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Xueer's POV

As we strolled back home, the morning snowflakes gently caressed our faces. The comfortable silence engulfed us while the whistling of the soft breeze could only be heard. We didn't need any talking, we just needed each other's presence.

The sky was turning a hazy blue as it slowly brightened, the glowing light highlighting Jiaqi's stunning features, especially the golden tint in her stunning eyes. "Take a picture, it would last longer." She cheekily grinned while glancing at me. I was probably blushing badly for being caught staring at her.

Quickly overcoming my embarrassment, I decided to smile back, "Why would I take a picture when the real art is right in front of my eyes?" Her eyes widened a little as a red hue gradually crept up her cheeks, obviously not expecting that.

Sooner or later we arrived back at my home to be greeted by a familiar scent of honey blueberry scones and a warm voice. "You girls are home right on time! I just finished baking these for breakfast. Wash your hands first before digging in alright?" Mother signalled before heading upstairs probably going to wake father up.

Jiaqi excitedly squealed and nudged me, "I was literally just searching up a recipe on blueberry scones last night! By any chance, is Ms Kong a mind reader?" Giggling at her weird assumptions, I gently slapped her shoulder and rolled my eyes playfully, "Yea, she's totally a mind reader." Jiaqi pouted cutely sulked following behind me.

Once she bit into it, Jiaqi's eyes dramatically widened while her facial expression suddenly turned into meme, "This is one of the best pastries I have ever tasted!" Laughing at her, I smiled, "Glad you like them. My mother has been making them since I was little but only on special occasions."

Jiaqi grabbed another scone and munched on them while I watched her eat. How can someone look so damn adorable just by eating? Noticing the blueberry jam smudging all over her lips, I giggled and unconsciously reached for a piece of napkin and wiped her mouth, "You little pig."

Acting offended, Jiaqi placed a hand over her chest before teasing, "A little pig that you love." I sighed exasperatedly while she chuckled at my reaction. "Yea yea you win."

After a while, father and mother came and I immediately grew tense. I have completely forgotten about the situation between Jiaqi and father. However, father and Jiaqi greeted each other with smiles like nothing happened yesterday. What did I exactly miss? Glancing at Jiaqi, I furrowed my brows while she flashed a secretive yet cheeky grin.

"Good morning pa, ma, sister Xueer and- Blueberry scones! My favourite!" Emma came stumbling down the stairs and hopped into her seat, that eager to start eating. I shook my head and laughed while Jiaqi feigned hurt as Emma ignored her for food.

Time passed by quickly as Jiaqi, Emma and I played countless of games while father and mother watched some movies and started preparing dinner. Jiaqi and I were also left alone when Emma went out to the nearby playground to play with the other kids.

"So...What do you wanna do now? Watch some carol movies?" Scratching my nape, I awkwardly smiled as I nervously played with the hem of my sweater. Jiaqi was sitting there with a gaze so intense she could slice metal apart. Realising how it was just the two of us in a room with a fricking king sized bed, I was so distracted with my thoughts that I did not notice Jiaqi shifting closer.

Without a word, Jiaqi gently crept next to me as her intimidating gaze suddenly turned soft, "Let's cuddle, I'm feeling really cold..." I released a breath I didn't even know I was holding in as she rested her head on my shoulder. Geez, you should've said that before giving me wrong ideas with that gaze of yours Xu Jiaqi.

We soon fell asleep as the subtle sound of Christmas songs from the living room's radio travelled by with my arm around her while she leaned against me.

As a few hours passed by, a loud knock on the door made us jolt out of sleep, followed by mother's voice, "Girls it's time for our Christmas dinner!" Stretching and yawning, I stood up with Jiaqi reluctantly following as she rubbed her eyes like a baby. We then washed our faces and headed downstairs where the table was lain with a lacey tablecloth. On top was dishes purely made of love and of course the giant iconic stuffed turkey. Mother, father and Emma were already seated down waiting for us as we stood there.

I glanced at Jiaqi as I noticed a her eyes turning glossier by the minute. Reaching out to hold her hand, I smiled and traced circles on her soft skin knowing she was definitely missing her parents. I then pecked her forehead and flashed her a smile, "Let's enjoy the dinner alright? Remember I'm here..." She sniffed and gathered a grin before nodding.

"What was that sisters? That was so cheesy!" Emma childishly covered her eyes and giggled while we laughed along. "That's called affection, Emma. When you grow up you'll know." She faked a gag while my mother glared at me playfully.

"Let's start eating or the food is going to get cold." Father stated as he picked up his chopsticks. While munching down on the scrumptious and delicious dishes, mother and father asked about our relationship and had many family talks. Of course I would glance at Jiaqi every now and then to make sure she was alright which she indeed was. Her eyes had a glint of happiness and gratitude.

It was around 8pm when we finished around dinner, no left overs or what so ever. Emma delightfully squealed as I passed her the barbie set she had always wanted while Jiaqi went to help out with the dishes. "Xueer, I am really sorry for everything I said about Jiaqi yesterday. I was so wrong and I really regret it..." Father approached me as his face was painted with regret and guilt. I hugged him and smiled, "Well at least you know how fricking great Jiaqi is now don't you? That's all it matters."

Right then, Jiaqi sneaked behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, "Xueer let's go upstairs, I want to give you my present in private." Before I could say anything, she gently pulled me along leaving my father chuckling at us.

Locking the door, she then looked at me with those affectionate eyes before smiling widely, "This isn't much but I hope you will like it." I giggled at her secretive actions as she took something out of a bag, "You know I would be satisfied even with a kiss from you right?" Laughing, Jiaqi softly flicked my forehead with the item behind her, "Yea but still...I wanna be a good lover."

Before I could respond, she whipped out the gift from behind her. It was wrapped in a beautiful purple color. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her while she just shrugged with that same grin on her face, "Open it." With trembling hands, I slowly peeled the wrapper off.

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets as I gasped sharply. She did not get a fricking cute ass pig sweater with my name on it. Squealing with delight, I pulled her into a hug and pecked her lips. This had to be the best present I have ever received. "You know me too well Xu Jiaqi. This is the best present I have ever received!"

Laughing at me, she then pulled out another sweater from her bag, "Now we have matching ones..." Hers had a fox and her name on it. I was so touched I could actually feel tears starting to form in my eyes. Then suddenly remembering about my present for her, I hurried her to open mine, anticipating her reaction.

"Kong Xueer...you did not." Her hands were shaking a little as she picked up the golden locket in the box. It had our picture snuggled right in there and on the case was our names and a little heart. "Do you like it?"

Not saying a word, Jiaqi pulled me into her warm embrace before she sniffing, "Like it? I fucking love it." A smile crept onto my face as I wrapped my arms around her waist, "I'm glad then." Not breaking eye contact, Jiaqi was slowly leaning in as if her focus was only on me.

In that instant, I pulled away from her and rushed to grab the mistletoe lying on my desk somewhere and hung it on top of the door frame before flashing a sheepish smile, "Well if we are going to kiss on a Christmas day, let's do it properly."

I then proceeded to close the gap between us and kissed her gently. Her hands moved to the back of my head and guided me as her tongue slid into my mouth, our breaths of mint and strawberries mixing together as she deepened it. My hand roamed around her back and tugged on the hem of her sweater as she gently bit down on my skin, a soft moan escaping my lips.

Jiaqi then slowly got her hands off me and leaned away, her lustful, sincere and loving gaze staring right into mine, "I love you so fucking much Xueer..."

A comfortable pause came by before I leaned in and pecked her red swollen lips, "Not as much as I love you...Merry Christmas, Xu Jiaqi."

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