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Kiki's POV

Sighing for the hundredth time today, I could finally rest my sore and dry eyes from the computer. But of course, I just had to be interrupted with Esther breaking into my room with a loud shriek.

"XU JIAQI! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?" Her face was flushed red as she stormed in and slammed her phone onto my desk.

"Explain this right now."

It was a news article with a picture of me with a woman, 'Kiki Xu and Yuyan spotted in a club around last week on the dance floor together?' I rolled my eyes and scrolled to the comment section flooded with hate and supportive comments while replying Esther.

"We were literaly just hanging out as friends. This is so unnecessary."

She remained glaring at me but seemed to calm down.

"Where's the new secretary? Bring her in. It's about time she's done with sorting out the documents and i should brief her first." Passing the phone back to Esther, I stood up and patted her shoulders.

"Also, this will be the last time you'll be needing to do this, you're not my secretary. Don't worry about the training and all, I'll handle it." I hugged her but she pushed me away. The look of disbelief painted all over her face.

"You've already handled enough stuff, I'll train her, and I'll handle this rumour."

My eyes pierced right into her softened gaze. "Right now I'm speaking to you as your ceo, your boss. Whatever I say, you listen." My voice was raised in an authorative manner as my hands unconsciously reached to fix my tie. It was a habit i would do when I'm serious.

Esther eyes widened slightly as she took a baby step back. She then sighed and bowed, "I'll get Ms Kong now-"

Just then, 3 knocks were heard. I shifted my gaze from Esther to the door then back at her. She was about to go get the door but I grabbed her arm, shocking her.

"Leave it."

She raised a confused brow and was about to reply but was cut off.

"Come in!" Raising my voice, I let go of her hand and shifted my attention to the new secretary who opened the door.

A look of confusion was all over her face as she approached nearer, "Am I interrupting a meeting or someth-"

Esther shot me a final look before cutting Ms Kong off by running to her, "Not at all! Go ahead Xueer, I was just about to leave." The emotional look on her face was replaced with a huge welcoming smile in an instant. Maybe I was being too harsh on her...I should probably apologise later. The door was then slammed shut, leaving only Ms Kong and I.

"Have a seat Ms Kong. I'll have to give you a briefing." My voice lowered and became colder as I scanned her face for emotions I could recognise.

She broke eye contact and her tounge just so slightly grazed over her lips. Nervousness.

"Relax, I don't bite." I chuckled as I cracked my knuckles. She seemed really tensed, a perfect target for harmless teasing.

She gave a stiff smile in response as I proceeded with the briefing. Her anxiety had slowly died down and soon, she was listening attentively while jotting down notes in her cat notebook. Cute.

Seeing her hurriedly scrbbling, I slowed down the pace of my talking and somehow a little grin appeared on my face. Of course it immediately vanished when she looked up to make eye contact.

"And that comes to the conclusion of our briefing."

She sighed a heave of relief, stood up and bowed, "Thank you Ms-"

I raised a brow and smirked, "Not so fast kitty. Don't you want to know your first task?"

Her eyes widened in shock as her body completely froze. She has one of the funniest reactions to literaly nothing serious, Esther's still first.

I signalled her to have a seat before walking to my desk and grabbed my phone. When I turned back, she was fiddling with her fingers like an adorable baby.

"Your first official task is to clear up rumours about my relationship with Yuyan." I handed her the phone as her eyes widened again at the name of Yuyan. She is an extremely famous soloist so there was no doubt Ms Kitty here definitely knows her.

"Yuyan and I are only friends and have no special relationship with each other what so ever. We met back at an event and kept our friendship private. These are all the information I can give you related to this. If you need any extra information, just ask Esther." 

She nodded her head and stood up along with me. Taking back my phone, I took this opportuinity to mess with her...just a little. Somehow I can't resist teasing her. Stepping even closer to her, I grabbed her wrist lightly and gently turned it around then proceeded to slowly trace her smooth pulse with my thumb.

"Next time, be sure to wear a watch to work." I looked up and our eyes locked.

"Without it, your time management may be affected." Smirking, I let go of her wrist before leaning in and whispered right next to her ear as I took in her addictive sweet scent.

"Take this as an advice from your boss." With that, I pulled away and scanned her from head to toes, my smirk growing bigger.

She inhaled a shaky breath before bowing once more, "I'll submit the finished article to you by 6pm like you said." She then forced a smile and walked out.

Well that was fun. 

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now