35 [2nd last Chapter]

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Jiaqi's POV

As the summer breeze gently blew by, so as time. It has already been 3 years since that day during christmas. Well things had definitely changed like our love. It deepened and is now as deep as the Mariana Trench, no one could separate us, even with malicious comments. Everything had been going so well, we kissed, cuddled, talked, slept and even had promise rings for each other. However, there was still one last thing that I have not done and could not find the courage to---propose to Xueer.

It took me a whole day to set up the proposal venue and have everything perfectly laid out. Tiring but worth it. Tying the silver and golden balloons to the trees in my garden, I also stringed up some beautiful fairy lights. To my satisfaction, with my makeover, my ugly withering garden actually appeared like an enchanted magical forest.

"Are you ready? Imma go pick you up now." Even if Xueer wasn't here, a smile still crept up my face as I hopped into my car. After 30 minutes or so, I finally reached her apartment which she rented a few months back. Ringing the doorbell, I inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm my raging nerves.

As the door swung open, I was greeted by the universe most gorgeous and stunning lady. Xueer had dyed her hair jet black and was fitted in a flowy red silk dress, one that i had gotten her during our 2nd anniversary. Grinning, she immediately wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me into her warm embrace with her breath carressing my ear, "I missed you so much..."

Pecking her forehead, the corner of my lips tugged up, "Xueer, it has only been 1 day. You're over exaggerating." She pouted and scoffed, "So that meant you didn't miss me at all?"

As my eyes widened in panic, I laughed and flicked her forehead, "Of course I do! I was just teasing you baobei." She narrowed her eyes before gently punching my guts, "You better be." Geez, sometimes she can be really scary.

In the restaurant, as she was munching down on her food, I sighed and placed my head on my hand, "What do you think about our future? Do you wanna get married?" Xueer suddenly choked on her food as her eyes widened in surprise. Immediately reaching out to a glass of water, I brought it to her while she laughed awkwardly, "With you then yes. But why so sudden?"

While gulping down the water, I heaved a digh of relief and shook my head with a tiny grin on my face, "So you're not against marrying me?" Xueer softly slapped my shoulder as she slightly raised her voice, "Of course not! You're the love of my life why the fuck would I want to marry someone else. Jiaqi we have been dating for at least 3 and a half years."

Smiling sheepishly, I giggled at her reaction, "Good to know then." Xueer was about to speak again when I gently placed the spoonful of rice into her mouth, "No talking or you'll choke again." She glared at me as she went back to eating, probably having a head full of questions. Well she was definitely gonna be surprised later on.

After finidhing our meals, we returned to my home with a full stomach. Xueer groaned and plooped down onto my couch while stretching, "So are we gonna watch movies or....do that? I mean what else could be the reason you brought me to your place?" Not being able to hold back my laughters, I giggled out, "Do that then." She then turned to me with a shocked expression plastered on her face, "Do that?! Right after our dinner?" Patting her head, I shook my head and tsked, "Such a dirty mind Kong Xueer. Cmon, follow me."

Her brows furrowed as she looked on with a suspicious gaze while we headed to my garden with our fingers intertwined. "Tadaaa! Do you like it?" Gasping at the sight in front of her, Xueer's jaw dropped as she glanced at me, "Did you prepare all this by yourself?" Nodding my head in pride, I then softly guided her to the hammock chair tied between the two trees, "Yea I did..." The serenading of the violin that probably came from my neighbour's home travelled by as we fell into silence. Such great timing.

As we sat there with her head resting on my shoulders and my arm wrapped around her waist, we gazed up into the dark sky, taking in the beautiful view of stars. "Can you see those stars connecting to one another?" She pointed while I nodded my head. Xueer then continued with her soothing and mesmerising voice, "That's the constellation, Virgo...Just like your zodiac." I remained silent and listened to her as she resumes, "And that's mine...Taurus. It's quite far from yours."

She then traced the constellations on my the back of my hand while she sighed, "Virgo and taurus are a perfect match, just like us. Maybe it really is fate." I smiled and stroked her midnight dark hair, "You sure do know lots about stars." She hummed and flashed a cheeky smile, "My interest for astrology has ways been there ever since I was a child."

Silence then set by as the soft night breeze to pass by while the golden brown leaves fluttered down. Figuring it was the right time, I heaved a sigh and cleared my throat, "So um..this might be sudden..."

With a curious expression plastered on her face, she tilted her head as I slowly got on my knees. That was when she probably realised what I was about to do and she was damn right about it. Taking out a velvet ring box fron my pocket, I smiled and stared right into her glassy eyes. It was exactly like the first time I asked her to be mine except this time it was a ring and I was on my knees.

"Will you be mine forever?" I then took her hands and pecked it before continuing with a huge grin on my face, "By that I meant will you marry me?" It was as if time stopped and it was just the two of us. The chattering of crickets and the harmonic playing of violin were completely blocked out. What took me by shock was Xueer grabbing me by my tie and pulling me right into a sincere, passionate and loving kiss.

Her tongue gently grazed mine as I sucked on her bottom lip. With her hands roaming around my back and mine tangled in her soft hair, she then broke the kiss and smiled subtly. As the moonlight shined down on us, those few words left her lips while she gazed right into my eyes.

"Yes...I'm all yours."


This book will be ending soon with its last chapter that will be released next week. Sigh, i didn't really do well and everything seemed rush. I'll do better for my 2nd book and try not to disappoint y'all...I'm sry once again🤧

Also, after this book ends, I'll be starting on a qyj fanfiction. I have always been wanting to write a yuyan and jiaqi one but they just didn't interact much until yesterday😭 y'all have no idea how i actually celebrated for the comeback of qyj haha

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