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Xueer's Pov

The strong smell of Americano whisked into my room causing me to spring out of bed and instantly checked the time on my phone. Can't believe my lucky ass just got saved by that coffee. I still had approximately 3 hours to get ready for the interview.

"I'm not even surprised yelling in your face does not work but coffee does." My roommate, Xiao Tang laughed and placed a cup on my table as I walked out of the bathroom all washed up.

She has straight long jet black hair, delicate dark brown eyes, and full lips, if I was not straight, she just might be my crush. Speaking of which, that lady from last night was still stuck in my mind for some reason. If only I could see the face of that mysterious woman.

Rolling my eyes, I hurriedly rushed her to help me out with my outfit. "Woman, help a buddy out. You know how important that interview is to me."

No matter what, I had to get that job to provide my parents who can't just fucking stop gambling, leaving us in debt. Xiao Tang has always been paying for the rental fees and the guilt is not going away. It also did not help that I got fired 2 weeks ago.

She chuckled and started flinging clothes out of my wardrobe at my face.

"You little shit!"

"A little shit that you love."

I sighed in defeat, she ain't wrong. After living together for 8 years, we're basically inseparable.

As she picked the outfit, I grabbed my kit and started applying a layer of light makeup. Definitely not going there looking like a ghost.

"How's this?" She held up a beautiful midnight blue blazer, a white turtle neck and a black pencil skirt. I didn't even know these exist in my wardrobe.

"Not bad at all, I'm impressed." Smiling widely, I gave her a hug full of appreciation which she responded to with an imaginary flick of hair.

"What can I say, I'm a fashion designer after all."

With that, I hurriedly changed into the fit, pulled my hair up into a ponytail, finished the coffee and started the car, of course bringing Xiao Tang's luck along with me.

As the GPS announces I'm reaching in 6 minutes, my heart palpitated and anxiety slowly built up. Muttering a mantra under my breath, I calmed myself down. There's no way I can screw this up.

Finally reached the humongous building, I parked the car and took the elevator to the reception floor. Gawking over how the interior designs looked like a ten stars hotel, I made my way to the reception.

"Excuse me Ms, I'm here for a job interview-"

"Ah yes, this way please." She cuts me off excitedly with a welcoming grin. Hmm weird, I thought the staffs would be more hostile from the rumours I've read about this company. Nevertheless, I'm ready to go through hell as long as I'm paid.

Up at the highest floor, I suddenly felt a cold breeze, sending shivers down my spine. "You're our only candidate besides that man who's having the interview now. So just make yourself comfortable and wait till you're called."

The rumours must be that nasty for only 1 to apply for, I'm guessing it's because of the last secretary's vicious comments towards the CEO. Saying stuff like she got abused every single day and even almost died once because of starvation. Now on second thought, maybe I'm not ready.

"Before I go, just a quick reminder, the CEO herself will be giving the interview. Good luck!" Bowing, the receptionist left, leaving me panicking about the fact that the CEO herself will be in the room.

Just then, a loud voice calls out as the door flies open. "Ms Xueer? Please come in now." Alright, this was it, I inhaled and exhaled before heading in.

Gaining as much confidence I have, I greet the CEO and her other staffs. However, as my eyes landed on her, my breath hitched. She is the most fucking gorgeous person I've ever seen.

She was wearing a black suit with a few stripes of gold highlighting it and along with a lose blue tie around her collar. She has a pair of cat-like honey brown eyes, perfectly sculpted nose, soft dark blue hair in a bob cut and kissable lips. Why am I even thinking about her lips? For goodness sakes, I can do better than this pathetic me.

Though, somehow her eyes gave me a sense of familiarity.

Before I could even say another word, she suddenly announced, "Everyone out now." Without any hesitations, all the other staffs left immediately except for one. "Esther even you." The woman pouted and mouthed me a quick 'good luck' before heading out.

Cold sweat broke out as I swallowed a lump in my throat. She then signalled me to sit in front of her which I did very cautiously. After introducing myself, luckily without stuttering, she began firing questions at me. Her silent and intense cold stare never shifted away from me as I answered all her questions. It was hard not to get distracted by her extremely fragrant and addictive scent--roses, lavender and a tinge of lemon.

"Have we met before?" She questioned, her voice suddenly going deeper. I shook my head and replied with a firm no and used that chance to sneak a glance at her name sign. I did a lot of research about what the company does and all but not the name of the CEO alright, don't judge.

Ms Kiki didn't say anything but continued staring at me, her eyes scanning my face and body. With her intense gaze fixed on me, I felt like I was being scrutinised under a microscope. My heart was pumping so fast and hard that I'm scared that she could even hear it.

"Alright then, see you at work tomorrow."

I bowed, got up and replied with a quick 'thank you' until whatever she just said sunk into me. What the actual fuck. My eyes widened dramatically as my jaw snapped open.

"Really? Thank you so much! I will work my best and hardest till the day I retire or get fired. Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I need the job!" Rambling on, I was so high up on cloud nine that I could actually see heaven.

She only nodded her head and called the rest of the staffs in.

"From tomorrow onwards, Ms Xueer here will be working with us." Her statement loud and clear.

They were all exchanging confused glances to each other and one even raised his hands but was glared at by Ms Kiki.

"Anyone who disagrees with this may drop by my office this afternoon and explain your thoughts. If not then continue work now." They immediately scattered out of the room leaving only the Ms Esther. I shook off the rumour which suddenly popped in my mind about the mistreatment and forced a smile.

"Alright then Ms Xueer, see you tomorrow! I'm already so excited to work with you!" Ms Esther laughed and hugged me, leaving me smiling shyly and my arms awkwardly hugging her back.

I bowed once more and left, not before catching Ms Kiki staring at me curiously. Tomorrow was going to be one heck of a day.

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now