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Thrid person's POV

"If you want to gain her trust and not have her avoid you because she thinks you are a pervert, you should keep your hands to yourself Xu Jiaqi." Esther shook her head with disappointment while entering the room once Xueer left.

Kiki narrowed her eyes at her and protested, "I tried to! Trust me...but somehow I can't. She might be the one who shows me the meaning of my life." Along came silence, Esther knew how much Kiki had suffered since young. Having to inherit the entire company when her parents passed, she had no childhood and friends, only loneliness and work that last for 24 hours. The tinge of hope and happiness were evident in Kiki's eyes, which made Esther even more convinced she wasn't lying.

"Then you should earn her respect. Look, it's way too fast for you to make your decision." She sighed and plopped down on the sofa while Kiki sipped on her coffee.

"Give it a week. Observe her, not in a creepy way but you know what i mean and make her feel comfortable." The motherly advice from Esther made her smile lightly. 

"I know you're way of getting girls is flirting...really heavily and seduction but reminder, she's straight. So if she really hates you after your efforts, don't force her anymore." It had been quite a long time since she was this serious about something. For once, she felt like a family member rather than a friend.

"Yea yea, got it grandma...anyways I've heard you call her Xueer? Are you guys that close?" She raised her brow and placed the mug down, examining the expressions on Esther's face.

"Don't be jealous, she's all yours girl. She's just a friend and colleauge. You know I don't like people calling me Ms because it makes me sound old." Esther laughed at how obvious the jealousy was showing on Kiki's face. The fact that they had only met for 2 days and she's already so attached to her, tells the chatty friend a lot.

"I'm not jealous, just curious. Also, since y'all are friends, could you give me some info about her? I wanna know her preferences." Kiki smiled sheepishly. She decided to follow Esther's words and hope it would really get Ms Kong to like her because it was obvious she did not.

"Sure whipped cream." She laughed and bolted out of the room before Kiki could even speak, making her let out a small laugh at her antiques. That's Esther for ya.

On the other hand, Xueer frustratingly ran her fingers through her messy hair and grunted in despair. Her hatred for the ceo was real but she knew a little, very very little part of her liked their interactions. As her fingers furiously keyed the words into the word document, she suddenly felt a presence behind her but she couldn't care less. All she wanted to do was complete the newly written article and head home.

"Do you need help? You seem to have some trouble there." Of course it had to br the devil herself again. Xueer ignored her and tried to focus again only to fail miserably. Right then, a bento box was placed next to her computer.

"I've heard from the others that you have not eaten anything since you arrived. So figured you might be hungry." Kiki cleared her throat and took a step back carefully. Never in her life has she ever done this for someone. Xueer froze and slowly turned back, million of thoughts lingering in her mind.

"If you're doing this to drug me and take advantage of me-" Xueer scanned her face for any signs of evilness as her eyes narrowed but was of course interrupted by Kiki.

"Do I really appeal to you that much of a pervert? I'm just trynna care for all my employees." Kiki sighed and burried her face in her hands. This woman has no appreciation at all, she thought as she tried hard not to retaliate back. Xueer remained silent until she finally spoke, "Why don't you eat it first so you can confirm it?"

That is the most ridiculous statement Kiki has ever heard in her life. What was she, a servant? "Are you being serious?" She raised a brow and leaned closer to Xueer. The latter nodded and opened the bento set before pushing it towards her.

"Feed me." A smirk appeared.

Did Xueer really think Kiki, her boss, would give in that easily? Knowing there's no point to argue because the person in front of her was as hard headed as metal, Xueer rolled her eyes, scopped up rice and lightly pushed it into her mouth. Feeling like she'd won a championship, a wide grin appeared on her face. Xueer suppressed her tiny smile as she sees the woman chew on her food like a little bunny. Such a pity she's a pervert or else she would be the perfect girlfri- Snap out of it Kong Xueer, she shook her head in horror. Don't get distracted by her being cute,  Xueer scolded herself mentally.

Just when she was finally getting a glimpse of Kiki being soft and cute, of course Kiki had to change that up. Her being herself just had to make it seem like she was seducing Xueer by the action of her tounge, lips and mouth. A person can't change that fast, can they?

Another smirk flashed as a really light pink tint appeared on her cheeks. Xueer eyes immediately looked away from Kiki, "Since you've proved it, I'll take it. Thank you..."

Smiling proudly, Kiki cooed in a good mood, "I'll see you tomorrow then, Ms Kong. Once you finish this article, head home and get some rest."

Just like that, she left Xueer wondering about what had just happened while muching onto the scrumptious food.

A/n* notes:

Sorry if i have not been keeping up with the consistent updates! School reopened in my country and it has been really hectic, I'll try to update more frequently now that the first week has passed. Also if there are any spelling or grammar errors, let me know, thanks!

Lastly, I want to say thank you for all the support I've been receiving for this book! When I first started, I thought maybe about 10 people would read it...however I was wrong. Thank y'all once again and have a nice night!

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