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Third person's POV

The sight of a goddess stunned Kiki as the sudden thought of Yuyan possibily drugging her last night is the cause of her death and she ended up in heaven. Rubbing her eyes and opening them again, she gasped lightly, "There's no way you're Ms Kong. Where's the real her, you imposter." Kiki forced herself out of bed unstably and pointed an accusing finger at her. Xueer only laughed and shook her head, "Are you still drunk Ms Kiki?" She then pushed her into the bathroom and continued, "Now go and washup, you reek of alcohol."

Kiki's eyes widened after realising that this was not a dream nor was she dead. There were so many questions clouding in her mind that her head throbbed even more. After brushing her teeth and taking a good cold shower, Kiki wrapped herself in a towel and stepped out the bathroom, her mind still occupied with why the hell Xueer was here. Suddenly, the door flew open with  the one and only Xueer barging in while yelling, "What is taking you so long, your cereal is turning soggy- AAAAAA WHAT THE FUCKK!" The door then slammed shut again. Kiki blinked twice before comprehending what just happened and mentally face palmed, it was not like she was naked.

Putting on her comfortable home clothes, Kiki then went to the living room with a still embarrassed Xueer waiting by the kitchen counter. "That was so unnecessary, I wasn't even naked." She teased and sat next to her. Xueer glared and scoffed while pushing a bowl of hangover soup towards her. "Don't get the wrong idea that I'm fine with you."

Kiki smiled and started scooping the hangober soup Xueer had cooked earlier this morning. "So why are you here? Did Yuyan somehow threaten you?" Xueer sighed dramatically and replied, "Obviously not, she was so sweet and nice minus her voice being extremely loud." She then went on on how Yuyan was so kind and even promised to give her a signed album which made Xueer give in and bring her home. Hearing this, Kiki started stabbing the hangover soup and sulked which of course went noticed by her.

"Yea, Yuyan is sure really sweet. I should really thank her for convincing you." Through clenched teeth, Kiki forced out a smile while still abusing the innocent soup. Xueer held in her laughter as her lips curved up a little while thinking about how cute she was. Of course she would end up pushing all those thoughts away like the last time.

"Buttttt, the main reason why I actually stayed was because of you." Xueer dragged on and smiled sadly. Kiki shot her a confused look, her eyes glimmering under the lights. She then explained what had happened last night but of course left out most of their moments.


"Ayyy Jiaqi's secretary, you're finally here!" Yuyan sobered up a bit while waiting for Xueer to arrive. She smiled shyly and bowed, "Don't worry Ms Yuyan, I'll bring Ms Kiki back in one piece." They exchanged a few more words before the bodyguards outside the room came in and escorted Yuyan to her limo. Xueer was still in a phase where she couldn't believe she just met one of her biggest idol but soon snapped out of it as her eyes travelled to a lifeless Kiki lying on the carpeted floor.

After a few minutes of prying the drunk woman off the floor, Xueer could finally support both herself and Kiki and she slowly walked to her car parked outside. It was a completely empty place therefore she wouldn't need to worry about paparazzi. Suddenly, Kiki started mumbling, "Don't leave me mother...not you too father.." Xueer ignored it and just continued heading to her car with Kiki's arm around her neck and her own arm around Kiki's waist.

She then continued, "I miss you mother, father...I should've died with the both of you in the stupid accident..." Xueer stopped in her tracks and looked at Kiki, her heart dropping. There were tears forcing themselves out of her closed eyes as she mumbled on. She shook her head, trying to shake away her thoughts and continued walking. Finally reaching the car, Xueer opened the door and settled Kiki down on the passenger seat. While putting on her seatbelt, she took a moment and scanned her peaceful, innocent and beautiful face, the warm feeling in her heart creeping in. 

As she was about to step away, Kiki suddenly grabbed her hand and sniffed, "Don't go, come back mother..." Xueer's face softened and whispered she was not her mother even though Kiki couldn't hear her. Just like that, she went to the driver's seat, started the engine and followed the directions Yuyan had gave her with a whimpering Kiki along the trip back home. Xueer didn't know that she had went through something that traumatising. Only then did she realise that Kiki wasn't being a predator at all. She lacked affection since young due to the passing of her parents. She built an empire all alone, that playgirl badass personality was just a facade that she had carved in her. It was just her being herself.

Guilt crept into her heart as Xueer reflected on how mean she was to Kiki so she decided to make it up to her by staying by her side and making sure she doesn't get a severe headache the next morning.

When they reached Kiki's home, Xueer punched in the passcode Yuyan told her  and rested the peacefully sleeping woman on her huge bed. She didn't bother to help her change out because knowing Kiki, she was going to be questioned a lot. It was then followed by Xueer going to the nearest convenience store and buying the ingredients for hangover soup. Once back in Kiki's house, she stretched her sore limbs from supporting Kiki and went to sleep on the couch. Just because of this one night, Xueer decided to change her perspective of Kiki and just try to accept her as her boss.

End of flashback~~

Kiki remained silent for a while before mumbling a sincere thank you to Xueer. Her hands trembling a little as her fear of letting out that secret took ober her. She didn't like people seeing her as vunerable and weak and she didn't want people feeling sympathy for her. Afterall, she had put up the facade for years in the public's eyes. Xueer noticed and smiled while lightly grabbing Kiki's hands, "I know what you're thinking. No, I'm not gonna take pity on you or what so ever and no, I won't be like your ex secretary and spread things like that."

As Kiki remained silent and replied with a simple nod, Xueer continued with a teasing smirk, "And lastly, I'm still gonna be the same me until the day I find that you deserve my respect." Kiki finally grinned, her eyes smiling along too.

"Are you challenging me?"

"If you wanna take it that way, then yes."

"Well then, challenge accepted, Ms Kong Xueer."

A/n* notes:

Please let me know if there are any spelling errors or grammar errors😊 This chapter was kinda rushed as I have an essay due very soon, so I'm rlly sorry if there are any mistakes😅

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