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Kiki's Pov

"Are you kidding me? Only 2 candidates signed up for the interview?" Grunting angrily, I threw the files across the room and loosen my tie. This was a fucking joke. It's because of that insane woman spreading all those nonsense rumours about her being abused. How many fucking times must I even make a statement to the public that they're false!

"At least it'll be easier to choose?" Esther picked up the documents laying on the carpet and flicked my head. I didn't bother flipping through the files of the 2 candidates as it was not really necessary in my opinion. If they give off the aura of a hard worker and radiates enthusiasm, they're in.

"Don't ever do that again. My back already feels like breaking and yet you're here treating me like a dog." She scowled adorably. I laughed and ruffled her hair, "Be a good girl."

She slapped my hand hard and reprimanded me like I wasn't her boss, "Don't you dare mess up my hair lady. Also get your ass ready, they can be here any time soon." I rolled my eyes childishly and mimicked her voice while repeating her words which she happily responded to by slapping my arm again.

"I still don't get why I'm personally here to give them the interview when all along it has been you and the other staffs. This is a waste of my time." I groaned impatiently and played with the pen on my desk.

"Think of it as a break from work, you need to rest them poor eyes and hands girl." Esther stated like it's an obvious answer while looking at her phone.

Before I could even talk back, she interrupted, "The other staffs are coming up now with the first candidate." Yay.

It felt like a thousand years when the dude stated his answers and presented his speech. It didn't really capture my attention. I flipped through his files as he spoke and tried to hold in a yawn. After a million years, he was finally done. As he exited the room, I let out my long awaited yawn.

"Passed the vibe check?" Esther laughed as she stretched her arms which I obviously replied with a no. He didn't elaborate at all, just giving memorised answers. Just then, a lady walked into the room.

As soon as my eye landed on her, I felt a sense of deja vu. Why does she seem so familiar yet distant? As she approached closer, I got a better look of her. Damn she's hot. She has vibrant auburn red hair, skin as pale as snow, familiar doll like eyes, flawlessly sculpted nose and plump full lips.

I didn't know why but suddenly my whole body seemed to take control of itself and soon my mouth started moving on my own.

"Everyone out now."

"Esther even you." She raised a brow but a sly smirk appeared on her face for a split second before she pouted. Once the room was empty. I signaled the girl to seat right in front of me. Not wanting to break eye contact with this goddess, I continued giving her as many questions I could think before asking her if we had met before which she immediately said no to.

I adjusted my tie and sighed before saying the words she probably did not expect to hear at all. As my gaze bored into hers, the different emotions she had were all crashing onto her. She's got my attention and job, looks like it's gonna be much more interesting with Ms Xueer working with me.

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now