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Jiaqi's POV

"Please tell me why you've been avoiding me...Did I do anything wrong?" Grabbing onto her arm, my glassy eyes bored into hers. She sighed and pried my hands off, "It's...it's nothing. It's not your fault. I just need some space." It has been a month since we were an official couple and I was the happiest I could've ever been. It's just nowadays, we've grown distant for some reason. And it wasn't because of work or anything. She just started avoiding me whenever I approach her. I swore my heart stopped for a second as I frowned, trying to keep myself from thinking too much, "Space? What do you mean?"

She gazed into my eyes, hesitation and sorrow burried deep in her dark brown eyes, "I'm sorry....Ms Kiki, I think we should just keep our relationship as boss and secretary." She then paused for a while before continuing, "It's just not working out." Everything around me froze, my heart beat was ringing so furiously in my ear I couldn't even comprehend her later words.

"Not working out? How? We were literally just happily watching a movie together last week and now you're gonna break up with me?" Tears slided down my cheeks as I broke down. This can't be happening. "I refuse to believe your words." Her eyes were full of despair as she muttered, "I don't love you anymore. It was just lust." My world crashed, the familiar darkness wrapping around me. She was lying. She had to be.

"You're joking. You're fucking lying." I ran my hands through my hair frustratingly. She was lying. There's no way all our dates were nothing to her. There's no way all our cuddles and laughters meant nothing to her. There's no fucking way. This was too fast, a month ago we became an official couple, now we're breaking up? This had to be a nightmare. She shook her head firmly and stared right into my soul, foreign emotions clouding her eyes, "I'm not lying. I don't love you. You deserve someone better Ms Kiki."

"No, stop calling me that! Stop lying!" This was where I lost it. Xueer is the someone. There was no other someone and there will never be. She is the only one in my heart. "I'm not. If you don't believe me that's your problem. I'm leaving." She spat viciously and glared at me. Before I even had a chance to hold onto her at least for the last time...she left, the slam of the door echoing in my office. With tears endlessly flowing down my face, my hands started trembling. She left...she left...someone important in my life left...again.


Xueer's POV

Dashing to the washroom, I locked myself in and started letting those tears I held in out. The vulnerable and broken expression on her face made me want to hug her tightly while peppering pecks all over her face, but I couldn't. My heart was shattered into pieces as I sat on the cold hard floor, sobbing uncontrollably. I can't let you get hurt because of me. I'm sorry Qiqi, it was for the best.


Jiaqi's POV

"Why must you leave me Kong Xueer...I know you still love me...stop lying." Slurring the words out, I dizzily pointed a finger at her. "You're too drunk Ms, I'll call a cab for you." Snatching the phone out of her grip, I continued, "First saying you don't love me, now pretending you don't know me..." I wrapped my arms around her and cried, "Don't leave me..." Xueer sighed and pried me off her, "Ms, I'm not Kong Xueer."

I laughed and continued clinging onto the girl who claims she's not, "Yea, you're not...but at least let me think you are just for this once." She remained silent as the loud music played. I hugged her like there's no tomorrow, thinking she was Xueer even though I knew she wasn't. I was that desparate to feel her touch again and to smell her scent again. This would convince me.

"Listen, I'm not Xueer but I know her. Do you want me to get her here for you?" I only shook my head with a forced smile, "She wouldn't. She doesn't care about me anymore. Apparently she was only in because of lust and not love." Bitterness laced every single word I mumbled. The redhead then sighed and patted my back comfortably, "And you trusted her? You should know she isn't that type of person. And yet you let her go just because of this stupid reason? There must be a deeper one."

I broke the hug and looked at her curiously, "Who are you?" I meant that literally too because I couldn't really focus on her face especially when my head is spinning due to the alcohol. She briefly smiled and answered, "A close friend of hers." I only nodded and remained silent. She was right, Xueer isn't like that. There had to be a real reason of why she's breaking up with me. I stared at the girl, trying to focus my vision but it was hard without my contacts which I left at home. Being the stupid drunk person I am, Xueer kept appearing in front of me. Her eyes, her lips, her red hair, I was hallucinating so badly that I did something regretful.

Leaning in, I kissed the girl passionately with my head surrounding one person, Xueer. She didn't move so I deepened the kiss. "Oh hey Ms Kiki, didn't think we would see you here-" A familiar voice interrupted us. I broke the kiss lazily and forced a smile, "We? I only hear a Zihan." She was one of the employees who I'm closer with. It was kinda blurry but I could make out Zihan's smile and....a redhead? Wait what.

"I'm assuming you did not wear contacts again? Ms Kong is here too."

A/n* notes:

Ok I said i wouldn't update till next Fri but guess I lied hehe. Updated because of the new BXQY selfie we got today! Yayyy! (they are literally glowing)

Though today some really triggering amd disappointing things also happened between Xueer's and Jiaqi's fandoms on weibo but what happened in there stays there

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Though today some really triggering amd disappointing things also happened between Xueer's and Jiaqi's fandoms on weibo but what happened in there stays there. So I'm not gonna mention much.

Also, I'm not great at writing angst but since I saw a comment on it, I decided maybe I should try something new. Please give me your critics (but in a kind way pls😁) and I'll try to improve myself. I'd love to hear what y'all have to say so don't be shy (put some more) share your ideas with me🤧

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