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Jiaqi's POV

As the winter breeze grazed our skins with snow flakes gliding down from the bright morning sky, Xueer flashed me a toothy grin while trying to calm me down, "Don't worry much Jiaqi. I'm sure my parents will love you."

Remaining silent, I grabbed her hand and huffed, "What if they hate me?" She shook her head firmly and scoffed while pulling me to the front porch of the little cozy house. We arrived in China a few days ago and since it was Christmas eve today, Xueer wanted to bring me to her village where she grew up in and celebrate together. So there we stood, outside of her home knocking on the cold wooden door.

I bit my lips as I tightened my grip around her hand, my heart palpitating. What if I embarrass myself in front of her parents? What if they are homophobic? What if they don't allow us to be together? There were thousands of what ifs as seconds passed by. Suddenly, the door opened slowly and we were greeted with the sight of a warm and kind looking lady.

"Xueer baobei! You came back!" The lady who I'm assuming is Xueer's mother, engulfed her in a hug and started shedding tears, "I thought you weren't going to visit this year." Xueer started sniffing too, "I would never mom.." Soon her father heard the commotion and wrapped the two in his bear hug.

The family had their little moment while I stood there with a heavy heart, suddenly feeling an absent warm embrace wrapping around me, I stared at the two hugging. I could feel tears forcing themselves out of my eyes as I continued looking at them, my mind drifting into my deepest a memories---  my parents. How fucking much I missed them...

Xueer must've noticed how stiff and emotionless I appeared as she squeezed her way out the hug and came to my side. Her hands slipped into mine as my eyes darted between Xueer and her parents who had curiosity written all over their faces.

"I haven't told you guys about the love of my life right? Well...Mom, dad, meet Xu Jiaqi."

Bowing at least 90 degrees, I smiled uneasily and shifted closer to Xueer, "Hi Mr Kong and Ms Kong, I'm Jiaqi and I'm 26 this year."

I was sure I looked stupid since Xueer giggled silently by my side. My face was probably painted all shades of red as I nervously fidgeted. Mr Kong's expression was stoic as he scanned me sternly like a protective father while Ms Kong had a welcoming soft smile on her face.

"Xu Jiaqi? The ceo of that famous company?" Mr Kong raised a brow as he crossed his arms. Having no choice but to nod, I glanced at Xueer and begged for help.

However, he gently pulled Xueer to the side while whispering not so softly, "Xueer have you even read the news? She's a player, she will break your heart." I felt my heart starting to crack as I had my head hung low. However, to my surprise Ms Kong despite hearing what he had just said, ignored his statement and invited me into their home while smiling, "Don't just stand there, it's cold outside. Come on in."

I followed her in and was about to speak when a little girl ran down the stairs and exclaimed, "Is Xueer sister back?"

Once Xueer heard her voice, she rushed to her and lifted her up in her arms while crying out that she misses her so much. I was still shook , Xueer never told me that she had a baby sister who is so fricking adorable.

"Sister Xueer, who is that pretty lady?" She pointed to me while suppressed my smile.

"She's my lover, Xu Jiaqi."

Mr Kong was leaning against the kitchen wall as he tsked, "Lover? Xueer, break up with her. I don't see this relationship going anywhere but her breaking your heart." I could feel my blood start to boil as I suppressed my awakening rage. Ms Kong nudged him and shook her head while I had enough of his bullshit. He might be Xueer's father but this was not it. Suddenly, I felt a surge of courage and determination.

"Excuse me sir but I'll have to correct you there. I agree that my pass behaviour is disgusting, skipping from one girl to another was inhumane and I have learnt from it and changed. Xueer is my light and the only reason for my existence. So if you are going to separate us, it won't be that easy because our love is much stronger than you think." I politely responded without breaking eye contact with him.

Her sibling started cheering while Xueer clapped with a proud and huge grin on her face and as for Ms Kong, she was nodding her head, somehow as if it was a nod of approval, at least I hope. Mr Kong however had a stunned look on his face while remaining quiet. Without saying anything, Mr Kong went upstairs while the atmosphere brightened almost instantly.

"Jiaqi sister is so cool! When I grow up, I wanna be like you." Xueer's little sister came to my side and hugged me...well, hugged my leg since she was tiny. I bent down and patted her had softly while a smile grew on my face, "What's your name, munchkin?" Her tiny hands reached out for my hand as she smiled a toothless grin, "Emma and I'm princess Elsa!"

Xueer then approached us and back hugged me, "I see the two of you are already getting along well?" She had the cutest smile plastered on her face. Emma then nodded her head vigorously, "Jiaqi sister is my role model from today onwards."

Xueer pouted and whined like a child, "What about me then?" In that moment, I felt like I was with two little kids.

Emma innocently stared at her as a confused expression slowly crept onto her adorable face, "You're my sister?"

I burst out laughing as Xueer looked at Emma with her 'are you serious' expression while Emma only appeared even more clueless than ever. I immediately forgotten about Mr Kong as that happened.

Ms Kong then came out from the kitchen with a motherly smile on her face, "Let's have lunch? The dishes are already ready."

Emma had both her arms reached out, asking for a hug while Xueer just naturally picked her up and pulled me along, mouthing the words, 'Emma is always like this. Too lazy to walk.' I suppressed a giggle and nudged her.

"Forgive my husband for his remarks, he judges people too fast without knowing them better. I hope this didn't ruin your Christmas eve." She sighed and helped me scoop a bowl full of rice while Xueer helped set the cutleries out with Emma tailing along.

I shook my head and replied, "Not at all, in fact, I like challenges. I'll make sure to have his approval before we leave." She laughed and patted my shoulder, "I like your spirit. You know, Xueer told me a lot about you last night over the phone and I just wanna thank you for taking care and making everyday special for her, Jiaqi."

Blushing, I hid my smile and shook it off, still not over the fact that Xueer had spoke about me to her mother before, "It's what I should do Mam."


Haii everyone!! My new bxqy fanfic/book 'Forbidden Love' is already out, yayy!! I actually wanted to write a qyj (yuyan and Jiaqi) fanfic but since nowadays they don't have many interactions...unfortunately, I just stuck to bxqy hehe😅

Also do you guys think Xueer's father will change his mind and accept Jiaqi?
That's for you to find out in the next chapter hehe😉

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