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Xueer's POV

As the sun rose, so was I. Feeling so pumped and excited for my first day at work, I woke up extremely early which was once in a blue moon. There was no time for lazying around but only time to get ready and set off to work.

"Kong Xueer! Can you please pull the curtains back? I still have to sleep ya' know?" Xiao Tang groaned and threw a pillow at me as the sunlight lit up her incredibly messy room.

"You have to wake up now too! Your fashion design meeting is literaly starting in 1 and a half hour." Hitting her back with the pillow, she then gasped and jumped out of bed.

"Shit! Thanks for reminding me Xueer, love you!"

"As if, who was just shouting at me just now?" I laughed as she playfully rolled her eyes and rushed to the washroom.

With that being said, I grabbed my cup of coffee and headed to the train station. We only had one car and it was technically Xiao Tang's so I had no choice but to choose the cheapest transportation.

Reaching the company (no company) took about 30 minutes so I was early to work by 40 minutes. How responsible i am, right?

"Hey newbie! Wow, you must be that enthusiastic for you to come quite early." Flinching a little at the sudden voice, I turned around to be face with...Ms Emerald? Or was it Ms Es- My thoughts were cut off when she began speaking.

"If you had forgotten, I'm Ms Esther but please drop that Ms. I sound really old. Anywho, since it's your first day here, I'll be giving you a tour!"

She clapped excitedly as her huge eyes sparkled. She had a complete opposite vibe of Ms KiKi. I only nodded cautiously and stiffly. Can I be anymore awkward?

"Alright soo, this is the first place. As you can tell, it's the cafeteria!"

She then whispered to me as if it was a secret, "Take this advice from me, don't eat here during lunch time. The food during lunch period sucks."

I giggled a bit and suddenly felt more relaxed. I didn't know why but Ms Esther is a really comfortable person to be around with.

"I'll take that Ms Esther." I jokingly answered, going along with her slight antiques. She laughed and nudged me, "Call me Esther aight? I hate being formal with colleagues. In fact, i consider everyone a friend!"

I saluted and replied, "Fine...Esther." She nodded and flashed a toothy grin, "That's better."

After a long and informative tour, we finally reached the final destination, my office!

"This is the last and most anticipated place of all, where you'll be working!" We then entered the room and the smell of coffee immediately hit my nostrils. Suddenly, I need coffee.

The room was really huge. It was split into two sides with 8 workplace stations. 4 on each sides. The 6 staffs stood up upon noticing our presence and smiled, welcoming me warmly. Everyone here was nothing but nice, why were there so many malicious rumours then?

"And this is your desk. Feel free to decorate it however you want. Also, right next to yours is mine! So if you have any questions, just ask ahead."

I smiled and briefly hugged her, thanking her for spending her time on this tour around the facilities. I really owe her one. She just brushed it off saying it was a pleasure.

"Oh yea, if you need some inspiration to customise your desk, you can look at mine." She pointed to hers.

"Isn't it so cute?" Proudly presenting it, a smug look appeared on her face.

Her desk was quite neat and there were a few plushies. There was also a specific pink card which stood out. It was on the side of her desk with a 'Happy Valentines My Love' written on it, along with the huge intitials, 'From, X.T. your love.'

"Wow, totally nice." I patted her back as I playfully replied, sentence dripping in sarcasm. Of course i was only joking with her. She whined and nudged me on my ribs.

"Oh right, before i forget, Kiki wants you to go to her office after you're done sorting out all the documents." She smiled cheekishly, somehow I kinda see a devilish grin in place of the cheekiness.

Sighing, I began sorting out the files with many bad assumptions about Ms Kiki in my head. Maybe she wasn't all that cold and scary? Esther must be close to her, how else would she dare to informally call her?

Hopefully, my meeting with Ms Kiki will go well later.

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