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Jiaqi's POV

"Ouch! Emma, you'll get it from me!" Xueer whined and sniggered as she scooped up a handful of snow. She then aimed it and threw the snowball gently at her younger sister. While they were having a snowball fight, I was seated at the porch, sipping on my tea and getting the whole scene on video.

"Go Emma! Shoot more snowballs at Xueer!" Cheering, I laughed at Xueer's betrayed expression as she adjusted her falling beanie. "Jiaqi, you're getting it from me too." Before I could even react, she scooped up a specially huge handful of snow and shot it right at me. No matter how good of a reflex i have, it hit me right in the face, followed by the laughters of Xueer and Emma.

"J-jiaqi sister, you should've seen your face before it hit you! You looked so funny." Emma laughed while Xueer smiled innocently at me as if she did nothing. Placing my cup of tea down, I narrowed my eyes and smirked, "The both of y'all are going down."

I chased them and gently hurled snowballs at them, not wanting any injuries or whatnot. Emma was giggling while running as she teased me, "Jiaqi sister is so slow!" Suppressing a smile, I started actually running and caught up with Emma before ruffling her hair, "Emma who taught you to be so rude? Was it Xueer?" She laughed and nodded before pointing at the ice queen who was hiding behind a tree. She thought she did something but it was really obvious that she was behind that tree.

I giggled and shook my head before squatting down to make eye contact with the tiny version of Xueer, "How about you start building the snowman we agreed to build just now while I go get Xueer sister?" Vigorously nodding her head and cheering, Emma proceeded to gather the snow.

As I slowly approached the tree, I fastened my pace and grinned, "You can't hide forever Kong Xueer." She squealed and tried escaping but with my super sonic speed, I dashed behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist, trapping her. She pouted and whined, "Damn it, I was hoping to last longer."

I giggled and nuzzled my face into her cold red hair, "You never last long Xueer." She turned around and scoffed, "Excuse me, what are you implying Ms Xu Jiaqi?" She looked so cute with her bunny beanie always sliding down her forehead as she reaches up to adjust it. Her cheeks were a shade of red while she tried to look mad which ended up failing miserably. Instead, she appeared even more adorable.

Before I could reply, she suddenly yelped and squealed in fright as she fell against me. I had my hands in my pockets so I couldn't catch her, therefore the both of us ended up falling on the snow covered floor. Xueer's hazel brown eyes stared right into mine as her sweet scent invaded my nostrils. We laid there with no one moving. There were little bits of snow dotting her cheeks and lashes while a redder hue crept onto her face. My heart was beating so fast I was so sure Xueer could hear them.

She was leaning in closer by the second and my eyes were closed, waiting. However, a voice interrupted us, "Xueer sister, Jiaqi sister! Are you ok? Sorry I didn't mean to throw the snowball that hard." Emma came running with a worried expression plastered on her face. Xueer hurriedly got off me while I hastily got on my feet.

Patting her sister's head, Xueer put on a smile, "Yea I'm alright...don't feel bad ok?" I awkwardly agreed and nodded reassuringly, avoiding eye contact with Xueer. My heart beats were still ringing in my ears and I was sure my cheeks were so fricking red. "Jiaqi sister, are you ok? You are so red..." Emma tugged on the hem of my coat while I cleared my throat, "Hahaha, probably because of the hot weather."

She looked at me and worryingly turned to Xueer, "Xueer sister, I think she is really sick." I then realised i said hot weather when it's literally winter. What is wrong with me? This really be proving how strong Xueer's effects me. Xueer laughed and playfully shook her head, "She's just acting dumb. Let's go build the snowman now before it gets dark?" She then held her small little hands and led her to the lump of snow on the ground, leaving me still flustered.

"Hey wait up!"

Starting the building of the ultimate snowman, Xueer and Emma were shapinf its body while I gathered stones and sticks. "Hey Jiaqi, could you bring some buttons and a carrot? I'm too lazy to walk." Xueer sulked and begged with those luminating puppy eyes. I had no choice but to do what she said, "Fine, anything for Emma. Not you." I stuck out my tongue playfully while Xueer laughed at my childish play.

Heading to the sewing box, I picked out some big buttons and then proceeded to the kitchen to get a carrot. Unfortunately, I ran into Mr Kong who was making a cup of coffee. I ignored him and stepped to the fridge and grabbed the carrot.

As I was about to leave, he suddenly spoke, "Hey...I'm sorry about how I treated you this morning. I saw how Xueer was laughing and smiling so much while you guys were playing with Emma...honestly, this is the first time I've seen her like that. I hope you'll forgive me for my nasty words about you and love Xueer even more...is it too late?"

I was taken aback at what he said. Never had i he would apologise or even talk to me. I bowed and compised myself. With a geniune smile, I replied, "Of course it's not late. I was never planning to leave Xueer in the first place even if you hate me." That was when he grinned, for the first time in forever.

"That's good to hear."

Rushing back outside, I waved the items I had and appraoched them, "I've got the buttons and carrot!" Xueer excitedly clapped her hands like a seal jumped up, "This snowman is going to be perrrrfect!" Is Emma the kid here or is it Xueer? I sneered at her actions and whispered to Emma, "Xueer sister is so childish right?" She giggled and nodded her head while placing the buttons onto the snowman.

"Finally we're done!" Xueer's eyes lit up as she gaped at our human sized snowman. Even Emma was shorter than it. Taking out my camera, I then signalled them to get beside the snowman.

"3..2..1..smile!" Xueer and Emma grinned widely, their gummy smiles showing. I grinned contendedly after snapping a few more pictures. The beautiful tranquil background gives it an even more magical vibe. As if Xueer wasn't already etheral and Emma wasn't cute enough.

"Why don't I take a picture of you two?" Emma smiled and pulled me next to Xueer before grabbing my camera before I could even respond. Xueer and I exchanged glances before giggling and  posing for the camera. Though it was a bit blurry, but Emma for a 5 year old can take quite good quality pictures.

As we got back in, Xueer clinged onto me and giddily stated, "That picture is going to be my wallpaper until we have our marriage photo to replace it." I laughed and pecked her forehead before ruffling her hair, "You better mean what you said."

Xueer then gazed into my eyes as the corners of her lips tugged up, "Mark my words." 

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