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Hey guys! Wazzup errbody! Who's going to school this year? Always remember the golden rule. Don't cough, kidding. Keep safe everyone!

Yeji found herself standing in-front of Ryujin's room with Lisa. They're standing there for like 5 minutes already cause they kept pushing each other who will talk to the teacher since they know that professor is terror. Until one student notice them, she raised her hand and told the teacher that Yeji and Lisa are at the doorway. The professor look at them seriously until his eyes landed on Yeji and he smiles immediately. Ryujin want to puke on what she just had witnessed. She didn't expect that this old man has a crush to Yeji. "Who wouldn't be right? That's why she's the campus heartthrob"Ryujin thought.

"Come in Ms. Hwang and Manoban" he gracefully said signalling them to come inside the room.

"He has a crush on you Yeji ah" Lisa whispered to tease her while walking towards the center in front of the students. Yeji just rolled her eyes. They stop at the middle.

"We are just going to announce about Foundation day Mr. Lee" Yeji said and gave her smile to the old man.

Seriously? Is Yeji trying to flirt with our professor? Ryujin said to her mind. It's irritating her the sight of Yeji being smiley to their professor. This fast few days she always get jealous whenever Yeji is being sweet towards the other people, she hates it when someone suddenly cling their arms to Yeji's. If cutting someone arms isn't illegal she may have cut the arms of those girls already. But she kept it to herself only, she don't want Yeji to change her treatment to other people just because of her. She's being like this because she like Yeji or maybe she didn't like the older girl now, more likely she's inlove with Yeji. She's scared to confess, she's afraid that she may got rejected and worst ,lose her.

"Goodmorning Industrial Engineering students. We all know that every year we celebrated our Foundation day. For this year, you will create a booth entry and it will be project of each class. It is mandatory. The booth that will earned a lot of votes will have a prize and that's a surprise!" Lisa started some girls squealed because of Lisa's girlcrushing vibes. But the room went more loud when Yeji started to speak.

Ryujin just maintained her poker face and started cursing everyone in this room in her mind. I know my Yeji is so damn gorgeous can you guys keep it to yourself? Fuck you, all of you! She's only mine.

"And also we will be having a mini concert with boy band and it is a surprise also so be there okay? This year student council officer ensure that every students will enjoy the foundation day and it will be more happier this year. If you will register your booth just find me and Lisa unnie. Raise your hand if you have a question." Yeji politely said, many students raised their hands and Ryujin is not one of them. Yeji choose the girl sitting at the back.

"Unnie, if there's a marriage booth can I marry you?" The girl said making Ryujin's blood boiling and furrowed her eyebrow and Yeji saw it. Is that even a question? Ryujin thought. Yeji just chuckled at Ryujin's reaction.

"I'm sorry but I can't I have a duty need to do on foundation day and the best thing you can do for me is make your booth win okay? Don't dissapoint me" Yeji said while grinning and winked at the students. The students squealed loudly again and it irritated Ryujin more.

After Yeji and Lisa thanked Mr. Lee they went outside to announce to other rooms.

Yuna's POV
     I'm walking silently towards my next class. This few days I rarely see Yeji unnie, her duty on ssg is making her busy plus the projects in other subjects. Foundation day is in 4 days from now,I hope she's eating well and getting enough sleep. I was so lost on my thoughts until i bumped into someone so hard that make us fall on the ground.
The girl fell on top of me, her face is really close to mine that in just one push I'm sure we will kiss. She quickly got up and I do the same when I looked at her I realized that it was Chaeryoung.

"I'm sorry chae" I apologized to her because I know it's my fault I'm not looking at my way.

"It's okay" she looked at me and flashed a smile before leaving me. She look more beautiful today. Omg what am I thinking? I'm loyal to Yeji unnie. Speaking of Yeji unnie I've decided on foundation day I'll confess to her. I don't want anyone steal her away from me. I need to talk to Ryujin I know she likes my unnie too. I will make her leave Yeji unnie. I went  to my next class argh I can't wait to go home.
We heard the bell rang indicating that the class for today is over, I packed up my things and leave the room. I went to my lockers to put some books and then I saw Yeji unnie who's putting her books only. I used my hands to cover her eyes to prevent her from looking at me.

"Guess who?" I playfully said she just giggled before anawering me.

"Yuna ah, you're going home now?" She asked and I removed my hands from her eyes so she can fully see me. She watched me as I start putting my books that I don't need.

"Ne, my driver must be waiting for me" I replied

"Take care then and keep safe okay? I'm going to stay here cause we still need to check the booths" Yeji unnie said looking at me tiredly.

"Don't tire yourself too much okay? I have to go now bye unnie!" I bid my goodbye and then kiss her cheeks before running away. I went to the gate to see my car waiting for me, I get inside and told to my driver to bring me home.

Ryujin's POV
     I got home early cause our professor on our last period didn't came. I already texted Yeji that I went home early. She didn't reply yet maybe she's busy at the preparation for foundation day. I'm here at the living room of our house watching some korean drama, while eating popcorn. I heard the doorbell rang, chaeryoung didn't tell me that she would come over neither Yeji. Then who is it? I'm not really expecting a guest right now.

I opened the door and my mood changes to annoyed one when I saw the person.

"Hello there couz"....

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