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The two was on their way to Shin's restaurant. Their travel was filled with laughters and teasing, Yeji and Yuna are happy in their own lives. The two reached the VIP room of the restaurant where Mr. and Mrs. Shin waiting for them with Mr. Hwang. Yeji opened the door for Yuna to first enter the room then followed her. Mr. and Mrs. Shin welcomed the two with hugs and kisses.

Yeji was shocked when she saw her father. "D-daddy?" Yeji said then she hugged her father tightly and Mr. Hwang hug her daughter too.

"I thought you'll spending another month in europe?" Yeji asked her father.

"This is more important Yeji" Her dad says

Before Yeji could ask again the food came and they are all started eating. While they eating Yuna sharing her moments on championship game and how they won.

"I guess you're captain really did well. She leads you to win" Mr. Shin said amused at Ryujin they way Yuna described her to them.

"Yes, she is. She's also a hardworking student. Top student in their batch" Yeji said

"I see" Mrs. Shin said

Yeji noticed that her father is quiet since the dinner started. "Dad? Are you okay?" Yeji asked her father

"I am, I'm just tired" her father lied.

The truth is Mr. Hwang is thinking about the arranged marriage. He knew about Ryujin and Yeji's relationship, he saw the happiness that he never saw before in Yeji. He supported them but he need to repay the kindness of the Shin to them. He really thought that Yeji is inlove with Yuna since she's so caring when it comes to the younger girl.

"So, let's talk about the plans for the wedding" Mrs. Shin started making Yuna and Yeji confused.

"Who's going to get married?" Yuna asked

"Yeji, you're the only person we trust in our Yuna so please take care of her. We know you will love her forever" Mr. Shin said while looking at Yeji almost pleading.

Yeji isn't dumb even though they didn't answer Yuna's question she know what they mean. She's going to marry Yuna.

"And our business is starting to fall that's why we need to merge our companies" Mrs. Shin added

Yuna and Yeji exchanging glances to each other not knowing how will they get out to this situation.

"You want our company to help you? By marriage?" Yeji said calmly although she really wants to freaked out

"Yes" the couple said

"Is there another way to help you guys without us getting married?" Yeji asked once again

"Apparently this is the only way" Mr. Shin said

"What's the matter? Yuna is inlove with you and Yeji you don't have girlfriend so what's wrong?" Mrs. Shin said that makes Yeji more confused

"I'm sorry but I can't marry Yuna, I have a girlfriend already" Yeji said sternly

"Mom Dad, I'm not inlove with Yeji anymore. I have girlfriend too" Yuna said that make her parents angry.

"Then dump them. You don't want them to get hurt right? Yuna, you know what I can do right? So you better listen to me or else you will never see that girl alive same with you Yeji" Mr Shin angrily said

Yeji looked at her father asking for help but...

"We need to repay the kindness of the Shin Yeji, and it's for your own good too. You will learn to love each other" Her father said that make Yeji pissed.

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