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Third person's POV

"You ready?" Jiaqi's priceless smile shined as she held her hand out, waiting for Xueer like the prince she was. Grinning sweetly, she interwined their fingers as they held hands lovingly while heading out of Jiaqi's home. It has been 2 days since the cold beauty moved in with the ceo and 3 days since they poured their emotions out. It was finally the day they've been waiting for---their first date since the break up.

With a group of bodyguards surrounding them but still giving them space, they headed down the streets of the city. In the distance, the booming music of clubs and honking of cars filled the night. At first, Xueer was against the idea of having bodyguards with them but Jiaqi insisted it was for their safety in
case Kun was really going to do something. So in the end, Xueer could only agree.

Though it was late and dark, the city was still awake. Stray cats were hanging around the alleys of the streets, silently observing the scene as people passing would stare at the couple. Yet, Jiaqi and Xueer didn't care about their glances and camera directed at them, they were just enjoying their time together.

"Isn't this nice?" Xueer's eyes shined as she pointed pointed at the dark grey vest of some sort. With her arm around her lover's waist, Jiaqi sighed and gently flicked Xueer's forehead, "Your taste sure is weird. It looks like what a grandpa who goes fishing would wear."

Xueer sulked and pouted while Jiaqi laughed. Now that she brought it up, it does kinda look like that. Giving into her thoughts about the vest, Xueer pulled Jiaqi along to the next shop. The pattern repeats itself.

The red headed girl would fall in love with over-priced and questionable clothes and whatnot while Jiaqi would be commenting how ugly, weird or how unworthy they are. Therefore in the end, they ended up buying nothing except a pair of socks and snacks. Since it was near midnight, shops were closing. However, their little night date wasn't ending that soon. Jiaqi had other plans.

With the bodyguards scattered around the premises of the river, they had a little midnight stroll along the river bank while admiring the scenery. Xueer sighed and rested her head gently on Jiaqi's shoulders as they walked.

"I missed this so much. It reminds me of the first time when you asked me to be yours."

Jiaqi smiled and questioned softly, "In what sense?"

"From the calming sound of water, to the beautiful night sky, everything reminds me of that moment. And of course, your touch." Xueer flashed a gummy smile as she held up their hands that were interlocked.

"Time sure do pass so fast, yet, your beauty never changed." Jiaqi grinned sheepishly as the latter blushed a tinge of deep red.

"You never changed with your cheesy words too." Xueer playfully nudged her ribs and glanced everywhere except Jiaqi's eyes.

"And you still get flustered whenever I compliment you."

Laughter and loving words filled up the lonely river as time passed.

When the couple got tired, that was when they decided to head back and get some rest. Halfway through their walk back, Jiaqi being the observant woman she is, noticed Xueer shivering. Taling her coat off, she gently placed it oved her shoulders and worryingly mumbled, "You should tell me that you were cold. I wouldn't want you to catch a fever." It wasn't winter yet but it was approaching.

Xueer sniffed as she shifted closer into Jiaqi's embrace, "I would rather have your body warmth."

Her lips curled up a little as she tightened her grip around her waist, "Wait till we get back home. We'll cuddle all night till it satisfy you, sounds good?"

Xueer looked up at Jiaqi and nodded like a baby with an elated expression, "Sounds good."

When they got back, they immediately showered and settled down down in the huge comfy bed. Xueer nuzzled her face into the crook of Jiaqi's neck and threw her legs over her thighs while Jiaqi wrapped her arms around Xueer's waist, pulling her closer.

"Good night Xuexue-zi." She inhaled her scent as Xueer replied her with good night too.

Just like that, they fell into sleep while being in one another's safe embrace. Of course Jiaqi had some deep thoughts too before sleeping. What was she going to do about the whole Kun situation? She didn't want to involve laws or whatever so she came to a conclusion to settle it once and for all through understanding.

It may seem weak but Xueer's safety comes first before her reputation towards her so called enemies. Even if she had to beg him to stop pestering and botherinf their relationship, she would. Anything for her lover, as long as Xueer's safe and happy.

A/n* notes:

This is kinda like a filler chap so I understand if y'all get disappointed but I'll be sure to post a full chap tmr!😁

Also if y'all noticed, the shopping part of this chapter was based on real life hehe. Jiaqi revealed that she had to restrain Xueer from buying expensive and weird things. Yeap, the vest part was real, Xueer was going to buy smtg like a vest but Jiaqi stopped her😂

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