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Third person's POV

"Be mine."

With those words, Xueer felt her whole world spinning, like literally. Managing to control her happiness and excitement, she smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Is that even a question?" Without hesitating, she wrapped her arms around Jiaqi's neck and pulled her into a tight warm hug, "It's an obvious yes!"

In that moment, memories of Jiaqi's past flashed through her eyes. After so many damn years living surrounded by darkness, a ray of light allowed her to see the world she was missing. Not everything has to be hopeless and depressing, there would always be a spot of light and that would be the opportunity to escape. In this case, her light was Xueer.

In her warm embrace, was where she felt the most loved and the safest. There they stood under the moonlight, in one another's arms not giving a shit about anything except treasuring that moment which seemed to last for eternity. "I love you so much, Kong Xueer." Jiaqi whispered lovingly, her eyes turning glassy by the minute. If anyone was to pass by, it might seem as if there was a marriage going on with just the two girls.

Xueer contentedly smiled, her heart swelling at the meaningful and sweet words the latter let out. "I love you too. So incredibly much." Jiaqi broke the hug and kissed the redhead. Beginning to deepen the kiss, they made out passionately like no one's business. This time there was no lust, there was no rushing. It was all love. Xueer's hands were in Jiaqi's hair while the other's were wrapped around her waist, tugging gently as their tongues danced together.

Breaking the kiss, their eyes met and right there, under the dimly lit sky, Xueer recognised her. Jiaqi seemed to felt the familiarity too. That was when they discovered their first meeting was not in the office but the carpark of a convenience store. "You're the one who saved me from that bastard..." Xueer mumbled, shock and gratitude lacing her words. Jiaqi giggled at the irony, "Looks like we are destined to be together."

They then began taking a stroll down the beautiful beach hand in hand, chatting about life and all as the ocean waves washed to their feet, earning giggles from the two sickeningly loving couple. While Xueer was distracted by the beauty of the sky and ocean, Jiaqi took this opportunity and fished out her camera, secretly snapping a few gorgeous pictures of her lover. A little grin crept onto her face as she scanned the pictures, her beauty lined with the stunning background was just breathtaking. Jiaqi was already planning to add these photos into their wedding video in the future---that's how smitten she is for Xueer.

Finishing their stroll, Xueer just remembered about the existence of their three friends and tugged on her sleeves, "Where's the 3 idiots?" Jiaqi smiled, "They're probably partying in the nearby club since tomorrow is the weekend." Xueer then grinned, "That's great, we don't have to worry about them so let' just go home. I wanna try something out." The latter's brows furrowed as she curiously stared at the cheeky woman in front of her, "Like what?"

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."


Once they reached Jiaqi's home, Xueer smiled shyly but daringly instructed Jiaqi to sit on the sofa. Still clueless as to what was happening, the ceo obediently followed and sat there waiting like an adorable puppy. Xueer then smirked devilishly and straddled her girlfriend's lap before pulling her into a kiss. Like a deer caught in red lights, Jiaqi was frozen which allowed her to deepen the kiss. Her mind was clouded as she got slowly dominated by Xueer.

Her lips then travelled down to the side of her jaw and down to her neck, slowly biting and sucking at her sweet spot. Jiaqi felt extremely weird but it was a good weird of course, it was just she wasn't used to this. Feeling her pulling her skin through her teeth, Jiaqi couldn't help but moan with pleasure. With her lipstick stains left on her hickey dotted neck and collarbones, Xueer then pushed her down onto the couch in the softest manner, making sure Jiaqi wouldn't get hurt. This made her smile at how cute Xueer was even when she was the top. Who said tops are only hot? Well Xueer certainly proved them wrong.

She then slowly but surely stripped Jiaqi clothes off and scanned her body. A red tint flushed her face as she took in every inch of her curves. Jiaqi was absolutely breathtaking. She smirked and teased the latter, "Like what you see?" Xueer only blushed a deeper colour of red as she absent mindlessly nodded. She then closed the space between them and begin licking and sucking her sensitive nipples, earning moans and whimpers from Jiaqi. She then kissed the line of Jiaqi's abs and went down to her already wet pussy.

Teasing her clit with soft sucking and licks, Xueer couldn't help but to wonder if she was doing badly or not. Since this was her first time doing the deed for a girl, she had no experience whatsoever. On the other hand, Jiaqi couldn't stand the teasing anymore and begged while whimpering like a vulnerable cat, "Stopping teasing already...Please just fuck me hard."

To Xueer's surprise, she found herself getting wetter and hotter by the moment after hearing those words. She was turned on by the words the girl under her had just said. Not hesitating a bit, she obeyed and thrusted her tongue in, deep, without any warning. Jiaqi screamed as she held onto Xueer's red long hair. No doubt was Xueer good at it, even the ceo herself was shook. She then removed her mouth from her pussy and glanced at her for awhile.

Jiaqi was about to whine but she suddenly inserted two fingers in her. Grinding along to the thrusting of her fingers, she couldn't help but throw her head back in pleasure. Xueer stared at Jiaqi with amazement. Never had she thought a woman could look that sexy when sweating. Beads of perspiration trickled down her neck and down to her chest as she moaned while riding her near orgasm out. Her dark blue hair was stuck to her damp glowing skin as her body trembled in pleasure when she finally came.

"So how does it feel to be a bottom?" Xueer grinned innocently while licking the sweet juices off her fingers, still maintaining eye contact with the half worn out girl. Jiaqi lazily smiled and replied, "It was an amazing experience. But, I still think being a top is my forte." Right after she finished the sentence, Jiaqi pushed Xueer down hard and started sucking on her neck like a vampire. It was all rough, daring and the good messy. She didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening as Jiaqi straightaway moved down to her pussy. All she could feel was pure pleasure.

"Hmm, what's this? You're already so wet, kitten." She smirked sinfully before sucking and abusing her private area. Xueer moaned submissively and in pleasure as she continued lapping on her juices. Just as she was that near to a release, Jiaqi stopped and whispered seductively, "Since you teased me just now, it's only right if I did too...right babe?" Xueer only whimpered as Jiaqi begin rubbing her clit. The pleasure was then building up again, and soon, she Xueer couldn't handle it. "I'm sorry Jiaqi, I shouldn't have teased you. Please, I can't take it anymore."

She smiled and caressed her cheeks, "Call me master." Xueer's eyes widened but she still followed, "Please master..." She didn't think Jiaqi would have a kink for this. Hearing some shuffling and a drawer open and close, Xueer curiously wondered what was delaying her. However her thoughts were immediately washed away when something entered her. The metallic cold surface of the object rubbing against her pussy. Xueer cried out as Jiaqi begin thrusting the dildo in and out of her at a slow pace which gradually became faster and deeper.

Not long after, Xueer came and felt her head spinning in pleasure. "I'll go shower now. Rest for a while because you sure do look exhausted." Jiaqi smirked and pecked her forehead before leaving her still catching her breath. It sure was a rollercoaster tonight.


Y'all have no idea how much I cringed while writing the second half of the chapter😂 This will be the last time because I'm not really confortable with these type of writing. Hope y'all liked the soft moment in the first half though! Don't worry, the next chapter will be filled with soft moments🤧

The unfortunate news is, I will not be updating till next week (probably Friday) and I'm rlly sry, I'll try my best to update a lot after Thurday!

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