36 [Last chapter]

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As the golden streaks of light shone in, Jiaqi turned around and tiringly snaked her arms around Xueer's waist, still in bed with their legs tangled together. The light scent of the red headed's lavender scented shampoo lingered as she tightened her grip around the others waist, waking Xueer up from her sleep.

Seeing as to how Jiaqi was still asleep when it was their special day, Xueer huffed and grouchily removed her arms off her waist before gently kicking her foot. Jiaqi bolted away form Xueer looking like a frightened cute baby fox while Xueer giggled at her.

"Good morning princess..." Shuffling over, she then pulled Xueer into a hug again with a lazy smiled, her eyes were barely even open. Xueer shook her head and tsked, "Today's the day of our marriage and yet you're barely even awake? Wow, such a good wife."

Jiaqi whined and pouted before forcefully opening her eyes as wide as possible at Xueer and pointed to her face, "See, now I'm wide awake." Laughing at her funny expression, Xueer then sighed before leaving for the toilet, "I'm going to wash up first."

Raising a brow, Jiaqi grabbed the latter's wrist and looked up into her eyes, "Why not wash up together? It'll save time." Playfully rolling her eyes, Xueer shrugged with an almost too innocent glimmer in her eyes, "Sure, if that's what you want. I don't mind it."

Stripped from head to toe, the two entered the warm hazy shower cubicle with a racing pulse rate. That was when they realised it has been a very long time since they ever saw or touched each other naked. Gulping her thoughts away, Jiaqi managed to let out, "Maybe this was a bad idea. You shower first, I'll le-"

Xueer however was feeling brave and wasn't letting Jiaqi get away with it, "Why? You suggested it didn't you. Come on, I'll help you scrub your back." Right as she spoke, her soapy hands travelled from Jiaqi's neck, tracing the line of her spine and stopping right at her hips.

Trying so hard not to slam Xueer onto the wall right then and do something nasty, Jiaqi clenched her jaw and used all her might to not turn around. If she did, the temptation would get to her upon seeing Xueer. Damn it why did I say that just now, Jiaqi thought as Xueer's hands slowly went to her collarbones and down her chest.

After a very long torture for Jiaqi, they were finally done with washing and dressing up. The two had already decided on the dress and suit a week ago and also the venue of their wedding. Of course Xueer's parents will be there along with Shuxin, Xiaotang, Yuyan and all of their close friends.

"Took y'all long enough to get your asses here. Come on groom, follow me, I'll be your stylist." Yuyan sniggered as she excitedly pulled Jiaqi to the room. Xueer looked as the latter was being dragged and couldn't help but laugh at the comical sight.

Xiaotang then escorted Xueer into her own room before flipping her hair, "You can trust me when it comes to styling and makeup. We're gonna make Jiaqi so shocked when she sees you till she'll freeze on stage." Flashing a smile, the latter agreed and laughed at the last sentence.

Shuxin on the other hand was busy helping out and telling the staffs when to enter with food and all of those things. "Nooooo, the balloons are supposed to be tied up there, not here! And those tables are placed too close to each other! Also where is the huge white banner? Hurry and find it!" The place was filled with Shuxin's nagging that even those in the rooms could hear her loud voice.

After a whole morning of preparation, Xueer's family and and Jiaqi's few close friends arrived, the booming voice of Shuxin no longer heard but in fact replaced by a soft piano melody. For a few hours straight, both Jiaqi and Xueer wanted to see each other but was stopped by Xiaotang and Yuyan, to their dismay.

Only hours later up on stage can they see each other which happens to be right in that moment when their names were announced over the microphone by Shuxin. "Let us welcome the groom and bride."

As Jiaqi came into view, Xueer felt her heart palpitating as her eyes feasted on her. She was wearing a stunning cream white tuxedo with her signature navy blue tie and a pink and white flower clipped to the tiny pocket of her blazer. Her hair charcoal black hair slicked back with gel, only two little strands falling over her forehead. Her lips were painted red and her eyes had that usual ethereal glow to it. She looked so perfect there was not even one single flaw about her to be seen.

Meanwhile, Jiaqi could feel her heart race shoot from 70 bpm to 160 bpm once her eyes laid on Xueer. Though she had a translucent veil over her face, she could still see her defined features. She was wearing a pure white gown with patterns of flowers on the bottom and her shoulders were exposed. Her eye catching flowy midnight black hair had flowers tucked in it and her lips were glazed with a shimmering glow to it. Xueer's father then left the stage as a proud expression flickered across his face, tears starting to well up in his eyes.

Once the two finally reached the end of the walkway, the officiant started reciting the words however all Jiaqi could focus on was the entrancing goddess in front of her, she just wanted to lift that veil off her head and kiss her inviting lips right then.

"Will you, Xu Jiaqi, take Kong Xueer as yo-" Interrupting him, Jiaqi eagerly nodded her head and let out a breathy yes. "And will you, Kong Xueer, take Xu Jiaqi-" Cutting him off, Xueer's eyes remained on Jiaqi's luminous orbs gazing deeply into them while a yes escaped her lips.

The two then started the ring exchange. Jiaqi's trembling hands reached out for Xueer's as she gently slid the ring down her finger. Her breath hitched when Xueer did the same too, the feeling of her warm soft hands making her head go frenzy.

Finally, when the officiant was about to say the last sentence, Jiaqi couldn't wait any longer. She closed the gap between them and connected their lips. Shuxin, Xiaotang and Yuyan's loud cheers could be heard along with everyone's as the groom and bride stayed like that for a good few seconds. Jiaqi made sure not to deepen the kiss and pulled away with a huge grin on her face.

Right then, the big screen started playing a video, a video filled with the wonders of their memories. From their first vacation together and their first photos together to their recent business trip to Korea, every single picture flashed made their eyes start to burn, tears slowly forming.

The photos of Xueer that Jiaqi would secretly take then came by, making the bride gasp softly, not expecting any of this. Once the video ends, Jiaqi grinned to Xueer as happy tears fell from her eyes, "Did you like my surprise for you?" The latter remained silent as she wrapped her arms around Jiaqi's waist, puling her into a tight hug, "Like it? I love it with all my heart."

Right then, in front of the many the many people, Jiaqi tucked a strand of hair behind Xueer's ears and pecked her forehead, "I'm glad you love it then..." Xueer nodded and held Jiaqi's hand over her chest, "But I love you even more." Her eyes were laced with affection and sincerity as the next few words escaped her throat.

"And nothing would stop me from loving you even more."


Hey everyone! There will be a bonus chapter/ epilogue after this last one so stay tuned!

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