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Ryujin's POV
Me and Yeji are currently eating our lunch with the girls while having a conversation. After I became Yeji's girlfriend we are all having lunch together, Lia is most talkative but she's quiet while eating. She's also my friend now, Lia is a good person same as Yeji and Yuna. Her family is also rich, in fact they ranked 4 in the most successful company in korea along with Chaeryeong company. The good thing about them is although they're rich they always keep their feet on the ground and kind to others, well except the people who don't like them.

"Ryuddaeng" Yeji called me

"What?" I asked

"After your game tomorrow Yuna and I need to see her parents" Yeji said looking at me.

"It's okay, I understand" I said although I'm having a bad feeling about this I just can't point out what is it. Maybe I'm just being delusional since I knew that Yuna is inlove with Yeji before. I don't know if Yuna don't have feelings for Yeji anymore but based on her actions towards Chaeryeong it says all.

"Thank youu Ryuddaengg" Yeji said then hugged me from side and kissed my cheeks. I just smiled at her and we continue to eat.

"We have brainstorming later after class, I just want to lay on my bed all day!" Lia said after she finished her food.

"I didn't knew you had a brain in that thick skull of yours" I said trying to tease her. Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryeong laugh loudly at what I said while Lia glaring at me angrily.

"Yah you piece of shit!" Lia said acting like she was really pissed.

"You look angry dumpling unnie" Yuna said that make us laugh more. Lia began to stand on her sit so I grabbed Yuna and ran.

"See you later Yeddeong!"

"See youu chaeee!"

"IF I CAUGHT YOU I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" We heard Lia shouted, Yuna and I laugh loudly while running some students staring at us like we just escaped from asylum. We reached the gymnasium and prepare ourselves for the last practice.

Yuna's POV
The last day of our practice went well, tomorrow is a big day for us. Everyone will be watching so chaeryeong too, I will make her impress to me tomorrow. As days goes by I found myself falling for her, well just like what I've said it's not hard to fall for her. She always take care of me, we always go to school together, bring me home safely. I feel safe and loved with her.

"Yuna! You're going home?" Nina asked me

"Yeah" I responded

"May I take you home?" She asked politely. I'm about to answer but someone answered her already.

"No and never. Let's go Yuna" Chaeryeong sternly said while she grabbed my things and pull me towards the parking lot.

Her grip on my wrist is so tight that it hurting me. "Chae, let me go it hurts" I said trying to remove her hand on my wrist. When we reached her car chaeryeong push me against the car door that made the car alarm turn on.

Dang it hurts!

"What's up to you!" I yelled at her and I swear this is the first time I got scared to chaeryeong. She's looking at me angrily.

"You're only mine Yuna! Mine alone! So don't dare to fall inlove with someone else!" She yelled at me making me flinched. I don't know what to do I'm scared so I hugged her tightly and somehow I felt her body softened she hugged me back while kissing my forehead.

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