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With the moonlight shining on her skin, the latter had her darkened eyes feasting on her lover. Her scarlet red nails tracing every inch of her body as her gaze never left the other, a sensation of lust warping around the newly wed.

"Enjoying the view?" Xueer smirked as her tongue seductively grazed her bottom lip ever so effortlessly. Jiaqi reluctantly looked away from the siren and returned back to her laptop, "Not now Xueer. I have to work." She did like what she was seeing but knew if she continued staring at her lover, she wouldn't be able to finish writing the reports.

"Why can't you just get off your stupid laptop for a while and cuddle with me or something." The other broke out of her sexy cocoon and into a whiny baby as she pouted. Ignoring the girl, she continued typing with an occupied mind.

"We're supposed to be enjoying this honeymoon together...not for you to do your work!" Xueer hugged the pillow as she buried her face into it. Jiaqi wanted to laugh at how cute she was but decided to hold it in since she had her serious mode switched on. There must be no distractions when it came to work for Jiaqi.

Xueer lifted her head and glared daggers at the head of the girl, thinking of ways to get her attention. "Whatever, since you're not going to entertain me I'm just going to head to the club near the hotel." She sulked while grabbing her purse, dragging her feet to the door while her heart was begging Jiaqi to stop her. Especially since she was wearing a very thin and tight crop top with an extremely short pair of pants, she thought Jiaqi would be overprotective and stop her from going.

However, she just continued typing without even glancing at Xueer. That was when Xueer sighed frustratingly and ran her fingers through her hair, "Why are you not stopping me!" Seeing as to how Jiaqi's shoulders were trembling, she immediately knew that she was laughing at her.

Going back to the bed and plopping down on it, Xueer then groaned out on purpose, "Babe, if you can't satisfy me when I'm this needy, should I go find others to do me?" The sound of typing stopped as silence came by. The latter couldn't believe her ears. She felt a sudden surge of anger and jealousy pumping through her veins.

Knowing that she had done something to Jiaqi, Xueer smiled in victory and got out of bed, her footsteps light as she slowly approached Jiaqi. "So? What do you think...Jiaqi?" Her fingers traced the side of her arm as they neared her collarbones, up her neck and then to her sharp defined jaw.

Jiaqi's burning eyes stared blankly at the screen as Xueer brought it further by turning her chair around before getting on her lap, straddling her. As their eyes finally met, Xueer smirked and let her hands fo beneath her shirt, trailing them against Jiaqi's cold skin.

"Why so quiet honey? Cat got your tongue?" She innocently raised a brow as Jiaqi's breath started staggering. Clenching her fists and jaws till veins showed, Xueer couldn't help but to find that hot especially with that vein popping right down her neck. She leaned in and started tracing that vein with her tongue, making Jiaqi lose all sense of control.

The ceo let out a low growl before her hands snaked around Xueer's waist, lifting her up easily and harshly pinning her against the bed. Before Xueer could even react, Jiaqi dived in and caught her lips, hungrily devouring her already swollen lips. Letting out a moan, Xueer's legs wrapped around her hips as the top bit down in her lower lip, the hot sensation immediately being cooled when her tongue grazed the bitten spot.

"J-jiaqi..." Whimpering as Jiaqi started sucking on her neck like a vampire, Xueer's hands found its way to her hair, tugging on it. "I'm gonna make you regret saying those words darling." She smirked against her skin as her teeth pulled the bottom's skin between them. Whatever Jiaqi just said had made Xueer even more turned on.

Before she knew it, Jiaqi had been too rough and accidentally tore her crop top off like it was nothing. "I'll just have to buy you a new one babygirl. Anyways this one's too tight for my liking." When Jiaqi looked up to meet Xueer's eyes, the bottom noticed how dilated her pupils were, just like a wild animal hunting down their prey.

Remaining silent and waiting for Jiaqi to continue her pleasuring, Xueer gently pushed Jiaqi's head towards her chest. The ceo knew better and immediately started sucking her collarbones and down to her cleavage. Her mouth moved expertly against Xueer's body as the younger started letting out louder moans, her eyes shut from complete pleasure.

Suddenly she felt Jiaqi pull away which made her slowly open her eyes as she tried catching her breath, "Why are you stopping?" Jiaqi only flashed an innocent smile and went back to her desk, "That's my punishment for you saying those words."

Whining desparately, Xueer uncomfortably shifted on the spot, "You can't leave me hanging like that! How am I supposed to even sleep with my area that wet?" Jiaqi turned around and glanced down at her soaked panties before looking back up, "Your problem babe, fix that yourself. Get a cold shower or masturbate. Your choice."

Xueer huffed and crossed her arms, deciding to play with Jiaqi, "You know I would pick the second option without a doubt. What's there to choose from?" Xueer smiled seductively and sinisterly as she slowly sucked her fingers before teasing herself. Her head tilted up as her tongue stuck out with her moans filling up the room. Knowing that Jiaqi was watching her made Xueer feel even hornier than ever.

The ceo bit her lip as she slowly got incredibly aroused. Even if she wasn't watching, Xueer's moans were enough to distract her. Her fingers then slipped passed the layer of thin fabric, entering her. Xueer's hips bucked up as she started grinding on her fingers, making sure Jiaqi was seeing everything. That was when she took it further and grabbed the remote control lying on the bed.

Before Jiaqi knew it, Xueer was already on top of the remote, grinding and humping on it like her life depended on it. "A-ah fuck...It feels so good." Xueer moaned as the sound of her skin slapping against the remote echoed around the room. Jiaqi's eyes widened in pure shock and lust. She was so tempted to replace that remote with her fingers.

As Xueer continued wetting the bed with her leaking juices while grinding against the remote, she suddenly felt a hand travel down her spine. Before she knew it, Jiaqi's fingers were in place of the remote which was long forgotten by Xueer. "Y-yes daddy. Fuck me harder." She bent her back as Jiaqi's fingers slid in deeper, hitting her g spot. That was when she couldn't hold it in anymore, cumming all over her fingers.

The heavy pants of Xueer and the aroused breaths of Jiaqi filled the bedroom. "Did you just call me...?" Raising a brow, Jiaqi brought her fingers up to her mouth and sucked it before bending down to clean her still throbbing clit. Letting out softer moans, Xueer blushed a red tint, completely ignoring Jiaqi's question.

"Ignoring me? Such a naughty girl...looks like you'll need another punishment." She smirked devilishly as her tongue lucked her bottom lips, darkened and dilated pupils staring right into Xueer's wavering ones. The bottom felt butterflies in her stomachs as Jiaqi leaned in whispering lowly.

"Starting now..."


Okii soo this is the last official chapter of this book! Since it has been a long time since i've write not fluff chapters, take this as their honeymoon😂

Also y'all can follow me on my twitter acc (@/ jasmineteaea) if you want. I'll be starting to post some prompts there in my dry acc.  (actually i dont think y'all shld follow me because i'm boring but imma just say it if anyone likes boring lmao)

Also...thank you so much for the support on this book! Let us all support THE9!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2020 ⏰

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