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Third person POV

In that moment, Xueer was questioning herself as the beating of her heart picked up its pace. The soft sensation of Kiki's soothing ouch lingering on her not so calm pulse as her cat like seductive eyes pierced into her own. It somehow felt magical. Her face heated up when she finally realised that she was too entranced by her boss. This was wrong. It was in fact too wrong.

Even after that, she could still remember her breath tickling her ears as she whispered in a deep voice that made Xueer tremble in fear and surprisingly to her, arousement. Never had she ever felt that feeling for a girl, she was straight. Though, she came to a conclusion that it was a trap. Judging from the rumours of the last secretary, she was probably going to prey on her the exact same way. Shuddering off those horrifying thoughts, Xueer continued focusing on the article. She decided not to let herself be anymore closer to Kiki.

"Why would the sensational soloist Yuyan even be close to that one hell of a ceo who is a predator?" She muttered under her breath as her eyes scanned her finished draft. However, just as she was about to ask Esther for approval first, a notification popped up on her screen.

"What the?" Xueer's eyes widened as she took in every single word in the article. Right then, Esther came rushing from the lift towards her and hastily breathed out, "Come with me." This is some real shit, first day of work and it's already giving me a fucking headache, Xueer thought while massaging her temples. Plugging in her thumbdrive, she saved the draft and ran to the Kiki's office. They were in trouble.

"Esther? Didn't i apologise to you alre- Oh Ms Kong? You're here too?" She raised a brow and stood up.

"I'll let Xueer explain this time." Esther shot a light smile and Kiki returned it with a nod. Feeling incredibly flustered, Xueer collected herself and went ahead, "Yuyan's company just released their official statement towards your dating rumours."

Kiki signaled for her to continue as she poured coffee into the mug. Xueer almost rolled her eyes but managed not to. "They confirmed it was true."

The sound of the liquid entering the mug stopped instantly as Kiki let out a breathy sigh. After another few seconds of silence, she finally replied, "Then let them. We'll follow their wishes."

Suddenly Xueer felt a split second of jealousy which turned right into anger. "What? I spent so much time on that article about why Yuyan and you aren't dating! You can't just change that at the last minute?" Her voice resonated in the enclosed room.

Esther's eyes widened with shock and immediately looked at Kiki for any reactions. Shit, why did she do that? Does she wanna lose the job on her first day? Thoughts ran across her mind as Esther eyes met with Kiki's who just gave her a nod, a sign for her to leave the room. She bowed and moved away before mouthing a good luck to a confused and still angry Xueer.

"Are you talking back to me right now? Moments ago you were just a small timid kitten, what changed you?" A devilish smirk appeared. Ah shit, here we go again, Xueer thought in regret.

"Do i have to repeat my question, Ms Kiki?" Her eyes bored into the dark orbs of Kiki's. She wasn't afraid anymore. She wasn't going to let a stupid ceo intimidate her and make her feel like a weakling. Even if she gets fired, then so be it. She could easily find another job, it just may take a longer time.

"No you don't I heard you loud and clear." She muttered as she walked around the table and towards Xueer, cornering her against the table.

"Yuyan and I are friends, however I'm not in good terms with her company. They are trying to use this opportuinity and make me hesitant. So why not play the risk card and go along?" Kiki grinned, her fingers trailing up Xueer's thigh, waist, arm and her hair, twirling it while never losing eye contact with her.

Xueer almost fell into the same blackhole but resisted. If this was what she wanted to play at, she wasn't going to lose this time. She grabbed her hand and pulled Kiki towards her before switching positions so she was trapped between her arms while leaning on the table. "Stop doing that. I'm straight and I respect your community but don't make me lose my respect because of you." She hissed.

"You can fire me, I don't even care anymore. 1 day is enough for me to tell that you're a predator." Xueer was quite proud of herself to be honest. Never had she ever thought she'll be able to stand up for herself.

"You're a fiesty kitten, aren't you? Do you think I'm that easy for you to put down to?" Kiki laughed while in one swift move, Xueer was slammed against the table with her menacing eyes staring straight deep into her soul. The firery emotions clouding her eyes ignited a storm in Kiki. She hated this, she hated how she actually felt angry and upset at Xueer's words but just can't give in to firing her for some reason. Kiki was not one to easily get hurt by others's words.

She sighed and removed her tight grip from the cold beauty's wrists and stepped back. "Just go. Go and write a statement saying we're dating." Xueer glared at her for the last time and was about to leave the room before Kiki let out her words with a clenched jaw, "You're right. I'm a predator, but only in the eyes of cowards."

Xueer slammed the door shut and huffed, she really was getting on her nerves. If only there wasn't a rule on how newbies can't resign in the first month or else, she would already be out of this hell place. There were no words to describe her hatred towards the ceo.

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