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Jiaqi's POV

"You sure you wanna meet him?" Yuyan's worried voice rang through the phone.

"Yea, I'm sure. Thanks Yan-yan, i'll be sure to pay you back." Hanging up the phone, I sighed and rubbed my temples. Why was I doing this again? Right, because of Xueer. Speaking of whom, was glaring at me, "So now you have a nickname for Yuyan? I thought nicknames were our thing." She then proceeded to fold her arms and pouted, looking like the most adorable person in the universe.

"Cmon princess, we're friends, don't you have nicknames for your friends too?" Smiling teasingly, I questioned as my eyes travelled back to my computer screen. She sulked and nodded reluctantly therefore ending up giving into the nickname thing. It was already hard enough to focus on work when the whole Kun thing is occupying my mind but then, with Xueer by my side, it's even harder. Isn't a secretary's job supposed to help out and not make me slack? Yea well, not for Xueer's case. How can someone look so cute while typing our a report? How can someone be so innocent and adorable without even trying?

It's hard not to get distracted when a goddess is right in front of you. Especially whenever she thinks, she would place a finger on her chin, whenever she's tired, she would let out a yawn looking like a cute kitten and lastly whenever she's happy about the reports, she would clap like a seal while whispering encouraging words to herself. I hate to admit it but instead of working, I was probably studying her every action. Argh, I seem like a creep and now I'm slacking behind a bit. Well at least when it was her break time, I hurriedly caught up so that's great.

Besides, I'm going to be out the whole night meeting that asshole Kun (ok y'all I rlly stan Kun and i hate making him the bad character but it can't be helped for this story😭) so i wouldn't be able to cuddle with my princess also known as Xueer. A smile tugged up the corner of my lips just thinking about after dealing with Kun, Xueer and I wouldn't have to be separated ever again.... at least i hope. I should probably shut up now before I jynx it.

When Xueer got back from her break which still had about 15 minutes before it ends, luckily I was already done sorting out all the documents and financial issues. She got back with a huge grin plastered on her face as she came up to me and sat on my lap, "Jiaqi, I have good news! I heard from your lawyer that she has evidence against Kun." I raised a brow and wrapped my arms around her waist as she snaked her hands around the back of my neck, "I told her I didn't want law to get involved, didn't I?"

She pouted and whined cutely, "Why not? I don't see what's the problem here." Sighing, I booped her nose and shook my head, "Jail time would only be about 3 months if anything. After that, he could return and seek revenge and we might be separated again. We don't want that." Her mouth formed an 'O' as she slowly nodded, the shine in her eyes immediately vanishing after the word 'separated'.

She then leaned closer and snuggled herself into my embrace, "Please be safe later on during your meet up with him. He could be up to anything." I sighed with contentment while inhaling her comforting scent, "Don't worry. I'll be back around 11 pm." Xueer then looked up at me and smiled a toothy grin, "But that's too late too, I can't survive for those hours without you." I stroked Xueer's soft red hair while pecking her forehead, "Princess, you've endured 2 weeks. Those few hours are nothing compared to that."

She huffed childishly and rested her head on my shoulder again, "Whatever, just be sure to stay safe alright? I can't afford risking getting you hurt. You're the only one I have."

Hugging her tightly, I giggled and burried my face into her hair, "Don't worry princess, I'll be sure to settle it." She then leaned away and held up her pinky, "Promise?"



"You're finally here, Ms Xu. Long time no see. Would you like some tea?" I glared at the man sitting on the chair as he smirked, radiating evilness. "Look, I'm here to confront you about the threatening, not here to have tea." He laughed and shot me an amused look, "You haven't changed since high school have you? Very well then, proceed." Restraining myself from rolling my eyes, I entered his office amd took a seat in front of him, my glare never leaving him.

"So tell me why did you threaten Xueer to break up with me? We're competitors in the market but I don't see the must for you to bring personal relationships into this."

He raised a brow with that annoying smirk never leaving his face, "I've never said it was about marketing. I just wanted to take your happiness away like what you did to me. Ironically, after that incident, both of us became two of China's greatest ceo. Aren't we just fated to be competitors?"

I clenched my fists hidden beneath the desk as my jaw tightened, "Look, I swear what happened back then, it wasn't me. I was always the girl sat in the back who didn't care and feel anything so why would I meddle into your business?"

He remained silent as I contimued, "What happened to you, I can understand the pain. You should know I lost my parents at the age of 6. And I wouldn't want anyone to feel the pain I was going through. You have to believe me."

His expression softened for a second before it switched back to his smug look, "Yea sure, keep lying. Also, this wouldn't be the last time Xueer will be taken away from you. Just wait. I'll see you crumble bit by bit."

I sighed and rubbed my temples, "Kun, we were once friends. You were the only one who reached out to me when I lost my parents before I sealed away in the dungeon. You should know me very well, how many times must I say that I wasn't the one who caused that incident."

He was about to speak before I interrupted him, "Also, please leave Xueer out of this. It's between the two of us, there's no need to involve her. If you do, I won't be speaking to you in such a polite manner like now."

He sighed while cracking his knuckles, "Fine. I'll believe you and I won't involve her." I can tell you that my entire face probably lit up like a lamp when he said that.

"However you must find out who was the one who caused that incident. I believe you but if you can't find any evidence within one week. Xueer will be mine." Can't believe that I, the best ceo of China, is doing a deed for someone. However, it's for a good cause too, Kun deserves justice for his brother who got killed in an arson.

"So you'll be sure to not break us apart again if I help you out? I need you to confirm it because Xueer means every universe existing to me."

He smiled, a genuine one, before nodding his head, "I mean it. I won't threaten your lover again or harm any of you." That's all I needed to hear.

"Then it's a deal."

My Secretary [Jiaqi x Xueer]Where stories live. Discover now