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Yeji's POV
We are done on giving our blood to the doctors. Mommy and aunt Irene rushed the dna test so it will only take three hours and we'll get the result. We're at the restaurant now, waiting our food to come.

We are having a conversation with my mothers, they're asking me about my life and I'm answering them at my best. Most of the time it's aunt Irene who's asking me frequently. Sometimes she's smacking mommy Seulgi's head because she's slow?.

"I'm really glad that she didn't inherited to you your being slow and clumsiness" aunt Irene said

"Yah~ she's smart she get that to me" mommy Seulgi said pouting. Omo my mom is cute.

Aunt Irene raised her left eyebrow "Really? Who's the top 1/Valedictorian in our batch again?" She asked and mommy Seulgi pointed her fingers to aunt Irene.

"You.." mommy Seulgi said

"And your the one who always sent to detention and likes to play with the teachers. I still remember how you always gave headache Mrs. kim" aunt Irene with playful smirk in her lips.

"Yahh stop it Hyun you're embarrassing to me our daughter. I admit it now, she gets your brain and attitude" mommy Seulgi said pouting

Aunt Irene look at me and smiled to me. I did the same. "You're so beautif—" she was cut off when a beautiful woman like she's at the same age with Mommy Seulgi approached us.

"Irene! Seulgi! I didn't know you're here, you didn't even text me!" The woman exclaimed

"Seul didn't text you? I told her to inform you that we are here" aunt Irene said then looked at mommy Seulgi. Mommy seulgi just gave her cheekily smile.

"Mianhe I forgot" she said while scratching her nape.

"This bear, it's okay love"

Then the woman look at us "who's with you?" She asked

"They're Ryujin's friends, and Wendy! We have a good news to you! Our daughter she's with us" mommy Seulgi said excitedly before looking at me. My hands placing on the table I started to crack my knuckles, it's my bad habit whenever I got nervous.

"Really?! Where is she?" Ms. Wendy said

Mommy Seulgi and aunt Irene smiled to me "There she is, Yeji this is your aunt Wendy, she's our close friend. Wendy this is our daughter, Yeji" aunt Irene said.

I stood and went to aunt wendy to greet her. "Hello aunt Wendy! I'm Hwang Yeji" I said and bowed to her

She then hug me and I hug her back "Hi Yeji! I'm your aunt Wendy or call me aunt Wannie !I miss you so much! You grown up! You're taller to your mommy seul. They really can't deny that you are their daughter. Just look at you! You have your mom eyes and your face shape you got it from you mommy Irene!" She said after we pulled out from hug.

"Yeah, that's what they say" I said smiling to her

"Irene ah, Yeji got the bad habit of Seulgi. I saw her earlier cracking her knuckles." Aunt wendy said laughing.

"I saw that too! But it's okay for now, I'll let it pass" Aunt Irene said

"You know what? Your mommy Seulgi used to do that but it stopped when your mommy Irene always scold her for that. I know she'll do the same to you" aunt Wendy said whispering the last part.

"Wannie, our food is here! Come and join us" mommy Seulgi said

"I can't, I have to check other customers. Eat well and since Yeji is here it's on the house! I'll get going see you later in Christmas Eve! Bye guys" aunt wannie said then waved to us before walking away from our table.

"She's so cool mommy" I said looking at my parents.

"Yes, she really is." Mommy Seulgi said

"They're partner in crime sweetie, she's your mommy Seulgi detention buddy" aunt Irene said

I chuckled at the thought of mommy Seulgi and aunt Wannie being in detention room. Since I'm part of student council I need to be a role model to other students. That's why I'm cautious when it comes to my action.

Right after we ate aunt Irene received a message. "The results are out" she said before looking at me. I'm so nervous right now, I mean if they are really my parents then I need to hear the side of my Dad. Since it's family matter, Ryujin and yuchaelia went to Kang residence while the three of us went to the hospital. Our trip was silent until my phone beep.

It's a message from Ryujin.

Don't be nervous, relax baby! Everything will be okay, I love you so much. Take care!❣️

I smiled when I read her message. I replied to it.

Okay. I love you too! Don't let the kids stay in the kitchen, especially Lia, they will empty the fridge😂

I sent it and I immediately got reply.

Oh? We are eating already hehehe you didn't tell me sooner. We'll be waiting for you here. Take care!

I chuckled at her reply how can I forgot? She's also loves to eat.

"Who is that baby?" Aunt Irene asked me

I turn to looked at her "it's Ryujin mommy" I said

Her eyes widened when I called her mommy.

"Wha-what?" Mommy Irene stuttering said

I sweetly smiled to her "Mommy, you're my mother right? Yo-you don't want?" I said while pouting

She teared up "Ofcourse I want it, I want it to hear from you since you was born. It feels so good" mommy Irene said while wiping her tears.

I saw mommy Seulgi smiling ear to ear.

"I love you mommy Seulgi, I love you mommy Irene" I said holding their hands.

"We love you too so much sweetie" they both said in unison.

We arrived at the hospital and the doctors told us to come to his office. He's holding the paper that will proof if they're my parents or not.

"Ms. and Ms. Kang, the result are...." he paused for a moment looking at us. Is it really required to give us intense moment before saying the result? I thought it only happens in movies.

"99.9% She's your daughter. Congratulations Ms. Kang and Ms. Bae" the doctor smiled to us. They both hug me.

We spent the entire day bonding together. It feels like I'm really complete now. After we ate our dinner, we went inside the car and mommy seulgi is the driver while mommy irene is sitting beside me. On our way back home we are singing along in the song that playing in the radio. I felt my phone vibrated indication that someone text me. I unlocked the screen to see who is it.

From: My Daddy❣️
I'm going there Yeji. Don't tell them that I'm coming.

I read the message and didn't reply. I hide my phone again in my pocket.

"Why sweetie?" Mommy Irene asked

"Nothing mommy" I said smiling to her

I hope that wouldn't do something bad.

Enjoying the story? I'm going to publish another chapter tomorrow! Thank you for reading this! I really appreciate it.❤️

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