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Kiki's POV

Walking into the red hazy dim litted room with wine bottles on the table and scented candles displayed, I sighed a contended breath and engulfed her into a bear hug. Yuyan patted my head and raised a brow, "Feeling troubled?" Replying with a lazy nod, I plopped myself down onto the sofa with Yuyan following with a soft thud.

With the asmr like alcohol pouring into our glasses pleasing my ears, she continued, "With who?" Instantly, the image of Ms Kong popped into my mind. Her bright radiating smile shined, so did her eyes, filled with innocence and happiness. That is when she's talking to everyone except me. The momentary grin dropped from my face when i recalled the way she looked at me just yesterday. Hatred, denial and disbelief glinted in her dilated pupils. It has been a week since the day she fed me, that was the most memorable moment ever, but of course it was too good to be true.

"With my secretary, Ms Kong Xueer." Disappointment laced my sentence as i sipped the wine. Yuyan blew a low wolf whistle and laughed, "Girl, your love life be messed up." Clutching my chest, I pretended to be hurt and played along. Of course Yuyan and Esther would be there for me when I'm feeling down, and I would too.

"Why though? What's the tea between the two of you?" Going back to the topic, Yuyan questioned me with curiosity in her eyes. I sighed and replied reluctantly, "Just as I thought I might be slowly making progress, she had to avoid me everytime unless compulsory to give me even half her attention."

My jaw clenched and the grip on the glass i had tightened as I resumed, "And these few days, I notice her getting extremely friendly with one of my workers, Ms Yuxin." They would always be going out for lunch and dinner sometimes with Esther tagging along and were always laughing together. Of course being the pathetic me, I couldn't stop thinking if I should just give up.

Yuyan scanned my face with her intense gaze and mumbled, thinking I wouldn't hear her, "Whipped and jealous as fuck." I gasped dramatically and smacked her on the shoulder, "Excuse me? It's called being professional. They should be working and not joking around all the time." I scoffed and rolled my eyes, mostly at myself because I knew what Yuyan said was true and I'm just a coward who can't accept it.

"Mhm, tell that to my feet Xu Jiaqi." Her smirk never vanished as I whined. We then started catching up with one another. Then Yuyan brought up a question I expected her to say since we arranged this meetup, "Well, what are we gonna do about our fake relationship? I don't wanna be between you and your secretary." I pondered and shot her a wicked smile while shifting closer to her, "We don't."

She raised a brow and looked at me suspiciously, "What are you implying?" Smiling innocently, I reached out to play with her strands of hair and answered simply, "Whenever your company says it ends. I make the choices for myself and what I'm deciding on will depend on your ceo, Mr son of a bitch Kun."

Yuyan didn't bother to stop me from playing with her hair as she replied, "You're still on bad terms with him?" I nodded and bitterly answered while slurring my words a bit, "Afterall...he mani..pulated the da..ta of my com..pany's and stole half of our id..eas last ye..ar. I rea..lly don't get why you're still un..der that shitty manage...ment." Probably because I had too much wine, the world was staring to spin.

"For the 9th time I've told you why, it's because my contract has one more year to go." Yuyan face palmed as her cheeks were starting to tint red. I had officially lost my sanity as the alcohol took over, "Ahhhh Yuyannn, you smell sooo goooodd.." Swinging my arms over her shoulders, I hugged her tightly and sniffed. "It rem..inds me of rosessss.."

She shook her head and pushed me back, "Time to call yourrr secre..tary and ask her to send you back. I'm suchh a geniuss aren't I?" She laughed lazily and tried to grab my phone but failed as I childishly snatched it away and started running around the room as she started chasing me. "Too bad yourrr toooo sloww!"

Of course, as I was really drunk, I tripped on literaly nothing and fell with Yuyan tumbling down along. She then snatched it away and laughed in my face, "Lookkk whoo's laughing noww!" I struggled to get out of her grip as she sat on my belly and searched for my contacts. "Ahaa! Ms Kong my Bae, HAHAHA whattt typee of contactt nameee even is that!"

"Stooppp judginngg Yuuyaann..." That was my last sentence before I gave up and went into slumber mode. Somehow before I really fell into sleep, I could hear Ms Kong's voice and Yuyan's loud ones. Dear god, poor Yuyan, Ms Kong will probably scream in her ears that she doesn't give a shit about me.

The next day when I woke up, my head was in major pain like the usual. I hissed and shifted in bed, trying to remember what happened after that but of course couldn't. Suddenly, an extremely familiar voice said, "Finally you're awake." My heart jumped as I flinched feeling frightened of the sudden voice I had not expect at all. I thought I was all alone. And the least expected person I'd ever thought will be by my side was here.

A/n* notes:

This chapter is mostly about qyj so it's kinda like a filler? Anyways, next chapter, there will be more bxqy moments😁 Also today Xueer and Jiaqi went shopping today!

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