. My toungue lapped hungrily at her clit. Xueer started riding my face as her moans turned into intensifying ones, meaning she was close. I thrusted my tounge deeper and could feel her g spot, that was when she gripped onto my hair and screamed my name, "Ahh Kiki, faster!" I obeyed and thrusted at a faster rate, soon she was cumming all over my face.

I sucked all of her sweet juices and moaned teasingly, "Mm you taste so sweet." She blushed as sweat trickled down her body. Of course I wasn't done yet, it had only just begun. Without any warning, I inserted one finger into her pussy which made her whimper. "Kitty, we're still not done yet." I smirked and slowly added a second finger. With a slow pace, my fingers thrusted in and out of her, earning muffled moans from her. "Faster and deeper...more." She moaned as her hips bucked. I teased her a bit more and finally added a third finger, thrusting all the way in and at a much faster rate. With the sudden depth and speed, she began moaning all over, sounding like music to my ears. As she was close, I stopped all movements and whispered in her ears, "Ride your orgasm out Kitty." Like a kitten, she obeyed and started grinding against my fingers. Her head thrown back as her eyes rolled back, "Ahhhh, i'm so close.."

Right then, she started jerking hard and was a moaning mess again. Once she cummed, I removed my fingers and seductively licked her juices off them while maintaining eye contact with Xueer. We both laid on the bed and only her shaky breaths were heard.

"What are we gonna do about the bed?" She broke the silence and stared at my side profile. I smiled, "I own this club. This vip room belongs to me." She glared at me, turned the other way around and huffed, "You're such a playgirl. You must have done it so many times on this bed." I hugged her from the back and whispered next to her ears, "You're right. But if you give me a chance, I will not be fucking girls left and right. Because you can change me, i know it." She remained silent as I continued, "It's the first time I've ever felt so attracted to a person in my whole life, Kong Xueer."

She turned around and looked right into my eye, "How can I believe you if literaly an hour ago you were about to fuck another girl?" I rolled my eyes playfully and replied while smilling, "That was when I wanted to move on from you. Now I see hope." Xueer grinned cutely and hugged me, "Thank you for your tiny inspirational speech just now, by that I mean spitting in my face while crying. You made me realise how stupid I was the whole time."

I nuzzled my face into her collarbones, "You better be thankful. I embarrassed myself in front of everyone." She giggled and soon, we fell asleep, safe and sound within one another's embrace.

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now