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Yeji's POV
     After I walked Ryujin to her class I went to my class too. As I entered the room I saw Lia tapping at her phone, she notice me when I sit in my chair.

"What's up? You seem in a bad mood?" Lia said

"I'm not really in the mood" I said plainly said without looking at Lia.

"Why? Something happen? It's about the dinner right? What happen?" This time I looked at her.

Should I tell her? Definitely Yes she's our friend and maybe she could help

"Uh... Yes, something happen. I'll tell you later at lunch" I said cause I saw our teacher entered the room.

Lia just nodded.

I've been thinking a lot about Ryujin. Should I end things with her? I don't want her to get hurt but I don't want to lose her also. She make me happy and brave, she makes me feel loved. Argh why it has to be this way? Why life is so unfair?

I felt someone is shaking me "Yeji, morning class is over. Now tell me what happen?" I didn't notice that the class has ended already due to my thoughts. I'll just borrow Lia's notes.

I sighed "Me and Yuna are going to marry each other for the sake of the business" I said as I frown

"What?! Have you told this to Ryujin?"

"No, I can't tell right now. Uncle Shin said that he'll kill Chaeryeong and Ryujin if we didn't listen to them. I can't lose her Lia, I love her so much" I said and my tears started to fall.

"Yeji, I know it's really hard but you need to be strong. We'll get through this okay?" Lia said then hug me so tight.


Lia and Yeji walked out of the classroom and went to the cafeteria.

"Have you recorded it?" The person asked the other person who's holding a phone.


"I will break you Shin Ryujin"

The two immediately spotted Chaeryeong and Ryujin eating their food while laughing. Yeji and Lia joined them after they bought their lunch.

"Yeji unnie, where's Yuna? She's not answering my calls nor replying to my messages" Chaeryeong asked Yeji quickly after she take her sit.

"Don't worry about her. She just woke up late" Yeji said before eating her lunch.

"Oh okay but wh——" chaeryeong was cut off when Yeji spoke again.

"She will be here any minute now" Yeji said

And with that.

"BABYY!" Yuna yelled from the entrance of the cafeteria that make everyone turn their attention to them. Yuna ignored it and run towards the older girl hugging her tightly.

"I miss youuu" Yuna said making Chaeryeong blushed.

"We just saw each other yesterday. So why?" Chaeryeong replied

Yuna glance at Yeji before answering Chaeryeong and Ryujin saw it, she feel that there's something between the two.

No, Yeji loves me so much. She wouldn't cheat on me. Ryujin thought taking the positive side cause she really have faith on Yeji.

"I miss youu" Yuna said and then whisper something to chaeryeong

"Let's go to your condo later" Yuna huskily said that made Chaeryeong blush again.

"Gross" Lia said in disgust

"Boo! Find a boyfriend so you can relate to us small bean" Yuna said teasing Lia

"Yah but this small bean has a big brain and intelligent than you!" Lia fired back

Yuna look at Chaeryeong shaking her slightly asking for help.

"She's right Yuna so study hard" Chaeryeong said

"Yah! You're so mean!" Yuna said angrily but instead of being scared to her they all laugh at her reaction. It's because she look like a kid whining cause she didn't get what she wants. But the whole squad just laugh at her and they continue to eat.


Ryujin's POV
     I hug Yeji from behind put my chin on her shoulder while she's cooking something that smells so delicious.

"What are you doing?"

"Cooking beef stew, now sit in the dining and wait for me okay? It will be ready and serve in 5 minutes"

"Do you need help?"

"Just arrange the plates love"


I pulled out from hug and start to arrange the plates. After I finish doing it, Yeji is also done in cooking. She served the beef stew and put some rice and my plate. This fast few days Yeji is extra sweet and caring to me, she will always cook for me, fetch me, and often sleep in my house. She always make me feel loved and secured.

While we're eating I ask her a question.

"Yeji, why are you doing this? You've been extra sweet and caring to me"

Yeji looked at me lovingly before answering that made me blushed "Am I not allowed to serve my girlfriend? I love you Ryujin that I will do anything just to make you happy. Even if you're my girlfriend now I will still court you forever. You're the only one I love Ryujin always remember that. No one will own this mind and heart of mine except you. No matter what happen I'm always yours" Yeji heartedly said that makes me teared up.

"But why it feels like you're saying goodbye to me indirectly?" I asked her.

Yeji pulled me in a hug and planted a kiss on my temple. "No, I love you, I want to marry you right now. I'm going to fight for you Ryujin, for us and all I want you to do is be with me until the end okay?" She said it makes me confused and want to ask for more but I decided to keep it to myself.

I hug her back tightly and "We will fight and protect each other Yeji. You're not the only one who's going to fight for this love." I pause for moment and look to her face only to see that she's already staring at me. "I love you Hwang Yeji" I said and gave her a warm smile.

"I love you too Shin Ryujin" Yeji said and she started to lean closer. I close my eyes and wait our lips to meet each other. When our lips met I wrapped my arms around her neck and hers was in my waist. The passionate kiss turns to intense make out before we go further I pulled out gasping for air.

"We should eat before I eat you" Yeji said and then winked at me

"Pervert! Not in front of the food Yeji" I said while taking a sit and start eating. She seat next to me and start eating too we are talking about random topics until we finished eating. Yeji insist that she's the one who will wash the dishes I try to stop her but she's stubborn so I let her.

Short update! Sorry it took me long enough to update cause I'm really busy. I just enrolled in my dream school btw guys I'm first year college student, our class will start on August 3. Hope you enjoy the story. I will try to update tomorrow. Again Thank you for reading this story❤️

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