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(In the end of this chapter there will be a little 🔞 moment so skip if you feel uncomfortable)

Xueer's POV

"Xueer, are you sure you don't need my help?" Jiaqi giggled and tried to grab the bags i had in my arms. "Nope. I'm perfectly fine." Truth be told, I was struggling with the bags and all but as her secretary, I should be carrying them. We had just touched down in France after a long flight and were making our way to the waiting area to board the limo which was already waiting for us. She laughed and shook her head before grabbing everything from my grasp.

"Stop being so persistent and let me take care of you alright, princess?" She smiled with ease as I stiffly nodded. She just had to be that perfect. From her visuals to personaility. Surprisngly, she carried those baggages comfortably and easily, making me feel incredibly embarrassed. Was i that weak?

As i got into the driver's seat, Jiaqi tsked and grabbed my arm, "You're sitting with me Xueer. The driver has already been hired." I reluctantly got pulled into the back seat as the tall french man nodded and got into the driver's seat. Pouting, I nudged Jiaqi, "You know I can drive right? You didn't have to hire a drive-"

She silenced me by pecking my lips as an angelic smile appeared on her face, "After a long flight I'm sure you'd be tired. Besides, it would be dangerous for the both of us when someone exhausted was to drive." I could only give in to her logic and rest my head on her shoulders, "Fine. You win." She giggled and patted my head, "That's my good girl."

A red tint was probably plastered on my cheeks right now as we the car started. The coldness of Paris slowly vanished as Jiaqi wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer into her embrace, her body heat reaching me in no time. With the gentle carressing from Jiaqi and her warm, soothing touch heating my body up, i soon drifted off to sleep.

"Princess, we reached the hotel." A soft voice woke me up from my slumber as my body shuddered. The sudden coldness reached me while my eyes fluttered open. I was greeted with the sight of Jiaqi towering over me with the dark sky lit with stars being her backdrop. It was already night? Stepping out of the car, I grabbed the baggages as she took our luggage which were soon taken away by the usher.

I was in absolute awe, the hotel was marvellous, in fact it looked like a museum. We then arrived on the highest floor with the usher leading us to our room which was huge. After he left, we started unpacking and took a hot shower, seperately. Yawning, I glanced at Jiaqi who was already on her computer and questioned, "Aren't you going to sleep?"

She shook her head while rubbing her eyes wearily, "I still have to complete some reports before tomorrow."

Sighing heavily, I got out the bed and walked to her, "Go ahead and sleep first, I'll do it." She shook her head and stubbornly insisted. Having enough of her reasons, I gently pulled her up and dragged her to the bed before pushing her down. With a smirk on my face I patted her head, "Stop being so persistent and let me care for you, alright Miss Xu Jiaqi?" Her eyes widened as she laid there dumbfounded. That's right, I used her words against her and I'm proud of myself.

"Besides, just now on the road you didn't even sleep while I slept through out. Instead, you were on the phone with Mr Arthur the whole time." Reasoning it out while patting her head, Jiaqi only flicked my forehead and worriedly stated, "Fine..but you better finish it early and get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be one tiring day."

Smiling, I saluted and playfully replied, "As you wish, your highness."


The next day soon arrived and I kinda disobeyed her words. Thought I had completed all the reports to be done, I was a living corspe. There were obvious dark circles under my red sore eyes and. Of course Jiaqi was so worried she started blaming herself for it but I managed to slap some senses into her. She only sighed and apologised before going into the bathroom to wash up. It was 7.30 on the morning so I only slept for 4 hours.

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now