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Jiaqi's POV

"Wake your lazy butt woman. It's fricking Christmas!" Xueer yelled in my ear as I pushed her face away with my eyes barely open. "Shut up, let me sleep. It's probably 12 am right now. You're just being extra."

I was so sure she was gonna leave me alone and get back in bed to sleep as silence came back. However, I was so wrong. Climbing on top of me, she casually sat on my torso and took her pillow before smashing it against my face, "Get up or I'll smack you with this pillow till you do so."

I groaned and kicked, trying to get her off, "Go awayyyy, I wanna sleeepp!"

Suddenly, Xueer stopped and stammered cutely, "B-but..I have a place to bring you to." Rubbing my eyes, I replied with a much softer tone, "You could've told me that earlier, princess." Xueer's eyes widened dramatically as her face lit up, "So you'll come?" With just her adorable expression, a grin slowly crept up my face. It's called the 'Xueer effect'. Once you see her smiling, you'll jist follow unconsciously.

"Of course babe, but uh...you'll have to get off first." Awkwardly shifting under her trying to pry her off, my eyes met with a pair of flustered ones. She flashed a beautiful smile with a tinge of embarassment while apologising though I'm not sure why would she even say sorry in the first place.

By the time I finished freshening up a little, it was 4 am. While I was putting on my coat, Xueer snuck up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her, "Are you ready to go?" The corners of my lips tugged up while I nodded and gently placed my hands on hers, "I'm ready for you anytime and anywhere princess."

Xueer cringed against the back of my neck while acting disgusted. Me being sulky, I huffed and pouted, "Such a meanie." She only laughed and gently pulled me to the door, "Come on let's go already!"

Having no choice but to follow like an obedient pup, I sighed and hoped that whatever she wanted to show me better be worth my sleeping time. I get that it's Christmas but it has been such a long time since I celebrated that I don't see the big deal about it. Normally I would work from home while everyone was having turkey with their families. The last time I actually celebrated it was two years ago when Shuxin dragged me to go to her Christmas party which sucked, I was only there for the food.

"What is it that you are going to show me that makes you so excited?" I pondered out loud upon the sight of Xueer hopping around under the dim street lights. She turned back and winked childishly, "That's for you to find out in just a few more minutes." Not able to suppress a smile, I gave in and sighed again. The things I do for you, Kong Xueer.

"Pretzel! Where are you?" Ever so suddenly, she shouted into the woods which spooked the shit out of me when I saw it. What even was a 'Pretzel' ? I was about to question her sanity when suddenly a little orange fluffball came running out and straight into her arms. What the actual hell.

I gasped and knelt down, all my fears and suspicions faded away as I immediately fell in love with it. "A fox? Xueer explain this." She smiled and pulled out a packet of raw meat from the pocket of her padded coat. What? I didn't even see her put that thing in.

"This little guy right here is Pretzel. We're childhood friends, right buddy?" The fox made some funny noises before jumping into her lap and munching on the piece of meat. "When I was young, I went with my mom to pick some berries in this forest but ended up getting lost. Then I met Prezel, he accompanied me and somehow we became good friends. Every Christmas around this time, I would bring his favourite meat from home for him. It's like his Christmas present. Sounds like a disney movie right?"

I gaped in awe and slowly reached out to him, petting his silky orange fur as its cute eyes came in contact with mine. "That is just weird and magical at the same time." Her brows furrowed as she patted my back upon seeing my eyes cloud with emotions, "You miss Qmi don't you? Hey, we're going back tomorrow. So don't be worried alright?" Nodding my head, I smiled and went back to petting the fox.

Xueer then glanced at her watch before tapping my shoulders, "Let's go now, I have something else to show you. Besides, Pretzel must be really hungry so let's not disturb him." Standing up, I stretched and smiled, "Let's go then?"

As our fingers interlock with one another, Xueer sighed and rested her head against my shoulder, "Jiaqi, have you ever wondered if we would still be dating if I never went for the interview?" Being a bit taken aback, I turned to her, "Why this sudden question?" She shrugged and flashed a smile, "It kinda just popped in my mind."

Leaning in and pecking her forehead, I grinned while replying, "Well, i think we would be dating. I believe that it is our destiny to be together till the day we die." Xueer slowly nodded as she leaned closer to me before grabbing my arm and raising her own. Our matching diamond ring shined under the rising sun as she smiled, "You're right. No matter what we would still be together. If not this life, maybe in another life time."

Xueer then suddenly stopped, "Alright, we're here." I halted and looked at her as my brows furrowed, "There's nothing-" She placed a finger on my lip as a cheeky smile crept onto her face, "Nuh uh, look behind you." Still being the confused me, I slowly turned around just to be greeted with one of the most beautiful scene ever.

The purple red orb was ever so on the edge of the clouds, ascending higher as the colour gradually changed to an orange hue. With the entire sky painted orange and yellow, the reflection of the light shined onto the river right below the bridge we were standing on. The view was absolutely breathtaking. Xueer then shyly came by my side and passed me a little box wrapped in gold wrapper and a black ribbon around it, "Merry Christmas, my prince."

Bitch, my heart was literally about to leap out of my chest but this woman in front of me still had the audacity to smile so fricking sweetly at me! She then continued while scratching her nape, "I wanted to be the first to wish you merry christmas so yea...awkward, I know but I-" Not wanting her to feel embarrassed, I leaned in and kissed her. My minty and cold breath mixing with her strawberry one as I pulled away.

"Thank you for the gift...but now I feel bad, I can't even pass you the present I prepared!" She laughed and pushed the box into my arms, "You can do it at night so we'll match. Me giving my present to you in the morning while yours at night. But we must open them together, so you better not secretly open it later!" As a laugh escaped my lips, I ruffled her soft hair, "Yea yea, I won't."

"Also..." Proceeding to take a step closer to her, I then bent down and went right next to her ear.

"Merry christmas to you too, Xueer."

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