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Yeji's POV
I woke up with the sound of my alarm. Arghhh I hate mornings. I rise up from my bed and do my morning routine before going down to eat breakfast. By the way I'm Hwang Yeji, 19 years old and currently taking the course of Business management, I'm in my 3rd year now. I don't really like my course I just choose it because Dad wants me to have knowledge about handling a company cause I'm the only heiress of Hwang Clothing Industry. Our company has a good reputation ever since it started, it is now ranked 1 in best clothing here in Korea. My mom passed away when she gave birth to me, and I blame myself for the death of my mom. My Dad isn't just a father to me but also a mother, he make me feel so love and fulfill my mom's duty to me. I'm so lucky I have a loving Dad. After I finished my routine I went to our kitchen and join my Dad who's already eating his breakfast.

"Hey sweetie, I'll be gone for 2 weeks for business trip. Is it okay with you?" He asked before drinking his water

"Ofcourse Dad, it's for the business so I completely understand" I said and smiled to him before eating

"Aw my little girl is growing up already, I still remembered how you hug my legs because you don't want me to leave" Dad said as if he's reminiscing the past when I was still a kid. I remembered that moment since I was crying all the way to airport, my Dad brought me in other side of the country with him.

"You know Dad that I'm always your little baby, unless you have another baby? Are you dating some chic?" I raised an eyebrow that made him laugh

"Ofcourse sweetie, There's no way I'm going to replace your mom" he said and patted my head. His phone ring and he quickly answered it

"Yes, is everything ready?" He asked probably that's he's secretary who's calling him. "Okay" after that he hang up the call.

"I have to go now Yeji, see you in two weeks and take care okay? I'm going to miss you" He said and hug me while he kissed my forehead.

"I am too Dad, take care and business purposes only nothing more nothing less" I said and grinned while saying those. He just chuckled "Ofcourse Yeji bye for now" and with that he left.

I finished eating my breakfast and I get my things and go to my mustang gt500. I have a lot of car but this one is my favorite because it was my Dad's gift when I was 18 years old and the very first car he bought for me. I drive going to my school which is JYP University it was only 15 minutes drive so I came to our school early. I parked my car in my space in parking lot after that I got out of my car and went inside the campus. As I walk to corridor all eyes are on me, well  I'm used to it, I'm Hwang Yeji after all. I walked with full of confidence and not minding the stares they're giving me. Most of them whispering how beautiful I am. This is all girls school.

"Yeji-ah!" I heard a familiar voice screaming my name, I turn around to look who she is and yeah I'm right my bestfriends. Lia with Yuna. Me and Lia are in the same year while Yuna she's in her 1st year. We are childhood bestfriends.

"We miss youu" Lia said and hug me, yuna join the group hug.

"We just met yesterday Lia" I chuckled at her cuteness, she's always like this. Yuna just laugh with me

"Ne but you left us early" Yuna said while pouting

"Stop that. it doesn't suit you, you look like a duck" I said while pinching her cheeks

"Yah Lia unnie! Look Yeji unnie is teasing me again" she said while clinging to Lia.

"I agree with Yeji" Lia said that make Yuna pushed her "Yah! You're so mean!" She said while faking her tears. We just laughed at her reaction, she's still a baby. She's still our baby. We separate our ways as Yuna walked to her class and also me and Lia. We went inside our classroom as usual it's noisy since our teacher is not here yet. Lia and I sit at the last row near the window and we started talking again. When Ms. Minatozaki came the classroom became quiet. We greet her and she did the same and then the class started.

During our class, I heard Lia snoring. She's sleeping again, I tried to wake her up but I was too late.

"Ms. Choi Jisu!" Ms. Minatozaki yelled her name and Lia immediately woke up and stand

"Ne!" She almost shouted, I prevent myself laughing cause I don't want to get scold by Ms. Minatozaki too.

"Sleeping in my class? If you won't be able to answer my question I'll send you to detention" Ms. Minatozaki sternly said everytime she do that it made her look hot

"How Aristotle defined society?" Her question is quite easy for me and Lia since we love reading a lot

"Aristotle stated that man is self sufficient and that those who are unable to live in society and have no needs in life must be either "beasts" or "Gods" Lia confidently said and my classmate clapped their hands with amusement

"Good thing even though you're sleeping you know what's going on in our class, now sit" Ms Minatozaki smiled at her

Lia take her sit and I elbowed her that made her looked at me "Nice one Choi, you really are my bestfriend" I compliment her. "Ofcourse I'm Choi Jisu  the top 2 in our batch" she said arrogantly. Sometimes she's so full of herself like she will tells us how beautiful she is and other. But she's kind and sweet.

Class hours has passed and it's already Lunch time. While walking towards the cafeteria, someone bumped into me. Our eyes met each other and she just look at me with cold eyes. Her hair color is blue that really suit to her. She's beautiful

"Look where you going" she coldly said before walking away, really? It's not my fault tho. I just let it pass maybe she's having a bad day.

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