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"What are you doing here?" Ryujin coldly said making the other person chuckle.

"Am I not allowed to visit my cousin?" The person said. Ryujin open the door widely letting the person come inside. They went inside and Ryujin sit in on of the sofa while the other is just standing.

"Stay away from Yeji, On Foundation day I will make a move to her. So please give way" the person said in demanding tone that make Ryujin smirked.

"Stop it Yuna, She's only mine and I won't let someone steal her from me. And even if you court her you know I won't allow you to do that" Ryujin response calmly, she doesn't want to ruined her day.

Yuna just look at her in disbelief, she's shocked to this side of her cousin. This is the first time she saw this side of Ryujin. Their father were siblings, they were so close at each other during their little days. They treat each other like a siblings cause they're only child of both family. But eversince Ryujin's parents died she shut Yuna out and everytime they passed at each other they will just ignore the other existence as if they're no related to each other. That's also the reason why students in their campus didn't know that they were cousins.

"I kn—"

"Good, now leave" Ryujin said firmly making the younger stomped her feet and walk out. She even heard Yuna saying I hate you, Ryujin just chuckled she really likes teasing the younger girl.

The Foundation day has come and every students are busy roaming around the campus, trying all the booths they see. There are marriage booth, horror booth, jail booth, art booth, photography and many more. The booth of Industrial Engineering students are called Math escape, they really put an effort to this cause they don't want to dissapoint Yeji. The game is kinda easy, they didn't put hard questions about math all you have to do is answer it mathematically or logically and escape the came as fast as you could. Many students like the game that's way they are leading now on top board.

Yeji lied when she answer the question of Ryujin's classmate. The truth is she'll be busy preparing something for Ryujin, she will confess today her love for Ryujin in front of everyone. Even though she have a chance that she might reject her. Yeji told Lia about her plan, sadly Lia can't come because of the theater presentation for Foundation Day. She didn't bother to told Yuna since the younger told her that their leader don't want her to leave the booth on Foundation day. But despite of that she still have the council members who's helping her in preparation.

Yeji is walking towards to gate to get the bouquet of flowers she ordered when she receives a message from lia.

Goodluck for today! I know she feel the same way! Fighting Yeji! ;-)
Ps. Make sure to have a high quality video okay?
Love youu!

Yeji just smiled at the text, knowing she have a supportive friend it boosting her confidence more. She already got the flowers and going back now at the place where it will be held. At the garden. While walking some students are looking at her and the other are greeting her and she will flashed a smile to them greet them also making them squeal.

To students who saw Yeji holding a bouquet of flower with blooming face are enough to make them realized that she's up to something. It spread like wildfire around the campus. Yuna heard it also that's why she immediately leave the booth and find Yeji.

Yeji's POV
Everything is settled now. Ryujin's presence is all we're waiting. I already texted chae won to get Ryujin. While waiting for her I can't help but to feel nervous because this is the very first time I'll confess my love for someone, cause Ryujin is my first love tho. I felt my phone vibrated, I checked it to see the message of chae won that they're almost there.

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