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Third person's POV

The next morning, Xueer got up earlier and tried not to wake Jiaqi up. She had planned this out since last night before sleeping---the perfect breakfast. She figured that the latter might be really hungry as she didn't really eat much yesterday. The pasta she cooked was mainly for Xueer and the leftovers were hers. Grabbing the pancake mix, she poured it into the bowl and started following the instructions.

After a few moments, she finally finsihed the batter and soon was off to make the first one. However, when she flipped it over, the bottom was completely black, not even a spot of brown. Xueer gasped and scolded the pancake cutely, "Argh you stupid pancake. You just wasted a bit of my batter that could've been fed to Jiaqi." She then tried to make another and soon, she begun working like a human factory.

Satisfied with the number of successful pancakes she made, she then got a the maple syrup and squeezed it on them. It has been an hour and half since she started on making the pancakes, tiring her a bit yet all she could think about is what more to cook for Jiaqi. A sudden light bulb appeared next to her mind then. Xueer immediately got to cooking.

Just a few minutes later, Jiaqi woke up and instantly reached out for her lover, only realising she was not beside her anymore. Jiaqi was about to panic but then, the smell of pancakes reached her nostrils. She sighed and stretched before going to wash up. Once she was done, Jiaqi headed to the kitchen and smiled when she saw Xueer cursing at the bacon that was entirely burnt. She approached her and wrapped her arms around her waist, "Good morning Xuexue-zi." Jiaqi's raspy yet soft voice reached Xueer's ears. She grinned and replied in a soothing voice, "Morning Qiqi." Jiaqi then slid to her side and asked, "Do you need any help?"

Xueer scratched her head with embarrassment and nodded. While she was frying the bacon, Jiaqi was frying the eggs. Smoke and laughter filled the place as they teased one another with how ugly and burnt some turned out. Xueer then started chopping some vegetables for the salad but unfortunately, she accidentally injured herself in the process. Yelping in shock and pain, she immediately placed the knife down and rinsed her finger that was oozing blood.

Upon hearing her whimpers, Jiaqi placed the pan down and rushed to her side, "What happened? Are you alright?" Xueer smiled weakly and nodded, "Yea, just a small cut." Jiaqi brows furrowed as her eyes widened, "That is not a small cut." She then dashed to the drawer which has a medical kit in it and hurriedly took some oilments and plasters out. "It's just a cut Qiqi, there's no need for oilme-"

"Nah uh, this will help it recover faster, so you wouldn't shower with pain." She then rubbed the oilment into the wound and placed a plaster over it. What would I do without you, Xu Jiaqi, Xueer sighed and smiled. She then pushed Xueer to the sofa and commanded her to stay put which she reluctantly followed before rushing back to the kitchen to finish up making breakfast. Once everything was plated nicely, they then ate the scrumptious breakfast both contributed to.

The soon to be couple started discussing the plans for later and decided it would be best to stay home as they were feeling a bit lazy. Smiles and laughter could be seen and heard as they exchanged loving glances and words. None of them wanted this to end. Xueer waited patiently while Jiaqi washed the dishes. After that, they cuddled together and started binge watching movies they both have not yet watched. "Can we watch Frozen two please?" Jiaqi pouted and made those puppy eyes at Xueer. Who would say no to the cutest human being on earth who was right in front of them? Of course she agreed.

Jiaqi grinned like a baby and inched closer to the latter. Her arms were wrapped around her waist, hugging her like a pillow as she intensively watched the movie. Xueer then smiled and pulled Jiaqi closer into her embrace. They were just cuddling and watching movies continuosly until the late afternoon arrived. "We should probably do something more productive." Jiaqi giggled and got up, stretching her arms while yawning.

"Like what?" Xueer yawned too, mirroring Jiaqi's actions. "Like a candlelight dinner date." Jiaqi's face lit up with excitement as she elatedly cheered. Hearing her suggestion, Xueer laughed lightly and ruffled the other's hair, "You sure do have big ideas."

Smirking, the ceo pulled out a box of scented candles, "So, which are your favourite candles?" Upon seeing the cute smug look on Jiaqi's face, Xueer burst out into laughter. "What's so funny!" Jiaqi sulked and whined, she thought it would be nice to have scented candles, but if Xueer wanted normal ones, she was ready to have get them for her. "Nothing, c'mon Qiqi, let's go set up the table." The redhead then grabbed a candle from the box and started arranging them with Jiaqi following, still sulking.

They then started to light the candles. Jiaqi wanted it to be a bit more romantic so she decided to pick some roses out from the vase in her room before placing them on the table as a finishing touch. Hiding the last rose she has behind her back, Jiaqi glanced at Xueer who was on her phone ordering the food. "Xuexue-zi, this rose is for you. It represents your beauty and personality, beauty and elegance."

Xueer placed her phone on the sofa and hugged Jiaqi, "Aww that's so sweet. Thanks Qiqi, though the rose seems a bit...dead?" She giggled as Jiaqi blushed in embarrassment, "I didn't have time to buy you roses so yea, it's from the vase in my room. Buttttttt, this is only temporary. I'll be getting you a big beautiful bouquet, mark my words."

Xueer grinned a toothy smile and took the rose from her hands, "You don't have to. This means a lot to me." Jiaqi shook her head and huffed, "Well, that bigger bouquet of roses will mean more then." Xueer laughed and shook her head, "There's really no way to change your mind huh?" Jiaqi beamed and flicked her hair, "Of course."

Just then, the food arrived. The two started munching on their food while having conversations here and there. From talking about their favourite animals to discussing about whether the parallel universe exists, they were just sharing and emptying their thoughts out. The mood was everything but negative vibes, and nothing was going to change that.

A/n* notes:

I might update again around the late afternoon after my studying session. I hope y'all find this chapter soft and cute like I do hehe😁

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