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Xueer's POV

One week has passed and we managed to get the deal. Jiaqi was so confident that he was going to sign the contract which he did, that she even planned one week of vacation in France for us. Apparently it was to celebrate our success or whatever and here I thought it was because she wanted to spend more time with me. Sigh, no wonder she asked for 2 weeks.

On the first day of our 'vacation', in the morning we visited some popular cafés around the corner and went around tasting desserts like a vlogging couple. The creppé cakes were so delicious that we kinda went overboard and ordered 4 plates. Looking out the window as we enjoyed our desserts while the jazzy music played in the background, Jiaqi suddenly giggled.

"What so funny?" Confusion was all over my face before she leaned forward and used a napkin to wipe the whipped cream on my lips. With a teasing grin on her face, Jiaqi booped my nose, "For a second there you looked like santa clause." Being the easily flustered me, tints of red appeared on my face while I only smiled sheepishly. My heart rate literally jumped from 60bpm to 120bpm. The effect Jiaqi has on me sure is powerful.

Cutting a bite portion of my red velvet creppé, I held it in front of her, "Here try some, this is even better than the vanila one." Without hesitation, Jiaqi leaned in a took it as I looked with anticipation, "So, how is it?" Her eyes lighted up as she licked the fresh cream on her side of her lips, "This is much better than every bite I've taken.."

Before I could reply, Jiaqi then smiled a toothy grin, "It is only specially good since you fed me this one." There she goes with her cheesy and loving words again. What did i do to deserve this woman?

Going into the afternoon, we visited some cute and cozy window shops. After a long time spent on shopping, we ended up buying a matching pastel pink beaded bracelet with a moon on it. Half of the moon on hers while the other half on mine. Of course that's not what we only got, we also bought some a couple edition sweater. Hers had 'parfait' on it which meant perfect and mine had 'couple' which literally means couple.

In the end of our shopping spree, it was already 6pm or so. The sky was fading into a darker shade of pink as the sun sets. Walking hand in hand down the streets of Paris, Jiaqi sighed, "I wonder how Qmi is doing back at home...hope Shuxin's taking good care of her."

Holding in my laughters, I nudged her ribs, "I'm sure she's fine. All that little fluffball do is sleep, eat and that's pretty much it." Jiaqi giggled, her smile radiating like the sun, "You're right..."

A comfortable and calm silence took over as we strolled down the long path leading to god knows where. Suddenly, I felt something land on my cheeks. Jiaqi and I shared glances before looking out into the far distance where snowflakes were floating down the sky of France. We took a seat by a bench that was between 2 lamposts and admired our first snow together with hands in one anothers.

The flakes of snow gently drifted down as the luminous orange hue from the sun highlighted them. It was such a magnificent and magical view. "Our first snow together during our first vacation together. Ain't that something special?" Jiaqi sighed contendedly while her sincere and passionate eyes gazed into the horizon. Smiling, I inched closer to her and leaned my head on her shoulders, "Definitely...though every moment we have is special, this one is specially special."

She giggled softly and wrapped her arms around my waist as silence once again fell upon us. The gentle sound of whistling breeze and laughters of family traveled by as we sat there, treasuring this specific moment. Though it was getting colder by the minute, we had each other's body warmth to warm us up. Taking out her camera, Jiaqi nudged me and suggested, "Let's take a photo, this is a historical moment for us." Refraining from cooing at how cute she sounds, I nodded and gazed into the lenses.

Snapping a couple photos of us, we then admired the scene a little more till it's almost dark and headed to a nearby restaurant for dinner. As we stepped in, the warm air greeted us while we made our way to our seats. From topics of all kinds to laughters and smiles, we talked as we waited for our food. The cheery and cozy atmosphere making my heart feel secured as she went on why she loves butterflies. How can someone look so adorable and genuine while talking about insects? Only Jiaqi can.

With the arrival of our food, we dug straight into the pasta. The salty yet spicy taste lingered in my mouth as the creamy sauce and chilli flakes met my tongue. Jiaqi sighed like a mother and wiped my mouth again, "Look at you again, getting the sauce all over your lips." My eyes smiled as I gulped down the pasta and teased, "Stop being such a mom and let me enjoy my food alright? This literally taste like heaven if heaven has a taste."

Proceeding to scoop some noodles up, I urged her to try some, "I can bet you that this tastes much better than your bouillabaisse." She narrowed her eyes at me and raised a brow, "You know I don't like cream pasta-" Before she could finish her sentence, I shoved the bite into her mouth and smiled, "See it's not that bad right?" The look of disgust in her face slowly turned into a surprised and satisfied expression as she chewed the food and swallowed it.

"Wait why is this good? The last time i ate cream pasta it tasted like a block of rotten cheese. That's why I only stuck to tomato ones." Her eyes widened as she opened her mouth waiting for me to feed her again. Laughing at how cute she looks, I scooped another bite up, "Probably because the last time the cheese you was actually rotten." Jiaqi faked gaged at what I said before taking another big bite.

In the end, seeing as to how Jiaqi really wanted the pasta, we switched dishes with one another. She can literally be a serious ceo and a whiny pouty baby in a second. This was one of her many charms that I loved about her.

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