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Third Person's POV

"How about we just say that I'm a friend. That way you won't be seen as a cheater." Xueer smiled warily while placing her hand on the ceo's. Jiaqi brows furrowed and shook her head, "I rather be seen as a cheater than deny the fact that we are a soon to be couple. Besides, it was me who initiated the idea of following the Yuyan dating thing." Xueer giggled softly and placed a kiss on Jiaqi's head, "For once you should listen to others, Ms Kiki."

It has been a few days since the weekend ended and they have not yet addressed the 'Jiaqi and the "unknown girl" date in the amusement park scandal.' Especially when she was still in a relationship with Yuyan that was for publicity, she was put into a sticky situation. After a few seconds of silence, she pouted and sighed heavily while muttering a fine. Jiaqi knew that Xueer will continue to persist as long as it involves her. However, Yuyan had different plans. There was no way this stupid scandal was going to ruin her otp. If she had to threaten her boss to allow her to address the issue, she will.

Therefore, it came to a shock for Xueer when she saw the news a few hours later after her conversation with Jiaqi. Yuyan had released a post on her social media saying that they broke up a month ago and that she was fully supportive of their relationship. She also surprised everyone, including Jiaqi amd Xueer, with her dating someone else too----Zeng Keni, one of the most famous model in the fashion industry.

Of course as days progressed, Xueer and Jiaqi have been going on dates publicly without fearing scandals and what not. Netizens have also found out Xueer's identity and many were very supportive, saying things like they are the cutest couple ever, though officially they are still not. Shippers also came up with their ship name, 冰雪琪缘 (BXQY) which the two would laugh and smile about during their daily cuddles.  However, there would always be ignorant haters lurking around in the comment sections.

A few weeks soon passed and Jiaqi finally decided it was time to ask Xueer to be officially hers. She was tired of waiting and dragging it till the point she was even dreaming of her asking the love of her life out when sleeping. With the help of Shuxin, Yuyan and Xiaotang, Jiaqi managed to plan out the perfect location, time and place to ask the cold beauty out. It may sound all too extra but Jiaqi won't hesitate to give her all for Xueer.

Xueer's POV

"I'm sorry Xuexue-zi, I can't make it to today's date, too much work." The tone of Jiaqi's voice was emotionless and incredibly stiff as she spoke over the phone. My heart sank as I absorbed her words. Well, at least i got to see her face through this video call. Though I must say, the phone was so close to her face I could only see her eyes and the cute little mole by her nose. "You better rest after work alright? I don't want you to overwork yourself again." Jiaqi giggled and flashed an eye smile before playfully replying, "Yes Mam." I was about to speak when suddenly another girl's voice echoed through the phone followed by Jiaqi's eyes widening and a second later, I was faced with a black screen.

What the hell was that? My thoughts sstarted racing about, thinking about the possibilities of Jiaqi cheating was something I had never done till now. Well, we weren't really a couple but still...I sighed and rubbed my temples. No, I should trust Jiaqi. Besides, the girl sounded like Yuyan, or maybe I was just hallucinating. Suddenly, my phone rang. "Xueer! There's an emergency. You have to come to the location i just sent you." Anxiously, Shuxin stuttered while there were metal clanging in the background. I was about to speak however she suddenly screamed and the line got cut off.

"Shit...what the heck happened?" I cussed while hurriedly rushing to my car before driving on full speed to the location she sent which was apparently the beach. The whole time I was practically praying because whatever that was on the phone got me thinking of horrible scenarios. Panic rushed through my veins as I started looking around the vast empty beach, "Shuxin? Shuxin? Are you there? I'm going to call the police so please whoever you are, leave my friend alone. Please, I'm begging you." Screaming at the top of my lungs, I continued trying to find her. Since there was no answer, I whipped out my phone and prepared to dial the police.

"AH HAH! SHE CAME! I told you my acting was too amazing for this world." A familiar cheery voice travelled from a distance. Not that far away, I could see Shuxin, Xiaotang and Yuyan laughing together. I froze and stopped all actions, "What the hell is going on?" Confusion struck me harder as they smiled and approached me, "Jiaqi is waiting for you." My cheeks reddened as my eyes widened with shock. What was this? What were they are up to? My mind was full of racing thoughts. Well at least  something bad didn't happen to Shuxin. Suddenly, Yuyan apologised and the couple held me as a blindfold was placed on my face. Mindlessly allowing them to lead me to god knows where, my heart was pumping with adrenaline.

Feeling their presence moving away from me, I was about to question all this but was interrupted when someone took my blindfold off. Gasping loudly, my hands flew over my mouth as I regained my sight. There was Jiaqi in front of me smiling cutely with a huge bouquet of roses. She was wearing a black crop top, white pants, a red blazer and topped off with her signature dark blue tie. Jiaqi was in deed the most charming girl I've ever seen. I stood rooted to the spot still confused but somehow my heart skipped a beat at a specific thought. The area was decorated with fairylights and there was a candle pathway, littered with rose petals.

Reaching to the nape of her neck, Jiaqi blushed and grinned shyly, "Glad to see you made it...guess Shuxin's idea did work after all." I remained silent, still trying not to raise my expectations on what was happening. I shouldn't be hoping. "I promised to get you a huge bouquet of roses didn't I?" Jiaqi then pecked my forehead as she passed me the roses. I was utterly speechless, no words could describe what I was feeling right then. Several emotions hit me like a truck, anxiety, happiness, excitement, confusion and countless more. I just knew that whatever was going to happen, I was not mentally prepared for it.

She then led me down the candle lit path, the sound of the relaxing waves, the light midnight ocean breeze and the beautiful night sky dotted with sparkling stars calmed my nerves down. When we reached the end, she slowly kneeled down never breaking eye contact and flashed the most gorgeous, charming, and stunning smile I've ever seen.

"Be mine."

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