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Today is the day that Ryujin is waiting for. She prepared all the things that they needed, place, food and also her plans for making Yeji fall for her again. They're going to Paris since the project is going to be held there, the project is all related to the clothing company that Mr. Hwang owned and soon it will be Yeji's. This project is far from Ryujin's enterprise, her company is about building and construction so Mr. Hwang refuses her offer first but then agreed in the end. No one can resist her charms.

She's already at the airport waiting for Yeji's appearance. She kept looking at her wrist watch, too early. 6:30 am and their flight is 8:00 am. She's really excited that she came early.

"Yeji will probably arrive here at 7:30" Ryujin mumbled to herself as her sight leave the wrist watch. She played in her phone for awhile to ease the boredom she's feeling. As what Ryujin predicted Yeji came at exact 7:30 am. She looked at the girl wearing a simple white tshirt that tucked in her skinny jeans paired with nike shoes.

As Yeji walking towards her Ryujin felt like she's a camera that her focused is only on the girl walking with a suitcase.

She just stared at the older girl "Hi?" Yeji awkwardly greet Ryujin

Ryujin blinked many times "a-ah Hello! Where's Yuna?" she greeted back cheerfully while patting the seat beside her, signaling Yeji to sit with her.

Yeji took the seat "At our house, I don't want her to see me leaving. I might back out if I saw her cry" Yeji casually said

At Yeji's answer, Ryujin want to frown but she can't cause Yeji is looking at her. She had no choice to kept that smiling face.

"Yeah, Right"

"Don't you have boyfriend or girlfriend?" Yeji asked

"I don't have one" Ryujin said

"Really? Why?" Yeji asked again, her curiosity is killing her.

Ryujin didn't response at first.

Cause someone already owned my heart. She owned this heart, Hwang Yeji owned me.

"I hadn't found the right person yet plus I'm busy running the company" she said

"Do you have ex or past lover? You're beautiful" Yeji asked again and Ryujin blushed at the last words.

"I have"

"What happened?"

Ryujin was about to say something when they heard their flight being called. The two exchange looks and grabbed their suitcase.

They reached the other side of the world  safe and sound. While on the car the two were seating at the back seat admiring the beauty of Paris at night through window.

"Is it your first time here?" Yeji asked still looking at the window.

Ryujin turned to looked at her "No, are you?" she said asking also Yeji.

"Yes, This place is beautiful, I hope I'll be able to bring her here again with me" Yeji said softly before she turned her gaze to Ryujin.

Ryujin felt the pain once again. "Really? When we have free time I'm going to show you the best places here!" she said cheerfully hiding the pain.

Yeji nodded and smiled to her widely.

They reached the house where they will be staying for awhile until the project is finish. (It's the house they used in Paris en itzy)

"Welcome to my house, I'm sorry it's not modern as your house in korea" Ryujin said opening the door letting Yeji entered the house first.

"No, it's beautiful. I love the simplicity" Yeji said while her eyes scanning the house.

Ryujin sit in the sofa looking at Yeji who's busy admiring the interior design of the house.

This house is ours, I build this for you. For our future family but I guess this will be a gift if you'll get married to Yuna and have kids to her. Ryujin shake her head trying to push the thoughts away. She doesn't want to be negative, Ryujin knew that she will make Yeji fall in love with her again.

"Are you okay?" She heard Yeji say, her gaze turned to the older girl with a worried expression.

"I'm okay, if you're hungry there's ready to eat food in the kitchen and We are both tired so take a rest I'll bring you to the beach tomorrow" Ryujin said

"Really?! I can't wait!" Yeji said excitedly squealing "But where's my room?" she asked grinning to Ryujin.

Ryujin chuckled at Yeji's cuteness "come on I'll show you"

Yuna's POV
                First day without Yeji is really boring, I'm all alone at our house and I still haven't received a message or call that they landed safely. I'm starting to get worried, I'm about to dial aunt Irene number when foreign number appear on my screen, calling me. This must be Yeji.


"Love! We already landed here, How are you? Don't skip meals okay?"

"That's good to hear love, don't worry I'm fine, I promise I will. I miss you so much"

"It's just a month, just don't mind the date and time. I miss you too love! I miss your kisses and hugs"

"Take care there love, I have to go to work now. I love you baby"

"Oh okay, take care! I love you more my soon to be wife" Yeji said that make me smile. I still can't believe that I'm going to marry her, in just months I'll be Mrs. Hwang. Just the thought of having her surname is enough to make me smile all day and fantasized our wedding.

I hang up the call and do my morning routine. After I finished I grabbed my keys and go to my car. I went to the company and walked directly to my office. When I opened the door someone grabbed me inside and closed the door hurriedly, I was pinned against the door and a lips was smashed to mine kissing me passionately. Her lips leave mine and start planting wet kisses on my neck. I got a chance to inhale her perfume, that familiar perfume.

"I miss you so much" she said as she kissing my neck softly.

Chaeryeong, I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss her too. But then I remember how she cheated on me. I push her and sat on my office chair. She took the sit in front of my table, she's more beautiful now, more matured. I looked away when I saw the smirk in her lips.

"What are you doing here? And how did you get in?" I asked while fixing the folders in the side.

"Our company has connection to each other that's why. I'm here to see you because I miss you" she bluntly said

"Well, I don't so you may go now" lies.

"You still mad about what happened in the past when you didn't even let me explain to you what really happen that night" Chaeryeong said that made me look at her again.

"Then explain now" I firmly said

"Well-uh.... I didn't cheated on you. That girl, Nako I have known her for long time already, we're friends before I even met you. Then she confessed to me but I rejected her because I already fallen inlove with you that time. She stopped talking to me and I did the same, I thought she moved on from me but I was wrong"  Chaeryeong paused for a moment "That night, she set me up. Nako put some drug on my drink and asked the waiter to give it to me. And when the drug started to kick in I began to lose myself and after that I didn't remember what happened anymore. I just woke up seeing you crying. And it hurts me really bad that I caused a lot of pain to you—" I didn't let her finish I rushed towards her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't let you explained to me. I let my anger took me. I'm really sorry Chaeryeong" I said apologizing to her.

"I'm sorry too Yuna, if I didn't being careless then it won't happen." She said hugging my waist tightly burying her face to my chest.

"You really forgive me?" She asked

"If you forgive me too then I will" Chaeryeong look at me smiling widely.

"You're forgiven. Does it mean we're back together again?" She asked that made me caught off guard

Online class are keeping me busy :(

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