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Ryujin's POV
    It's weekend means no class. I'm here at the house living room watching tv alone. Yeji told me that she's spending her weekend in Yuna, she also said that they're okay now and that's great but she never told me what's the reason why they fought. I didn't bother to ask tho cause I know it's none of my business.

I heard my phone rang, I look at it to see that it's chaeryoung who's calling. I picked it up and tap the answer button and placed it on my ear.

"What do you want?" I asked her coldly. I heard she chuckled before she replied

"Well hello too Ryu! Don't tell me you forgot?" She replied, the last sentence made me think, what did I forgot? I don't remember I have any plans for today.

"I don't remember anything" I replied boringly. I just want lay down on my bed all day since this week is kinda busy.

"You idiot! You promised to me that we will go for a shopping today!" Chaeryoung exclaimed that made me flinch and move away the phone to my ear. Then I returned it again on my ear when I don't heard her talking anymore.

"Fine, pick me up here." Then I hang up the call without waiting for her response. I change to white hoodie and pants and my balenciaga rubber shoes. While waiting for her I checked my phone if Yeji leave a message but none, she usually send me messages of her whereabouts. She's really enjoying her time with Yuna to the point that she forgot about me.

"Looks like you're killing someone on your mind" I didn't realized chaeryoung is already here because of my thoughts.

"Whatever chae, let's go" I went outside and let chaeryoung lock the door. I sit in shotgun seat of her car and wait for her. After she locked the door she went inside the car and drove off to the mall.

Yuna's POV
  Woking up in my Yeji unnie's embrace is the best feeling ever. She's still sleeping and I'm just staring at her beautiful face, her cat like eyes that always amazed me, her sharp nose down to her pinkish lips that I badly want to kiss right now but I have to stop myself I don't want to do that cause I'm afraid to risk our friendship. I know I'm inlove with Yeji unnie since I was 9 years old and she's 11 years old. It all started when Lia unnie kept teasing me that I had a crush on her cause I always protected her from bullies. From that moment I promised to myself I will protect her at all cost, but falling inlove with her wasn't included on my plan. Believe me I try my best to ignore the feeling but the more I hide it the more I kept falling inlove with her until I admitted it to myself that I'm inlove with my unnie, I'm inlove with Hwang Yeji. When I saw her being sad because of Ryujin, I swear want to punch her cause she make my unnie sad but I can't, I know Yeji unnie will get mad to me if I do that or worst ends our friendship. They way yeji unnie defended that girl to me hurts me so much, what hurts me more is unnie didn't even told me that they're friends already, I just knew it when she introduced Ryujin to us in cafe with the squad. I have this feeling that she had crush on my unnie too and I can't let her steal yeji from me.

I felt Yeji unnie moved so I came back to my senses. She slowly opened her eyes adjusting in the sunlight coming from my window. She cutely rubbed her eyes while yawning, I just chuckled at her cuteness.

"Goodmorning unnie!" I said as I kissed her cheeks.

"Goodmorning too Yuna" she replied with smile plastered on her lips.

"Let's go to the mall later unnie I want to buy new clothes and shoes" I said while sitting at the edge of the bed ,brushing my hair.

"Sure" she simply said and went back to her sleep again. She's always like this, waking up then sleep again. I went to the kitchen to cook our breakfast since the maids are gone cause during weekend it is the time for their family.

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