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Xueer's POV

"Jiaqi, what are we?" Gazing into her eyes, I laid my head on her chest as she gently stroked my hair. Her soft caress sending shivers down my spine. She lightly smiled as her fingers trailed from my hair to my cheeks, "Do you still have to ask this question?"

I grinned and nodded my head slowly, "Yes, it's important." Jiaqi leaned down and pecked my forehead lovingly, "We're a match of royalty made in heaven. I'm your prince and you're my princess." I shook my head and smirked, "You're wrong. We're married."

Not expecting my answer, her face was tinted an obvious shade of red that was so visible even under the romantic orange light. I giggled and teased, "You get shy too easily. I should do this more often to get your cute side out." Jiaqi pouted and nuzzled her face into my hair, "You don't have to do this, I can be cute to you whenever you want..."

She then moved her face to the side of my neck and shifted herself closer to me as her arms swung onto my nape like a koala. I laughed and gently slapped her shoulders as she blew air on my neck, making me ticklish.

"I mean...if you want us to be married then sure. Let's get engaged first." She then leaned back and made eye contact with me with a pure and innocent smile on her face. Now it was my turn to blush, thousands of thoughts rushed into my head and occupied every single brain cell I had. Does she mean it? Why is she smiling like that? Maybe she's just joking?

I was then snapped out of my trance as she shook her head and placed her hand over mine, "If you're thinking whether I'm joking or not...I'm not, in fact I'm very serious about it." My lips tugged up in the corner of my lips as my voice suddenly grew soft, "Jiaqi, it's too early...We're still young and free, there's no need to rush. When the time is here...."

"Then you'll think about it?" Her eyes glinted with hope as she suddenly grew stiff. Slowly nodding my head, I stared right at her, "Yes, mark my words." The troubled expression she had immediately vanished and was replaced with pure happiness.

Silence then took over as we laid under the silk sheets, hugging each other. Today's date to the aquarium sure was exciting and tiring. I could still remember every single detail of our dates. Througout every single one, Jiaqi's passionate and loving gaze never changed. She would also hold my hand whenever i have nothing in it. Treasuring every moment, whether if it's just a small one, it will forever be engraved in my heart.

Just like that, the two of us fell asleep i  one another's arms.


"We'll be leaving for France next week. We managed to set a deal with one of the investors there, Mr Arthur for a few meet ups. If we can win him over, our company can expand our market in the west." Jiaqi courteously signalled me to record down what she had just said.

"Should I start arranging your flight and hotel stay?"

She nodded as her eyes were locked onto her computer screen. She wore a cream white suit and a shimmering blue tie while I wore a pearly white dress with a pair of blue matte heels. Jiaqi wanted us to wear matching outfits today and had been nagging since the moment I woke up at. Of course I had to give in in the end.

"Will one week be enough?" Glancing at her as I waited for her answer, she suddenly stopped typing and peered over her computer to look at me, "Make it 2 weeks." Being the clueless me, I scratched my nape confusingly as I questioned, "2 weeks in France? We wouldn't need that much time for a few meetups and events."

Jiaqi only smiled secretively and playfully glared at me, "When I say 2 weeks then 2 weeks it is!" I was left pondering about this even after work. I wonder what Jiaqi plans to do at France for 2 weeks...

A/n* notes:

Sorry for this filler chapter/update, the next one will be a full one so i hope y'all enjoyed this🌙 good nite people, sleep well and eat well! Last but not least, stay healthy y'all!

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