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In the cafeteria

Yeji and her bestfriends are happily eating their lunch while chatting with each other. Even though sometimes they're not have the same class they make sure that they will eat their lunch together.

"Yeji unnie don't you have meeting with the council?" Yuna asked me before sipping to her milktea

"Unfortunately I have, 2:00 pm so I'm excuse in class. It makes me sad since my next class is math" I said and pouted, I really love Math.

"Nahh even if you don't attend class you'll be able to perfect the exams. Damn Yeji unnie can you give me some of your braincells?" Yuna said and her last sentence made me chuckled.

"Yuna there's only one thing you could do, focus on the lesson and pay attention on what your teacher says" I said as I finished my lunch and drink my water

"Yah it's not my fault that their voice is like a lullaby to me that made me sent to sleep" Yuna said that made me laugh. I notice Lia is being quiet then I look at her to see that she's busy eating her food.

"She rather focus on her food than talk to us" Yuna said as if she read my mind

I just nodded in response. Yuna and I talked that make us laugh until we heard Lia.

"I'm so full" she said while tapping her stomach

"Enjoying the food huh?" I said

"Yeah the food is so delicious" she said

We heard the bell ring indicating that lunch time is over. Lia bid her goodbye and walk to her next class. I walked Yuna to her class and we stop at the door of her classroom.

"So Yuna I have to go now and listen to your professor very well" I said and pinched her cheeks. She's so cute. I'm about to walk but she held my wrist and made me look at her once again. I look at her with confusion.

"Um Yeji-unnie are you going to watch my game?" Yuna asked shyly

"Ofcourse Yuna! We'll be watching your game. Promise" I said and this time I gave a light squeeze on her nose. She just grinned and kiss my cheeks before going inside their classroom. I smiled at her gesture, it makes me happy. I looked at my wrist watch and its already 1:15. On my way going to council room, I heard a music playing inside the dance room. I took a peek inside of it and I saw a girl who's dancing so elegantly. I look at her face and it was the girl who I bump earlier she's wearing our pe uniform, based on the color of it I can tell that she is belong to 2nd year class.

I was so immerse at her dancing that I lost my balance and fell that cause opening the door widely and loud thud can be heard. I hissed because of my clumsiness, I look at her and she's already sending me scary glare as if I disturb a very special time of her.

"Mianhe" I said and bowed to her. I looked at her again but she's not saying anything. "I'll go now and I'm really sorry" I quickly leave the place and proceed to council room once I reached the room I sat in one of the chair and held my chest. My heart is beating rapidly, what is this feeling? Arghh but I find her mysterious. Nah don't think about her Yeji just do your assignment on physics. I take my notebook and pen out of my bag and start to working on it. i just finished my assignment on time because the Jihyo unnie our president and others just came.

"You're early Yeji" Jihyo unnie said

"I'm always the early bird here Jihyo unnie" I said and smiled and wink at her

"Pffft you are winking like a maniac" I heard Lisa unnie said that made me look at her, she's teasing me again.

"Unlike you , you are a real pervert" I retorted

"Only for Jennie and atleast I have a girlfriend and you don't have" she said and sticking out her tongue

We start bickering at each other

"You—-" Jihyo unnie cut me off

"If you two don't stop I will make you clean the school for a week" Jihyo unnie sternly said and with that we stop. Lisa unnie and I looked at each other and then laugh. We are always like this. The others also laugh at us.

"Aish these two crackheads. Okay here's our agenda for today" Jihyo unnie start the meeting and we listen to her attentively. She discuss the programs that we will be having this year and how the the programs will flow. After hours the meeting is now dismissed. I look at my wrist watch and it's already 5:02 pm, I'm sure Yuna is waiting for me I promise to her that I will take her home from now on.

"Yeji ah want to join us? We'll be eating at the new cafe" Nayeon unnie offered

"I'm sorry unnie but Yuna is probably waiting for me, I'm going to take her home" I said and get my bag

"Okay, but next time you have to join us okay?" Jihyo unnie said

"Yes unnie, I'll go now unnies byee" I waved my hand, before I run I heard Lisa unnie say "Bring your future girlfriend safely!" I just laugh at her and continue to ran. When I reached the parking lot I already saw Yuna who's waiting for me beside my car. I walked to her silently and she didn't notice me, I  cover her eyes using my palms.

"Hey! Who is this?" Yuna said while trying to remove my hands.

"It's me your one and only hwang yeji" I said and then remove my hands. I opened the door for her and she sit in  the shotgun seat and then I quickly go to driver seat. "Let's you home?" I said and smiled to her widely. She just nodded and smiled back to me. We arrived at her house and I opened the door of my car for her.

"See you at school Yuna. Eat your dinner and sleep early okay?" I said as I pull her for embrace, she hugged me back and hid her face on the crook of my neck.

"I will, you too and have a safe drive" I heard Yuna said we pulled out from hug and before I leave I make sure that she's inside of her home. After that I went home.

I parked my car and went inside of our house. I can smell the food for dinner, I go to my room to change clothes first

"Ms. Hwang the dinner is ready" one of our maid said and I just nodded in response. After I change my clothes, I went down and eat my dinner.

I'm laying on my bed right now and staring at ceiling, thinking about what happened today. That mysterious girl, I can't get her out of my mind. Is she always like that? Not smiling.

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