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Xueer's POV

As the lips of the devil started travelling from my neck to jaw, I struggled to break free from her grip. She then started sucking on my neck and pressed her body closer to mine. A strange familiar sensation hit me as she started nibbling and sloppily kissing my neck. Never in my life have I ever felt such arousement, not even with my stupid ex boyfriend who cheated on me. My struggles soon went from prying her off to pulling her even closer to me. While my grunts from trying to push her off turned into moans. It was as if desire had fully taken control of my body, not to mention her intoxicating scent contributing too.

Just as I expected her to go much deeper and start kissing me on the lips, she pulled away with a shocked yet turned on expression. Somehow, I felt a bit reluctant for this to end. She was about to speak but something I felt made me flinch while refraining from moaning out loud in pleasure. So instead, my voice came out as a whimper, "Your leg. Move your leg." Honestly, I didn't even know who I was at that moment. Because the normal me wouldn't allow anything to happen like this, especially a girl since I'm straight. However, this made me think I may not be entirely straight. There is no way in hell can I deny the extreme arousement caused by my boss right now.

"Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect this to happen, anger just got the best of me-" Ms Kiki got off me and bowed, guilt and regret written on her face. I didn't really think much of it since I even moaned and if I denied right now, that would make me look like a complete joke. A shy smile appeared on my face as I replied, "I'll let you off the hook. Besides, it was something new." Something new and something I would be too embarrassed to confront with again.

Since that event happened, a few days has passed. Luckily, we went back to the same hate relationship bewteen boss and secretary. I wasn't ready to talk about whatever happened that night. Gathering the data I've collected on the investment patterns, I headed to Ms Kiki's office to submit the work. "Come closer Xueer." Her flashed a sickeningly sweet smile. Right, the only thing that changed since that night was her calling me Xueer and not Ms Kong.

I obeyed and sat by her, raising a brow waiting for her to speak. "What do you like other than food and make up?" I narrowed my eyes at her and questioned, "Why do you care? And also, how the hell do you know my two favourite things?" She smirked and twirled my hair again which I got too used to that I don't bother prying her hands off. "I have my connections." She flashed a sheepish grin.

She then continued with confidence, "I'm your boss, I should get to know you better. Your profile only has your details but not personal preferences so don't use that against me." I sighed as a smile eventually broke out on my face, "Guess I'll have to give in then." Since it was break and we had 30 more minutes, we decided to play 21 questions. Well, technically her, I was against it.

"Do you like Yuxin as a lover?"

"What kind of question is that?" Giggling, I face palmed.

"Just answer it."

"No, but as a good friend yes." She nodded with a tiny smile on her face, what's that about?

"My turn, what's your favourite colour?" This was the most generic question I could ever come up with.

"Royal blue." Her eyes smiled as she replied.

"Why not just blue?"

"Because I'm royalty." Smirking, satisfaction was plastered on her face over her reply. Trying to hold my laughter in, I scoffed, "Yeah, if you were royalty, you would be that evil queen." She pouted and nudged me on the ribs, "You're a meanie. If I was royalty, I would be the most charming prince in the universe." Rolling my eyes at her egotistic answer, I played along sarcastically and agreed, "You would totally be the most charming." She smiled a toothy grin which made my heart skip a beat for some reason and said, "Imma remove the sarcasm in there."

We then continued with the game with her sometimes being sulky and happy at my answers. When I admitted that I had an one night stand before, she turned sulky and had her fists clenched tightly which showed her veins. Of course me being the disgusting me, erotic thoughts flooded my mind with the image of her veiny hands. I immediately shook off those thoughts and assumed I was just insane and hallucinating.

Out of all her answers to my questions, there was one which made me feel confused at my reactions. Ms Kiki revealed that she and Yuyan did hook up before and were fuck buddies for a period of time but stopped because of work. A surge of pure rage bolted through my body as the image of them kissing appeared in my mind again. I didn't even notice my face was turning red. "Xueer, are you alright? Why are you turning pinkish?" She worriedly placed her palm on my forehead.

I smiled through my teeth and replied, "It's just getting warmer here. Probably because of the weather." I unbuttoned the first button of my flannel and flashed her a weak grin as my mind tried processing my reaction. Why did I even feel anger? It's none of my business that they fucked before. I looked back at Ms Kiki expecting her to ask me now but found her staring at me. Her eyes fixed on my unbuttoned flannel, more specifically, my collarbones. Clearing my throat, I reached up to button it back but she held onto my arm and smirked, "Leave it, besides you just said you're hot and I agree."

My eyes darted from her hazy ones as I pried her hands off me, "B-break's up. I'll go now." She shook her head and tapped her watch, "4 more minutes till break ends, kitten." I sighed and just accepted the fact that 'kitten' was probably going to be used against me forever. Ms Kiki then lifted my chin with her fingers and smirked victoriously, "You're not snapping back, that's a pleasant surprise."

My eyes bored right into hers as I smiled innocently, "Would you like me to retaliate then?" She cooed and whispered by my ear, leaving shivers down my spine, "I'd rather you purr." I swear my face was probably looking like a tomato. Suddenly the door flew open and Esther's loud ass voice came to a halt. I noticed our extremely close distance so I frantically moved away from her, hoping she wouldn't think of anything weird.

"So...the two of you. What did I miss?" She smirked teasingly. I shook my head and flashed a tight smile, "Absolutely nothing. I was just about to go." Standing up, I bowed to Ms Kiki before rushing out, not daring to meet Esther's gaze. Why didn't I show her a piece of my mind just now?! Oh god, what's happening to me...

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