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Kiki's POV

Once we finished the washing the dishes with some trouble, I went to get a shower while Xueer was lying on the bed playing a mobile game of some sort. Stripping out of my clothes, I stepped into the shower with a mind occupied with places we could visit tomorrow. As the cold water came in contact with my skin, I sighed, reminiscing all our moments since day 1. What were we now? A couple? No, I have not ask her to be mine yet. Friends? Also a no since we made love and friends do not do that. Or perhaps was it just sex to Xueer? I shook my thoughts and smiled weakly. If that's the case, I would have to try harder and win her heart.

With the chilling water hitting my back, I buried my face into my palms. Why must love be so hard? A tear squeezed it's way out of my eye as the horrible images of my past relationship appeared in my mind. How was I that stupid to not see she was dating me for money and just money. How did I not know that every night when I was not with her she would be out in night clubs grinding on men. I whimpered and switched the shower head off, my head still hung low. My love for Xueer was no doubt, but was this really the right choice? To mix work with love, to fall in love again?

I grunted exasperatedly and ran my fingers through my wet hair while getting out of the shower. I shouldn't be thinking about these questions now. I was way too in love with her and there was no turning back. Raising my head, my eyes came in contact with Xueer's sad ones. The both of us remained silent. She was leaning against the door frame as I wore my undergarments and clothes after drying myself.

"Jiaqi, are you alright? A lot of things seem to be clouded in your mind." Xueer gave me a warm hug. I inhaled her scent and let out a shaky yet hesitant breath. "I heard your cries. You don't have to hide it, I'm here to listen to you." That was when I lost it and broke down. Xueer soothingly rubbed my back in circles as I cried on her shoulders, staining my shirt she was wearing. Still hugging, she slowly moved towards the bed and soon, I was crying against her chest while lying sideways. I have never felt this safe, this loved in someone's embrace ever since my last hug with my mother.

We stayed in that position for a long time until I finally stopped ugly crying and decided to let her in deeper into my life. Sorrow filled her chocolate brown eyes as her the right side of her face was highlighted with the orange light from my side lamp. While nodding and listening so intensively to me, Xueer was tracing little soothing circles on my palm with her thumb. Sometimes she would also wipe my tears sliding down my cheek.

Once I was done, she embraced me in another tight and secured hug, "Remember, I will never ever leave you no matter what. I promise to be with you till death. I promise you..." I sniffed and wrapped my arms around her waist, bringing her body even closer to me if that was possible. This day will be etched in my heart, and and soul for eternity.

"Let's get rid of this awfully sad mood shall we?" Xueer smiled cutely and tucked a strand of hair behind my ears before pecking my forehead. I nodded and got up to wash my face before returning into her embrace. "You know, this is the first time I ever felt like a top." She giggled and stated. I raised my brow and narrowed my eyes at her, "And why is that so Ms Xueer?" She smirked teasingly before gently stroking my hair, "Because, you seem like a soft innocent girl who loves hugs now. Not an egotistic and flirty ceo." I leaned in and smirked, "Well which do you prefer then? To be a top or bottom?" She blushed and shyly avoided my gaze.

"Well... I have always been a bottom so maybe...I'll try something different one day." She smiled a toothy grin. I smiled teasingly and leaned even closer to her, "Do you wanna know something?" She looked at me curiously and nodded her head. "I prefer to be a bottom than a top. I feel like being a top is too energy consuming." (Jiaqi actually said she would rather be a bottom than a top in an interview.) Xueer's eyes widened in disbelief, "I can't imagine you being a bottom."

Feeling much better than the me 3 hours ago, I was in the mood for some teasing. "Well do you wanna test it out? Me being a bottom?" Trailing my fingers against her thighs, I smiled innocently and stared right into her eyes. She froze and blinked twice before turning away from me, "Weren't you just crying a few hours ago? You should get some rest now." I laughed and smiled before cooing, "Xuexue-zi, I doubt you can ever be a top. You're just too innocent." She huffed and turned back to me, narrowing her eyes at me like a cute sloth.

She then rolled her eyes playfully and leaned in, "We'll see about that." She then closed the gap between us and started kissing me. My eyes widened in shock as her soft lips moved against mine. I had not expect her to really do it. I guess my teasing got to her. She then slowly took control of the situation and got on top of me, her lips moving down to my tear stained neck. I let out a whimper I've never did as she started sucking onto my salty skin. Sooner or later, I was moaning. It really feels weird.

Xueer then removed her lips from my lips after leaving hickeys all over my neck and went back to kissing me. Her hazy eyes stared into mine as a smile appeared on my face, "How's that for a first?" I was still kinda shook from what just happened but snapped back to reality. "Not bad. It would be better if you went lower." She laughed and kissed me again before smiling, "Yeaa...we'll leave that for another day. You must be tired from crying your heart out just now." I grinned and snuggled into her embrace, "Good night Xueuxue-zi...I love you."

She paused all movements and looked at me before smiling, "Good night Qiqi, I love you too." My heart clenched at those foreign yet familiar words. I grinned and threw my legs around her, "One last question before we sleep. What are we?" Xueer remained silent for a while before answering.

"Whatever you want us to be."

A/n* notes:

For the next chapter, do y'all want a soft fluffy one or one that involves smut? Personally I prefer soft moments but I also wanna hear what y'all have to say. Anywho, I hope y'all like this chapter that's kinda a filler.

Also, another note. I will not be able to update regularly next week as my exams are held then. And the last note, I'm thinking of writing a Yuyan and Jiaqi fanfic after my examinations. Should I or should I just stick to bxqy? Leave your thoughts and let me know, thanks!

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