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Xueer's POV

"This will be your first shareholders meeting right? You don't have to worry, just stick with me and don't interact with anyone else." Staring straight into my eyes, Jiaqi patted my shoulders reassuringly and immediately moved away. Probably thinking that I would want to maintain a distance, especially after our argument just now. However she was so wrong. Jealousy taken over control of me in that split second but I had to cover it with anger. I can't fucking stand it. I miss her so goddamn much. Does she even miss me? Right, probably not after I left her for the most ridiculous reason I could come up with.

Even though I want to slap those girls she always brings back and acts as if I wasn't there, even though I want to cuddle with her and kiss her so badly, I can't. Knowing my every move was being watched, one wrong move would mean danger for Jiaqi and I would rather die than for that to happen. I just love her so much that I can't bear to see her get hurt.

Forcing a smile, I obediently nodded my head and inhaled. The worry I had of me messing up or fumbling with my words later was catching onto me. "Hey, you don't have to be nervous. Just listen and write down the important points. If anyone talks to you, I'll handle it. Besides, it's just a shareholder meeting." Jiaqi flashed the most charming yet awkward smile ever since that night. I wanted to laugh and pinch her cheeks, cooing at how cute she is but of course, it would be foolish of me to do that.

Following her into the meeting room, I glanced around and scanned my surroundings. The aura these people has was no joke, it was suffocating with power in here. As my eyes wandered around, I locked eyes with someone I've never thought to see. He smiled at me but I avoided his gaze. Why was he here? Jiaqi probably noticed me staring at him for too long so she tapped my thigh from beneath the table and shot me a look, "Stay focused."

The meeting then begun and it was one of the most boring meeting ever. Everyone had such different opinions to come to a conclusiom that even Jiaqi was starting to massage her temples. Seeing that, I unconsciously reached for her hand and rubbed circles on the underside of her wrist. The countless times I did this when we were dating contributed to my hand instantly reacting to her actions. I hoped no one saw our interraction, for all I know, anyone here could be secretly working with that asshole.

Immediately realising what I was doing, I jerked my hands away and nodded apologectically at her while avoiding her probably shocked gaze. How embarrassing was I being right now? Wanting to slap myself for this, with the red tint still lingering on my face, I shifted my attention to my laptop and continued typing in what the others were saying.

After a tiring 30 minutes or so, the meeting ended. Though it was only a short half an hour, it felt like ages. My fingers were sore from typing that much too. Stretching my arms, I stood up and was about to follow Jiaqi when he approached me, "Hey Xueer, long time no see. How are you doing?"

I reached to the nape of my neck and smiled, "Quite stressed out these few days. How about you, Zheng Ting?" He was about to answer when Jiaqi interrupted, "Sorry to inform you Mr Zhu but Ms Kong and I are rushing to elsewhere so if you don't mind, we have to go." Without waiting for his response, Jiaqi dragged me with her hands wrapped around my wrist. Never have I thought I would be able to hold her hands again...sorta. "What are you doing? Let me go." No, don't let go.

Acting with my stern voice while pretending to shrug her grip that I missed so much off, I was taken by shock when Jiaqi pinned me on the door gently and locked it. "I need you to answer this truthfully. Do you still love me? Because what you did back there was something that your body have not forgotten."

Her sincere and hopeful eyes bored into mine. I went silent while staring at her, using up every single second to take in the stunning features of her face. Not caring if my acting seemed suspicious, I just missed her too much. And her kissing other girls right in front of me too was not helping. I felt like if she somehow chose to hug me, I could right here and right then break down in her arms, letting out all my emotions I've been suppressing for the past weeks.


Jiaqi's POV

Xueer's gaze was uncertain. She was biting on her lower lip as she stared into blank space. A sign that she was thinking really deeply. "Even if I still do, why do you care? Especially when on the night of our breakup, you were already kissing another girl who turned out to be my friend." She glared at me with hatred, jealousy and disappointment. I groaned and burried my face into my palms, "I was really drunk. Which led me to hallucinating that Lingzi was you. She had red hair too..." Xueer remained silent and shook her head, "How can I believe you? Anyways that's not the point. Look, what happened back in the shareholders meeting was nothing. I thought you were someone else."

I felt my heart shatter at those words again, "If you really don't, why would you care about me kissing other girls? And also, what kind of reason is that?" She avoided my gaze and stuttered, "L-like I said, t-that's not the point." I smiled a little before carressing her cheeks, "Xueer, please just tell me...I know you're lying, you can't lie forever. It has been two weeks." She remained silent, still flustered.

I had to be smarter this time, maybe fate led us to this point where we would get back together. Remembering what Yuyan said before that if I started giving examples, just maybe this time, Xueer would crack.

"Is it because I don't spend enough time with you? Or is it because of work?" I questioned but to no avail, she remained silent and begun struggling to break free from my grip weakly. My mind furiously worked as I tried to think of logical answers. There was no way I'm going to let this chance slip. Especially after what happened back in the meeting, it shone a huge glare of light down on my path.

That was when it clicked, like those that happened in dramas, "Is there perhaps someone behind this?" Suddenly, she froze. Her eyes widened dramatically as she stared into mine. That was when I could feel her facade slowly break down. Lifting her chin so her eyes could meet mine, I sighed, "There is, isn't there?"

It was first shock and disbelief, then the emotions hit her like a truck. A tear slided down her cheeks, followed by many more. She then started breaking down and hugged me like a koala while letting her tears flow onto my shirt. I sighed and patted her head. Those son of a bitch, how dare they fucking do this? Sniffing, she broke the hug as her glassy eyes met mine. A second ago she appeared tough and all but now, it was the opposite. My heart ached at the expression of her face as I pecked her forehead. "Let's go home. I'm willing to skip work for this."

She smiled weakly and hugged me once more, "You have no idea how much I wanted to tell you...but I can't because I don't wanna hurt you...I love you so much it pains me to see you kissing someone else...it really does, Xu Jiaqi." I tightened my embrace and started whispering words of comfort. I could literally hear my heart breaking. Xueer must have went through more than I did, and to think that I went through hell when she left me.

Breaking the hug, I kissed her lips and wiped her tears away, "Xueer, even if you leave me, I'm being hurt too. Please don't ever hide anything from me. I'll be sure to kill anyone who dares to even lay a finger on you before they could harm any of us." She sniffed and rubbed her bloodshot eyes, "I bet you will..."

A/n notes:

Hello people! Thanks for all the good luck wishes for my exams, I'm so touched and I really appreciate it🤧I'm going to be updating regularly now since Math and Science are in a few weeks and I'm pretty confident at them hehe😅 (Writing, including poems, is kinda my stress reliever so y'all don't have to worry much about my studies although I must say, I'm rlly touched *sniffs*)

Also what do you think about this chapter? Lemme know, I'll be sure to keep up with y'all advices😁

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