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Jiaqi's POV

Time flew by like sand drifting into the air, it was already our last day in France, at least right at midnight. Xueer was already in her deep slumber so I got hold of this opportuinity to sneak out. Today had been an exhausting day from our memorable visit to the Louvre Museum. The whole time I was forced to be Xueer's cameraman because of her enthusiasm to take a picture with all the art pieces in there.

Of course I can't complain, seeing how her eyes shined like stars whenever she sees an art piece was just enough for me. Anways, in my opinion, Xueer is the real artwork and not those being framed up.

Shutting the door as silently and gently as I could, I then proceeded to make my way to the shop, hoping it was open. First it was the flower shop that we passed by yesterday. Xueer was complimenting how the flowers looked as if they were just freshly plucked and obviously I can't miss this chance. The last bouquet I got her was a liliac one, representing the beginning of our love. This time, I was going to get her a bouquet of red roses, representing our true and passionate love.

Luckily, the store was still open and in the end I managed to get it. Heading back to our hotel room, that was when I started pondering on where i could hide it without ruining it. I wouldn't want a it to decay when the time comes. Placing it in the balcony where she never goes to, I returned back to bed with my stealth mode on and snuggled right beside her.

"Ugh, Jiaqi..." Her groggy voice rang in my ear as i froze completely. Damn it, I should've been more sneaky.

Before I could apologise for waking her up, she continued, "Why did you eat my croissant?"

Realising that she was dreaming, I apmost giggled at how cute she sounds, croissant huh? I wonder what dream is she having right now.


Morning arrived and as usual, we went to a café and had some baguette with cream cheese and coffee. After that, we then drove to one of Paris most romantic park, The Buttes-Chaumont. As the chilly cool wind brushes lightly against our faces, we strolled down the snowy covered path, littered with golden brownish petals. The park's thousands of deciduous trees frame the sky in ways that allow for automatically gorgeous photos.

"Jiaqi, let's take photos together here. Yesterday at the Louvre Musuem we barely did because of your distaste in the art...wouldn't this be a better chance?" Her puppy like eyes stared right into mine as she stuck out her bottom lip, pouting while whining. Finally giving in, we took plenty of selfies with the snow covered statues and the backdrop of a beautiful icy lake, surrounded with crystallised trees.

Later in the afternoon, we went to a famous café down the streets and had our teabreak there. Since it was probably going to be our last lunch in France, we ordered quite a lot. Feeding and taking photos and memes of one another, we treasured every single smile and laughter here. No doubt would it be forever engraved into my heart.

It had then reached around 5pm, in a few hours it would then be sunset, the perfect time to visit the eiffel tower. Before heading over, we returned to our hotel for a warm shower and a short break. As she was bathing, I grabbed the bouquet of roses and placed it gently in my bag, careful not to pluck any petals out in the process.

Once she changed, we were ready to visit the final destination of our vacation. Since our hotel was close by, after a 15 minutes walk, we reached there just in time for the sunset.

"Wow, this view is really magnificent. It almost seem as if we're in a fairytale." Xueer gasp as her eyes widened. Acknowledging that fact, I nodded my head and grinned, "Well I'm glad you liked the view."

"Are you kidding? Of course I would! Any normal human would." She laughed while playfully punching my shoulder.

The orange and pink hue of the setting sun lit the dark blue sky as the stars dotted right above the thin clouds. As we were sitting on a bench admiring the view, Xueer suddenly got up and approached a random stranger, "Can you help us take a picture?" My eyes almost popped out of my sockets. Did she just speak in french? Ignoring my shocked state, Xueer pulled me up and dragged me to the centre of the eiffel tower as the stranger smiled and gladly helped us took plenty of photos.

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