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Third person's POV

"I don't think we should ride this one Jiaqi" Xueer tugged on the woman next to her with a nauseas look on her face as the sight of the humungous roller coaster came to view. It has been 3 hours since they reached the amusement park and they had managed to get on 5 rides. Luckily, there was no one disturbing their little date because Jiaqi had reluctantly wore a face mask. The last one they were getting on was the largest in the entire park, with terrifying loops and sharp up and downs.

Jiaqi chuckled and teased Xueer, "It won't be that bad." She kept silent as the screams of the people riding tore their eardrums when the cart flew by them. Jiaqi noticed her uncomfortable expression and pulled down her mask before placing a quick and affectionate peck on Xueer's forehead, trying to comfort her, "Just know that I'm by your side and you have nothing to fear."

Xueer smiled weakly as it was finally their turn. When the cart started moving slowly, Xueer clinged onto her arms while keeping her eyes sealed tightly. Inhaling the calming and fragrant scent of Jiaqi, she gradually calmed down right before the drop. Throughout the ride, Xueer had her face snuggled right by her shoulders, muffling her screams. She could hear the wind as the cart goes up and down, the screams of other passengers and the laughter and small yelps of Jiaqi. Once the ride came to an end, Xueer's hair was all over her face. Staggering off the cart with Jiaqi's support, Xueer gagged and threw her hair back into a ponytail.

"I'm.. never doing that ever again." She heaved a sigh of relief as they stopped by a cotton candy stall. Jiaqi's eyes smiled while her fingers grazed Xueer's chin, "You were brave Xuexue-zi." The flustered girl blushed and avoided her gaze while muttering, "The things I do for you Xu Jiaqi." Of course the ceo heard it and a grin crept onto her face. Jiaqi got the both of them a stick of cotton candy, hers blue while Xueer's pink. "Where are we heading to next?" Xueer scrunched her nose as the sweet taste met her tongue. Jiaqi giggled at her cute expression and replied, "Since I chose this ride, why don't you pick where we're going next?"

Xueer smiled widely as her eyes glinted with excitement, "Alright then, let's head there!" Jiaqi facepalmed as she noticed where she was looking at---the carnival. "Seriously? You wanna waste your time playing those rigged games just to get a few plushies?" Xueer pouted as a disappointed expression fell upon her face. Jiaqi's heart softened while Xueer started unwillingly agreeing with her words. Jiaqi sighed and grabbed her hand before leading her to the carnival, "This is the first and last time I'm ever doing this."

Xueer hugged her tightly and thanked her profusely while Jiaqi tried to stop herself from smiling. After playing all the games at almost every stall, Xueer and Jiaqi were on a winning spree, having little competitions to see who could get the most gifts. They were always smiling and laughing together. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea at all, Jiaqi thought as the adorable smile on Xueer never left her face.

Finally, they reached the last stall and Xueer was already trying to aim for the huge stick plushie which required 15 points. However, she only managed to score a few due to the faulty gun and her bad aim. Jiaqi's brows furrowed as she grabbed the gun from Xueer and slammed the coins on the table, "Give us another round."

To Xueer' shock, Jiaqi managed to shoot all the targets down except the last one. "What the fuck?" Jiaqi glared at the stall owner and angrily stated, "The last target stood as still as a soldier even when I clearly hit it. What a fucking scam." Xueer back hugged Jiaqi to calm her down which definitely worked however, the owner just had to add fuel into the fire. "Mam, it isn't a scam. You're skills are probably just really bad."

Xueer glared at him while Jiaqi raised a brow and spat sarcastically, "Do you want to test it out?" She took the gun and aimed it at him tauntingly. The owner laughed loudly, "You're just a girl, you wouldn't have the courage." Xueer knew Jiaqi was trying to control her anger the whole and that this was the last straw for her. Jiaqi pulled her mask off daringly and challenged him, "Do you really think I wouldn't have the balls to shoot all 15 rubber bullets at you?"

His eyes widened as a horrified gasp left his mouth, "Y-you're Kiki Xu?" Jiaqi smirked and pushed the gun forcefully into his arms which left him staggering backwards. She then took out the cash out from her wallet and slammed them on the table before grabbing the stich plushie, "Keep the change. My girl wants this so I ought to make sure she gets it." Not sparing the man a glance, Jiaqi smiled sweetly at Xueer before linking arms with her again, "Come on Xuexue-zi, let's go. This last game was such a waste of time."

Xueer smiled softly, tip toed and pecked Jiaqi on the lips, "Thanks Jiaqi, I appreciate it a lot." The stunned woman reached up to her lips and gasped dramatically, "You did not just kiss me." Xueer grinned teasingly and hugged the stich plushie, "So what if I did?" Passersby begun noticing the infamous ceo and started snapping pictures of the two. Jiaqi rolled her eyes and pulled Xueer gently, "We'll continue this conversation later. let's get out of here first."

As more girls started following and crowding around them while shouting Jiaqi's name, Jiaqi remained unbothered but only tightened her grip on her lover's hand. After some time, they managed to get into the car and drove away before the paparazzi arrived. It was silent until Jiaqi broke it, "So as I was going to say, your kiss means a lot to me." Xueer giggled at the sudden mention of the tiny peck and nudged the driver. Jiaqi only whined and pouted, "I'm serious Kong Xueer. It has always been me who initiates the kiss except yesterday but that's not counted."

Xueer smiled and pinched Jiaqi's cheeks while cooing, making sure to do it on a red light, "It's not really a kiss though, yet you're already whining." Jiaqi huffed and continued sulking, "Whatever, I'm hungry so let's just go to my place. I wanna cook for you." Xueer's eyes immediately brightened up after hearing the word food and instantly agreed, earning a little smile from Jiaqi.

Once they reached her place, Jiaqi led Xueer to her bathroom and instructed her to shower first. She then prepared a set of clothes for her and then went cooking. She was determined to cook a dish that Esther had mentioned Xueer specifically liked---cream pasta. Jiaqi was a noob at cooking so the dish didn't really turn out how she wanted. As she was pouring the a bit too salty cream onto the pasta, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and placed her head on Jiaqi's shoulders.

"It's almost done Xuexue-zi. Give me a few minutes." Xueer remained silent and they continued staying in that position. Despite the strong smell of the cream pasta, Jiaqi could still smell Xueer's addicting scent. Out of the blue, she whispered sensually in Jiaqi's ear, "You know, seeing you so concentrated while cooking is a huge turn on." Jiaqi momentarily paused and controlled her emotions, suppressing her suddenly raging hormones. She let out a shaky breath and faced Xueer, "Go take a sit kitten, the food will be served now."

Xueer smiled innocently and saluted, "Yes Mam!" She knew the affect she had on Jiaqi and Jiaqi knew Xueer knows. You're gonna regret it later Xuexue-zi, just you wait, Jiaqi devilishly thought.

"So how's the pasta?" The excited amateur cook questioned Xueer as her eyes glinted with pure curiosity. Xueer smiled and nodded, "A bit too salty but it's not bad for a first time. You did really great Jiaqi." Just with that sentence, Jiaqi's whole world lightened up, all her despair was immediately forgotten as her only focus was the gorgeous redheaded in front of her.

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