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Jiaqi's POV

"Here, have some honey lemon, they're still your favorite right?" I scratched the back of my neck shyly as I placed the cup in front of Xueer. She looked at me and nodded with a little smile on her face, "Yea...I still do. And you still remember." My forehead creased as I composed myself before hugging her tightly.

"Of course I still do...I remember everything about you, even if I figured out the truth at the age of 100, I would still remember you." Whispering softly, I caressed her cheek as she sniffed and whined again like a baby, "Don't make me feel like that." Letting out a giggle, I raised a brow and teasingly replied, wanting to lift up the depressing mood, "Like what?"

"Like I'm loved. Don't make me have hopes."

I froze and glanced at her, not comprehending whatever she just said. "What do you mean?" Xueer smiled however it did not reach her eyes, "As much as I love you and want to be together with you again, laughing and crying together about the smallest things...I can't afford to let you be harmed because of me. Your safety is my importance."

That was when a surge of emotions pumped through my blood. Anger, towards the person who's behind this and sadness, towards everything that was happening right now. Shutting my eyes for a moment, I cleared my thoughts and smiled reassuringly at Xueer, "Are you forgetting that I'm the ceo of one of China's and possibly one of the world's most successful company?"

She remained silent as I continued, "I have security guards and cameras everywhere. Don't worry Xueer, I'm safe. In fact, I'm worried about you." She looked up from her fidgeting hands, her absolutely gorgeous eyes staring right through my soul with a hint of curiosity. "You're living with Xiao Tang and going back and forth to work. Two girls in an apartment without any security is not safe. Don't you tell me about Tangtang's Li ba shan he qi gai shi. Her marshal arts skills can't compare to guns."

Xueer sighed and sipped her honey lemon drink before falling back onto the sofa, "So what do you suggest then, Jiaqi?" I grinned upon hearing her call me by my name, how I missed her calling me Jiaqi. Grabbing her soft hands and holding them as if they were the most precious thing ever, I leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"Live with me."

Xueer looked as if she was a deer caught in greenlights, how cute. "That soon? I mean, it's not even confirmed yet if we're togeth­-" Rolling my eyes playfully, I leaned in and interrupted her with a quick peck on the lips, "Done. We're back together." She grinned cutely, finally her smile reaching her eyes, "That's too quick to be considered done." Unexpectedly, she closed the gap between us and kissed me passionately. There we were, in the living room of my house, under the chandelier hanging down from my ceiling as we kissed gently and lovingly. I missed her so fucking much, finally having her by my side, I feel so much more at ease and free. She is indeed my one and only true love.

Pulling away reluctantly, we stared at each other, no one dared to move or speak. We were just appreciating and taking in this moment that both of us have sought for the past few weeks. Her face was lighted up with the romantic orange hue from the lights of the chandelier, highlighting all her stunning and magnificent features. She is the definition of perfect.

Getting myself to say something, I finally pushed myself to ask the question I have been thinking about since she confessed someone was behind this.

"So, now that our relationship is settled, who is that son of a bitch?" My eyes bored into hers as she inhaled a shaky breath before answering, "Cai Xukun, the ceo of-"

"Did he hurt you?" Negative thoughts immediately rushed into my mind. Why did he even approach her in the first place? Xueer shook her head and looked me in the eyes, "He threatened me though, saying that he would harm you if I don't break up with you. He also has people undercover to watch us." Anger clouded my head as I clenched my fist, the veins popping out.

"That motherf-" Xueer pecked my lips and gave me the purest smile I've ever seen, "That's enough cussing for the day." If that was her way to calm me down, it sure as hell did the job. How is she soo fricking adorable?! God I missed her so much. Her hands then reached to my fists and unclenched them before caressing the surface of my skin, "We can talk about that imbecile later, right now I just wanna cuddle."

She flashed a toothy grin and gave her irresistible puppy eyes. Extremely affected by her supreme cuteness, I reached to her cheeks and squished them, my mood immediately changing, "How are you so cute?!" I squealed and engulfed her in a huge hug, lifting her onto my lap as I nuzzled my face into the crook of her neck. She laughed and pouted, "I command you to put me downnn!"

"Didn't you say you wanted to cuddle?" Teasing her, I giggled and ruffled her hair, the intoxicating scent of her invading my nostrils. How much I missed her smell. Ok wait that sounded weird. Oh well, it's the truth so don't judge! She turned around and raised a brow cheekily, "Are you smelling me?" Under the lights, I could still see her tear stains on her cheeks. How I wished I was there for her and not messing around with others. Argh, looking back I was so dense and stupid to not realise what was happening.

"So what if I am? I just missed you too much, Xuexue-zi." She then pecked my cheek and shifted her body so she was sitted on my lap facing me, "I missed you so fucking much too Qiqi." Raising a brow, I teased her while stroking her hair, "What happened to the 'too much cussing' thing?" Xueer only winked adorably, at least tried to wink, putting the two of us into a fit of laughter.

Only after calming down, she patted my head and grinned, her eyes shining, "It only applies to you. So behave alright?" I obediently nodded as I tightened my grip around her waist and pulled her even closer to me, treasuring this moment. "I love you, Kong Xueer." A moment of silence passed by as only her shaky breaths were heard.

"I love you too, Xu Jiaqi."

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