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Kiki's POV

The next day, everything went back to normal, and I had to work overnight again. The griefing thought of it makes me even more tired. Since it was break time, I decided to visit Ms Kong's office area, not to pester her but to check up on her work. Stretching my arms as I headed to her office, my eyes was met by a very unpleasant surprise. There was Ms Kong and Ms Yuxin hugging. They were even smiling and all! What the hell? Are they here to work or here to have dates and whatever shit? My fists unconsciously clenched themselves, as my glare shot lazers at them.

Seriously, it literaly have been two weeks since Ms Kong works here they are already flirting around? How did they even get that close? I shut my eyes and shook of my thoughts. Whatever, I'm still going to keep my promise and not pester her. Just as I was about to walk off, Esther spotted me and approached me, "You finally came out of that hell hole of yours! Glad to know you've became normal." I laughed and ruffled her hair while shaking my head, trying to forget about the 'lovey dovey pair' hugging.

"Yea no shit sherlock." However, I was still distracted by them.

Esther turned around and saw Ms Kong and Ms Yuxin together. She then burst into laughter and pointed at me, "I smell jealousyy~" At the corner of my eye, I saw them looking at us so I slapped Esther's shoulders and hushed her. "Bitch, I'm not jealous, just angry." She face palmed and rolled her eyes, "They're basically the same in this context, you uneducated swine." I gasped dramatically and acted hurt.

"Oh and also, you told me to find out what she likes right? I was texting her yesterday and she said she likes literaly any food and make up." Esther whispered while I just listened and took note. Looks like I'll need to bring a whole ass cafeteria to her. After chatting for another while, I suddenly remembered that Yuyan was going to visit later because apparently she has nothing better to do and wants to see the world outside her profession, whatever that means. She also had to pass her signed album thingi to Ms Kong. Dedication.

Hours passed by and Yuyan arrived storming in with food packages in her hands while announcing, "Dinner is on me!" Cheers were everywhere and there were also shocked gasps. Yuyan rolled her eyes as she saw me waiting by the corridor. I was obviously wishing her entrace was not that dramatic and it was written all ober mt face. "I know what you're thinking but you shouldn't work your people too hard ya'know. Give them a break jeez."

I was about to answer but she went to find Ms Kong with her album in her hands. As I looked across the room, the smile on her face immediately made a little grin appear on my face. It was glowing with such a bright aura though I'm sure she was already very tired. How is Ms Kong even that perfect, it's basically illegal to look like this. I suppressed my smile as Yuyan returned, not wanting to be teased of course. "So, how is the life outside your profession? Miserable ain't it?" Smirking, I raised a brow.

"What's miserable right now is your affection for your secretary." Yuyan countered, her eyes glowing evilness but her smile says innocent. I narrowed my eyes at her and questioned, "You sure you're here for whatever your reason is or you're here just to tease me?" Yuyan laughed and replied with a 'both'. Of course. She then started the topic on how I could win her heart and I was just listening obediently like a pup. Advice from Yuyan always worked and she's finally willing to give me some love related ones.

Somewhere through our conversation, her eyes darted behind me for a second. I was about to speak but she interrupted me, "Just go along with it." She then pushed me against the wall and kissed me which I went along with and switched positions. Just as things got heated up, I pulled away and looked at her curiously, "Why go along?" She smiled cheekily and nodded her head towards the other direction. There was Ms Kong turning her back and uncomfortably started a chat with Esther.

My mouth formed an 'O' and I pinched Yuyan's cheeks, "You're one sneaky bitch." She laughed and smuggly replied, "Of course, it runs in my blood."

"So now, all you have to do is to go tease her to find out if she likes you or not. If she seems mad, she probably does. If she seems unbothered, she doesn't give a shit about your existence." That last part did hurt a bit.

I nodded and laughed before hugging her, "Thanks a lot Yan." She gave me a thumbs up and exclaimed, "Now go get your girl! Esther and I need some catching up to do too."  She then left and went to pester the drama queen.

I headed back to my office and called Ms Kong in. It was better to be in a private place than an open workspace. Of course I also had work to give her.  The beauty herself came in and quietly sat in front of me, not daring to speak. While handing her some documents, my eyes analyzed her perfect face, taking in every single one of her beautiful small features. No signs of anger but her face was redder than usual. "Ms Kong, why are you being so silent?" I raised a brow and waited for her answet.

"Because...I want to be silent." Sorting out the papers, she mumbled. "Kitten, you know that's not a valid reason right?" My voice lowered as I leaned back. This was getting no where, she's being so calm. Maybe she really doesn't give a shit about me. That's funny and sad. She glared at me and snapped back, "Don't call me that. I am a human."

"What happened to yesterday when you said you'll be a bit more gentle?" I smirked and stared right into her eyes. No one broke eye contact and no one spoke after that. Somehow, there were hesitations, confusion and anger clouded in her beautiful eyes. Maybe she did feel something for me, just a little bit. Though, I'm not surprised if she sees lust in my eyes right now, especially when she is in such a suggestive seating position. Being civilised, I managed to control myself.

"You have to earn it and not be like a player going around kissing every gir-" Her eyes widened as she realised what she had just said and immediately stopped. I smirked victoriously and  leaned in. We were that close to have my knee between her legs. "Kitten don't worry. You're the only one in my eyes."  Her eyes were everywhere except me.

"I didn't mean what I said. Don't take it to your heart. Yes, I saw you and Ms Yuyan kiss but I'm not jealous." She hissed and was about to get up but I pinned her down and leaned even closer with a huge smile on my face, "But I didn't say you were jealous?" She whined and hissed, trying to struggle out of my grip, "Stop assuming. If anything I would most probably be jealous over Yuxin than you."

I growled lowly and started kissing her neck, "Stop mentioning her. Right now it's about us." I then started sucking on her delicate skin. Ms Kong tried to push me off but I was way stronger than her. I planned to stop right then because I'm against raping and would kill one but her struggling and hissing were replaced by constrained moans and soon actual moans. She was even pulling me closer. My eyes widened and I pulled away, looking at her flushed face. I did not expect it at all and this was not what I was hoping for. I might've just goofed up.

She then whimpered, "Your leg. Move your leg." I then realised my knee was right between her thighs, rubbing against her core. I immediately got off her and apologised, "Shit, I'm so sorry. I didn't expect this to happen, anger just got the best of me-" Ms Kong then interrupted me with a soft and hesitant voice, "I'll let you off the hook. Besides, it was something new."

My eyes widened again. What the hell? Is this her? The Ms Kong I know last week was 'strictly straight'. She flashed a weak smile before gathering the documents I gave her and went out, leaving me still confused and a bit turned on. I hope things don't get awkward after this...How stupid was I to let my emotions take control of me again?

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