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Jiaqi's POV

"Xueer, you're friends with that girl Lingzi right?" Questioning her warily, my gaze lingered on my computer screen.

Xueer hummed and raised a brow, "Why?" I shook my head and mumbled a quick nothing. She crossed her arms and stood up from her seat and in no time she was in front of me, towering over me as her firm gaze stared me down.

"Tell me why do you want to know about Lingzi, the girl that you kissed that time?" I hurriedly closed my documents and shut my computer off before faking a teasing smile at her, "Don't be jealous princess, I was just curious about your friendship with her. Seems like Zihan is friends with her too?" She narrowed her eyes but they gradually softened, "If you're faking a smile, something is up. What is it?" I ignored and continued, wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"Since when were you guys friends?" Xueer pulled the seat out and sat down while answering, "Since highschool, along with Xiao Tang. I don't know about Zihan though." The ominous feeling in my guts deepened as I massaged my temples. Upon seeing my worried state, she got up again and went behind me. Her hands then came in contact with my shoulders as she massaged them.

"It's something bad isn't it?" Xueer's refreshing rose and lavender scent invaded my nostrils as I sighed contendly, "You know me too well..."

I then proceeded with another question, "Have you seen her done anything suspicious?" Xueer's actions stopped for a moment before resuming, "No, but her brother seems suspicious everytime we meet. Especially during prom, he brought a lighter with him though he doesn't smoke. Like who even brings a lighter to a party? Why are you asking?"

My eyes widened and I started linking things with the information my lawyer just emailed me. Apparently, Lingzi was connected to the case of arson. However, what Xueer is saying differs so. I closed my eyes and leaned back, my head throbbing with all the information I just received. What am I going to do? Lingzi is a close friend of Xueer, what if she gets interrogated too? I had 3 more days left before a week officially passes. If I don't do anything, Xueer and I will face a lot together again.

Just then, I felt a warm and soft sensation on my lips. The scent calming me down again. Slowly opening my eyes, they met with hers as she broke the kiss, "I don't know what's going on but you need to get out of here. This place is going to make it worse, we should go out and get some fresh air." Xueer smiled and pecked my forehead again while brushing my hair to the side. "You're right...I'll listen to you then."


"Look at her! Isn't she a cutie?" Squealing, I pointed to the pure white kitten with eyes of a different colour, one blue one yellow. Because of this little cat, my troubles were all forgotten thanks to Xueer taking me to a humungous adoption centre down the streets. There were dogs, hamsters, rabbits and even parrots in the shop along with food, toys and whatnot. It was basically a small zoo with only pets.

The kitten was up for adoption since its last owner abandoned it on the streets according to what the note says pasted on the glass pane. Xueer laughed and gently nudged me with an amused look on her face, "The way you just ignored those poor doggies and ran straight to the cat section. Never would I've thought you'd preferred cats to dogs." I glanced at her before turning my attention back to the kitten, "She's too cute...this kitten deserves a good owner." It approached the glass pane and meowed at me, making me squeal again.

Xueer huffed and pouted, "Great, you just ignored me for a cat. On second thoughts maybe it was a bad idea bringing you here." I giggled and clapped my hands lightly, careful not to disturb the other sleeping cats, "Xueer, I've decided. I'm going to adopt her." She stared at me like I was crazy before stuttering, "You're joking right?" I shook my head firmly and clenched my fists with determination, "Nope I'm not." I then approached a staff with Xueer sulking along, regret written all over her face.

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