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Yeji's POV
After we ate our dinner we gather at the living room. We are sitting at sofa while waiting for them to speak. I'm still confused, I need an answer. Maybe aunt Irene is the reason why mommy Seulgi and Daddy broke up. But why Daddy told me that my mom is dead? Did he really hate mom cause she choose to be with aunt Irene? I don't know. This is wrong, I'm thinking wrong. I don't know what happen in the past so I don't have the right to judge anyone especially aunt Irene. I must listened to them first.

Seulgi's POV
I'm looking at my wife now, holding her hand to comfort her. I know that it hurts her so much to ignore by our own daughter. This is all Jimin's fault.

"Seulgi and I met 22 years ago. We are happy couple back then until Jimin came to the picture. He likes Seulgi so much even though he knows that he don't have chance to her. He kept courting your mother until Seulgi propose to me and decided to marry each other. Jimin stop bothering us after the wedding. Two years later we decided to have our first child, we used the science to have you. I'm the one who carried you in my womb. We are both happy when I got pregnant and after 8 and a half months of waiting I gave birth to you. We are so happy that time that happiness isn't enough word to describe the our feelings that finally we have you in our life. We are complete family." Joohyun started to tell Yeji the beginning. I know she will cry any moment to I continue the story.

Flashback (20 years ago)
Irene just gave birth to her first child and it hurts but it's worth it. When she move to the private room, the nurse gave the baby to them. The couple looked at the baby the first thing Irene notice is the eye of her daughter.

"She got your eyes bear" Irene said before looking at her wife.

"I know when she grow up she will look like you" said Seulgi

"Let see but I doubt it. I have this feeling that she really look like you. I hope she doesn't get your slow brain" Irene said teasing her wife.

"Yah I'm not slow!" Seulgi said then frown

"Yeah you are, my slowgi" Irene said teasing her more

"I don't mind. I'm so happy baechu finally we have our daughter now. I love you so much Hyun thank you for giving birth to this beautiful creature. I promise I'll be more good wife and mother to her" Seulgi said while poking the cheek of the baby.

"And thank you for taking care of us. I know you'll be a great mother to her" Irene said then she kissed their daughter. Then Seulgi asked Irene if she could carry the baby, Irene gave the baby to Seulgi.

Seulgi stared at the baby. It's nice to have a daughter.

Their moment was interrupted when the nurse came back with form.

"Ms. Kang, write in this form the name of your baby. I need to get the baby back in nursery room" the nurse said politely

Seulgi gave the baby to the nurse and get the form. The nurse and their baby left the room leaving the couple alone.

"Yeji, I want her name to be Yeji" Irene said

Seulgi smiled "Okay, it's a beautiful name, Kang Yeji. It's perfect" she said then wrote down the name on paper.

After 2 weeks, Irene got discharged along with the baby. They went to their home happily while Seulgi carrying baby Yeji.

Seulgi opened the door of their mansion letting Irene to get in first before she and Yeji.

"Welcome home baby! This is our house! You love it? I'm sure you will love this! Do you want to see your room? Let's go upstairs" Seulgi said excitedly while walking upstairs with Irene clinging to her. They reached their baby's room.

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