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Jiaqi's POV

Hearing those few words, I immediately sobbered up. "Oh hey Lingzi, didn't think I'll see you here. Long time no see." Xueer's familiar voice rang sickeningly sweetly, way too sweetly in fact, as she hugged the girl next to me. I remained silent, trying to process what was happening. "We should go Zihan, we wouldn't want to disturb our boss with my friend here." Somehow jealousy was lacing each and every of her word. I grabbed onto her wrist and stared at her, desperately trying to focus my vision on Xueer.

"Don't leave."

Xueer sighed heavily, "Ms Kiki, would you be kind enough to let go?" I glanced at the girl next to me whose name was apparently Lingzi and she gave me a little nod with an assuring smile. Right, I can't miss this chance to figure out what was really going on. "Not until you tell me the truth. There's no way that not loving me anymore is your reason." She signalled a very confused Zihan to go and party without her first and turned back to me, "Ms Kiki, I'm giving you a last warning. Let go. Before I call for help and say that you're abusing me."

I narrowed my eyes and was about to respond when Lingzi spoke, "I'm going to leave y'all so you can have your private time." My eyes followed her as she left and approached Zihan. Look's like these three are friends? Turning my attention back to Xueer, I sighed, "Tell me the truth Xueer...Please." She stared at me and mumbled loud enough for me to hear, "Everything I said is the truth. You just can't accept it." I remained silent and scanned her face, taking in every single inch of her stunning features. This may be the last time I could ever see her that upclose. That thought made me feel sick to the guts however I knew I had to somehow accept reality.

"Is this what you really want, Xuexue-zi?" My voice was literally breaking apart as I choked out the words. With several emotions flashing through her dark orbs, Xueer nodded her head firmly as her gaze tore me apart, "Yes." Though, I must say that yes sounded weak. I felt several stabs in my heart, if this was what she really wanted, I'll respect it. Carrying my undeniable love for her with me while treating her like an employee was my only choice. I can't possibly move on.

Slowly letting go of her hands, I smiled weakly with a tear sliding off my cheek, "I respect your decision then, Ms Kong. But don't forget all our memories together, that's the least you can do." Not wanting to meet her gaze, I stood up and started walking away. Every part of me wished that she would grab my hand and tell me that she still loves me. But of course, it was too good to be true, she didn't. And that was the last time I held her hand.


"Darling, don't be shy...you don't have to mind her." I kissed the girl's neck as she held in a moan. "B-but she's your secretary." I laughed and shot a fake smile, "She's also used to this, right Ms Kong?" I shifted my gaze to Xueer who had moved into my office ever since her training was over which was about a week ago. Not lifting her head from her computer, she nodded stiffly. "See? Besides it's my only break today before I work till midnight." The girl whose name I didn't even know remained silent so I took it as a sign that she wanted to continue.

It has been 2 weeks since that day passed. Whenever we see each other, she would only bow and shift her attention away. All the text messages and calls from her were work related. It was as if we had never dated before. At first Shuxin, Yuyan and Xiao Tang were confused like hell but soon I explained to them. They were all doubting her reason of her falling out of love for me and I was too...but it happened. Sooner or later, they have got to get used to the cold and awkward tension between us.

Since that day too, I've returned back to my old self. No longer as heart warming, friendly and kind. Back to my old cold, workaholic and player self. I would work from morning till night in the weekends. I would not be greeting employees left from right. And I would not be as caring about how others felt. Every two days, I would bring in girls from the club and fuck around. Not caring if Xueer was in my office or not. It's not like she cared anyways, she has always been sticking with Yuxin and sometimes Zihan.

Sliding my hands up the girl's thigh, we started making out again. The volume of keys clicking increased tremendously as Xueer furiously typed away. It was almost loud enough to cover the whiny moans of this girl. Ugh, I should probably stick with one girl and not many, although she's pretty, this one's kind of a turn off. Suddenly my mind drifted back to when Xueer and I were kissing. Instantly shrugging off that thought, I shivered and broke the kiss, "I just remembered something important. You can leave now." 

The girl was flushed and flustered but she listened and bowed before leaving my room. Burrying my face into my palms, I groaned desparately as the emotions started coming back to me. Not right now, especially not with Xueer in the room! "Ms Kong, could you go through what's my schedule tonight?" My voice was a bit shaky but I had to get my mind off that moment right now.

"You'll be having a meeting with our partner-"

"Right, ask Shuxin to attend that meeting."

"Noted. Next event is the meeting with the shareholders."

I sighed and nodded, "What time?"


I massaged my temples and hummed, "I know you're avoiding me and all Ms Kong but could your sentences be longer? Short ones ticks me off."

Our eyes met as she restlessly snapped, "Why the hell should I when almost all the time you're sucking faces with random girls when I'm in the same room. Did you ever consider how uncomfortable I'll feel?" The vein in her neck showed as she glared at me.

"Well you've never complained."

"That's why right now I am."

"Right......tell me why I should listen to you again?"

The anger in her eyes suddenly flickered as sadness took over a second, "You know what, forget it. It's not my business anyways." Xueer then stood up and left the room while slamming the door on the way out. What was that? I let out a breath and shut my eyes, why must our relationship turn out like this again? Right, because I'm stupid and idiotic.

A/n* notes:

Yayy My English and Geography exams are officially done and tomorrow is History and Chinese, Help me😭 我的华文真的是无药可救👁👄👁 Luckily Science and Math exams are on week 9 so i would be able to update a few more chapter in bewteen here and there.  Thank you for the long wait too!

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now