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Jiaqi's POV

"I already sent you the document." The line went slient before Kun answered, "Right thank you for helping out, also you got my word, I'll leave you and your lover alone." When he said that, I felt as if my whole world was finally completed-- nothing could ever get in Xueer and I relationship. After much descision and confrontation from her saying she'll be fine, I decided to sent the evidences over just a day before a week. Maybr it was the right decision as the huge heavy boulder got lifted from my shoulder.

As I wasn't that busy for these few days since our stocks were stable and even increasing, I'll be able to spend a night planning the perfect date for Xueer. Of course it'll not be an amusement park again. Maybe something more magical. Like an ice skating park? Nah, too dangerous, I wouldn't want her to get hurt. What about the cinema? Also a no...too ironic. Maybe an aquarium? Perhaps that could work. I jotted down a list of places we could visit in one day and asked Yuyan, Xiao Tang and Shuxin for advice. Surpringly, they all agreed on the same location.

The next day arrived and of course the company can't be left without someone to look after so Shuxin will be in charge instead.

"Finally I'll be able to have the power of a ceo MUAHAHA!" She smirked and sat on my chair while Xueer and I laughed at her. "I'll leave it to you then, also don't abuse the power, alright you evil witch?" I playfully narrowed my eyes as Shuxin sniggered at me, "Yea yea yea, says the one who abuses it all the time."

I was thinking of giving her an earful but then I wouldn't want to waste anymore time with Xueer. Replying with a quick whatever and bye, I proceeded to tug onto Xueer's sleeves and signaled for us to leave.

"Where are we headed to?" With the puppy eyes she had right now, I tried to ignore and focus on the road while shaking my head firmly, "Not telling...you're gonna have to see for yourself princess." She whined and pouted like a baby, "Why not tell me now?" Glancing at her with a little smile on my face, I cooed, "Because...it wouldn't be a surprise then."

Xueer huffed and crossed her arms adorably while gazing out of the window throughout the whole trip to the destination. Once we neared there, her eyes immediately lit up with enthusiasm as a huge grin appeared on her face.

"The aquarium?! I have always wanted to go there but didn't have chance..." Xueer's attention was shifted to the signs as her forehead was pressed against the car windows. With her posture so upright and her attentively looking around, she was like an adorable golden retriever.

"Well I'm glad that I decided to bring you here then." I was secretly thanking my three friends for helping out as I parked the car. Once we were still, Xueer hopped out the car and excitedly dragged me out with her eyes shining, "What are you waiting for? Let's goo!"

Giggling at how cute she looked right now, we headed to the counter and got our tickets. The receptionist told us that there are going to be shows later on that we shouldn't miss and of course me being me, I took down all the timings of the shows before Xueer pulled me to the first exhibit like a child.

"Look at how cute these seahorses are!" She smiled and snapped a few photos of the tiny seahorses floating about the tank. Secretly taking out my camera, I hurriedly took a few photos of her marvelling at the little creatures. "Not as cute as you though." I sheepishly grinned while Xueer only nudged me shyly before turning her attention back to the animals. Now I know how Xueer feels when I'm with Qmi.

"Jeez these piranhas look so intimidating..." She stared at those fierce fishes and shuddered a bit while I only silently observed by her side, suppressing a smile. Following her to the next section which was the huge shark tank with divers in there somehow still alive, we gaped at the sight. I will never understand why people risk their lives to entertain others.

"Don't these sharks look so peaceful even though they're perceived as ferocious and harmful?" Xueer questioned while snapping a few photos of the variety of sharks. I nodded my head and gazed into the tank, don't these sharks feel trapped? With all four walls around them and no freedom...how does it feel in there? It reminds me of when the dark and lonely times I went through, however Xueer came and those four walls were destroyed. I hope these sharks have a meaning of life, like what Xueer means to me.

I was snapped out of my trance as she pulled me to the next one which was the starfish and sea cucumber petting section. I was absolutely disgusted by how people would even want to touch these slimy creatures. and thought maybe Xueer was too. However, I was wrong.

"Why are you still standing there like an idiot? Let's go pet some cute creatures!" My eyes widened and before I could even retort back, she dragged me, held my hand and placed them along with hers into the water. As soon as my fingers came into contact with the sea cucumber, I cringed at the texture of it while Xueer had a huge laugh at my expression. "You should've seen your face Jiaqi!"

what was there to complain about right now? As long as Xueer was laughing and happy, I'm too. I then helped her snapped some photos after drying my hands, "As expected, you look phenomenally beautiful...not the slimy creatures though." She giggled and rolled her eyes playfully, "Don't you dare offend these cuties." I could only speechlessly gaze at her.

Glancing at my watch, I realised that the first show was about to start. "Let' go now, the penguin feeding is going to start in 15 minutes."

Hand in hand, we made our way to the exhibit which conveniently, was right next to a food stall. Signalling for Xueer to grab seats, I rushed to the vendor and bought 2 hotdogs and sprite for us. I then passed them to Xueer as the show started right when I sat down.

Honestly, the whole time through the show, I was glancing at Xueer rather than watching the show. She just looked too gorgeous as the baby blue hue from the lights highlighted her features. Seeing her enjoy the show, I was already more than happy and satisfied with myself.

After the show, we then headed to the next one which was the seal doing tricks. Honestly, I'm still confused as to why there are seals in an aquarium but that wasn't the point. The main concern I had was when I left to the toilet and returned back, Xueer was chatting with a man. The hell? It was Mr Zhu Zheng Ting again.

Sneaking next to Xueer, I snaked my arm around her waist and protectively held her, "What a coincidence Mr Zhu, what are you doing here?" He seemed shocked at first but he immediately greeted back, "Good afternoon Ms Kiki, I'm here with my date too. I see that Xueer and you are dating again?" I felt much more at ease when he mentioned about his date but still, he could be lying. Before Xueer could answer, I butted in and nodded my head, "Yes we are and we have intentions on getting married." His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face, "That's a pleasant surprise! Wishing you girls the best in your marriage."

He bowed to us and we did too before walking away. Xueer slapped my shoulder and looked at me with her face as red as a tomato, "What was that about, qiqi?" I smiled smugly and pecked her forehead, "You know exactly why I was like that so there's no need for questioning. Let's go have lunch now!" Xueer laughed and buried her face into her palms before mumbling something.

Throughout the whole date, we were just having the time of our lives, ignoring the stares of others as we head from exhibitions to another. And I was quite contended that I managed to snap some photos of her of course. Though time passed by so quickly, we managed to make the best of it and headed home with grins plastered on our faces.

"Did you enjoy yourself today?"

Xueer tiredly smiled and nodded, "Is that even a question? Of course, especially with you." This time it was my turn to blush which did not escape from her sharp eyes. "Are you blushing Jiaqi? Awww aren't you adorable?" I could only huff and nudge her to stop, avoiding her gaze. If anything, I was the worst at taking in comments like these.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it...If you're happy, I am too."

Her lips tugged up in the corner as she gave me a warm hug, "Thank you for today Jiaqi, I will never forget this even in my next life." I could only hug her back with a hidden smile on my face.

"Me too."

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